Nov 28, 2005 15:08
Dear live journal
Its me again, been a long time since I wrote I haven't kept up with my best buddy for so long. I'm doing really good in school I'm getting around a 3-3.5 gpa which is good. Work sucks but its after thanks giving so theres no more rush for a little bit until christmas which is in a few weeks starts up ugh. Me and Alysha haven't had an argument in a long time its so nice not fighting anymore. Everytime we fough not as much in the beginning of the relationship but as we grew together I started to feel it, like a chipping at a mountain with a pick axe, though with sweat, blood and tears you can build up that mountain build it up evern stronger then before. You know people think love makes relationships perfect, and I sit and you know I just have to concur. Love does do miracles it saves lives it drives people to do insane things for their loved ones but for a relationship, you need trust, you need commitment, you need communication, and then after those three can be fullfilled you find true love something that man cannot create but something that is brought about from......a conjoining of two people in every aspect imaginable and then a birth happens of the feelings, love.
I think me and Alysha have risen to that point the point where two people have reached unimaginable feelings, ones that will carry us and help us together. Though those wont just make the relatipnship even if we have found true love it still takes our effort to make it happen and continue to happen, once that effort is lost the relationship is lost. Which in its own is like shooting a white dove out of the sky. Alysha she, she is like nothing I've ever experienced before an angel, with wings of course, of course some of those wings are from me but thats being selfish it was her who first started and she needed some strength to finish. I helped her I sacrificed for her, and for me I am over fullfilled that I did because what came out from my sacrifice is somethign beyond your's or mine own imagining.
You know journal, christmas is coming up, I've never really bought anything for anyone because why should I? No one is thankfull for my gifts or when I give them something they say well I didn't get you anything or I don't know what to get you and now that you got me something I feel bad and have to get you something. Its so not amazing but beyond my reasoning of why someone can take such a selfless act and turn it into a selfish one. I just wish I understood why people do the things they do. It just doesn't make sense to me at all. Oh well one day I know I'll get my answer its just these posts that lead my on the road to finding the answer I know that for sure.
You know you might think the bridges from your friends are burned but then it just takes a moment or a few words to realize they never went done in the first place. Like a relationship with a girl you also have ones with your close friends and the bridges you create will last a lifetime if you let them but if you go and burn them down and intentionally do it then thats when you lose your friends. Its a wierd realization for and I wish I could explain it journal why these thoughts these words are pouring out of my head I wish there was an explanation to it all but there wont be. I know I can try and walk the path to find one as so many have done before me and I hope I can find the answer to this.
School has been going good I enjoy it alot its challenging for me and motivates me to do something in my life for myself finally. Maybe its because you know "I'm on my own and I'm an adult now so I should act liek one" type thing taking over or whatever but I like it. I can do things on my own decide what and when I want things. I love it.
Christmas can't wait. A time I will experience with a love one I have. And will forever have. I wish I had a formal list but mostly I just got some ideas I'll maybe make a short post about what I want for christmas later and get an offical one up and stuff but oh well. Well I put another build up of emotions on here for people to read have fun journal I'll post soon again hopefully.
Love you and indebted to you forever
For what you've done and just sat and listened journal
For that I am grateful just like the other things in my life.