Until the day I can make my way back to Paddy's green shamrock shore.

Oct 17, 2008 16:52

I'm in an odd mood today. Good odd not bad odd, which is a good thing. I'm pretty sure.

I feel like the gears in my brain have been stuck for the past few days, and finally the gears are turning again.

On Monday, I was in such a shamble state that I called upon Red. For the next few days after that, red was all I see - anger rings in my ears, wrath consumes my soul. I don't remember much of what happened within those days, all I remembered was just vivid frustrations of reasons unknown. The world is dying and we are fighting for its inheritance instead of trying to get along. Why can't anyone see that, but me?

I just want to kill, or be killed, or possibly both. I had no patience. I had no tolerance. I had no calm, no peace of mind.

Each night, I went to bed and woke up with blood choking in my throat. The girl in the mirror looked back at me with wide hair and wild eyes, dried blood caked over half of her face. Quite scary, especially when you woke up from dreaming that you have just maimed someone.

I've had nosebleed every morning since the fire started on Sunday. I'm going through pillows like they were yesterday's underwear. Thank goodness I have lots of pillows. Lots.

I didn't have nosebleed this morning, which is an improvement. I still cannot breathe through my nose comfortably, though. Stuffy as all hell. 'Tupid sinus problems.


Trevor lent me I am Legend to watch this weekend. He said if I can watched 28 Days Later, I should be able to sit through I am Legend just fine. I told him that I sat though 28 Days Later with a pillowcase over my head, for the love of Murphy. I am Legend does not have the Cillian Murphy, therefore it can be an entirely different zombie entity.

So, I'll be watching I am Legend. Quite proud of myself for daring to try. Me and horror movies don't quite get along. But who knows - 28 yesterday, Legend today - maybe Saw V tomorrow?

Can you tell I'm feeling a bit bravado? Well, better "bravado" than "bloodlust" if I may say so.

On the other hand, I can't find It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown. I could watch A Charlie Brown Christmas, but...I feel it's a little early. Although, Griffith Park is starting to put up the Christmas light since yesterday.

Maybe I'll watch Nightmare Before Christmas instead.


Still discombobulate between stuffed up nose and sinus headache, but getting better. I hope all you'll have a peachy weekend. I've heard the weather is going to be beautiful.

spiritus sancti, 'tupid real life, dreamworld, dead like me

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