Holy shit on a stick.

Dec 05, 2005 21:06


So here we go. This is "lately."

Some things...

- I didn't get to meet Paul McCartney at the book signing a few weeks ago. I didn't even get to see him walk in/out of the building. As a matter of fact, I didn't even get the book (although I paid for it and planned to return it) and I got a parking ticket.

-/+ I went to the Red Carpet Boutique with jinxeddotcom that same day. I was hoping that we would get goodie bags but I guess we had to pre-register first. We didn't buy anything either but we did get some free food and drinks.

-/+ Bryan and I went to go see The Clientele a few days later and it was a really boring show. Every band that played seemed very uninspired and bored, which naturally transferred over to the crowd. Or at least to Bryan and I. We ended up going back to the hostel he was staying at, getting drunk, and then having sex in the bar/lounge area. Yes, we got walked in on.

-/+ I hung out with Andrea for the first time in awhile. It was uneventful. We went to Target, didn't buy anything, and then I had to rush to drop her off so I could go pick up paulflorez from the airport. I got a goodnight kiss out of her though. She's a great kisser.

+ Speaking of Victor, I got to hug him when I picked him up. And then we talked the entire ride home, watched The Omen, and fell asleep together. I seriously love him. Best snuggle buddy in the entire universe. I also got to meet his parents and sister the next day. Family = keen.

- I miss him.

+ I saw Fiona Apple with paleseptember81 and she was absolutely amazing. She's so neurotic that I wanted to fucking hug her. Also, Sarah is adorable. I hope we can hang out more often.

-/+ Thanksgiving was all about family drama (my aunt told off my dad, my mom got embarrased and told off my dad on the way home, I had to jump in and tell them both to pipe down, then I told off my dad). I also got to knit and talk to my cousin Kristan, who I miss/ed.

++ I saw PAUL MCCARTNEY in concert last week. He was absolutely beautiful. I went without a ticket (and consequently, with a cardboard sign) and was positive that I'd end up with nosebleed seats and not get in there until well after he went on. I had my ticket within five minutes and I was a section off the floor (which means I didn't have to worry about seeing over tall people) in the first row, two sections from the stage. Now imagine how excited I was. I called my mom to tell her that I got in and ended the phone call with this: "Okay, I have to go to the bathroom now and cry." And I did. And he was amazing.

-/+ I hung out with Rocky the other day. We went out to dinner and we were having a good time/conversation until he tried to kiss me. He never respects my boundaries. Like the time we hung out before that - I told him I didn't want to have sex, I just wanted to sleep next to someone but he fucking tried to anyway. It's not cool and I don't appreciate it at all. He was like that when we were together too. Sometimes I wish we were always just friends instead of well, whatever the fuck we are now.

Some other things...

- I am not happy with Tris. I absolutely love him but I never get to see him, he's petty & passive aggressive, he's classist, and he's not emotionally available. Then again, neither am I and I've already cheated on him countless times. Obviously, everything is wrong in that situation. I just want to fucking love him and have a normal functioning relationship but I don't think that's going to happen. I'm just waiting for one of us to get fed up enough to leave the other one. How depressing is that? Very, trust me.

+ I love my cat.

+++ But the best thing is that I'm going to Seattle at the end of next week to go visit Jesse. I'm absolutely ridiculously excited, mostly because of two reasons - he's one of my best friends and I love him and also because I haven't really gone anywhere since Rocky & I went to San Francisco almost two years ago. I need to get the fuck out of here. It'll be a good break from this place.


list, los angeles, paul mccartney, family, ashes, tristan, paula, jesse, rocky, friends, seattle, victor

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