All your life, you were only waiting for this moment to arise.

Feb 27, 2008 13:37

You know, for the past few weeks, I have been on a roller-coaster of emotions.

I'm pissed off for no particular reason. I hate it when that happens. Outright rage is one thing; the deep fury seeping steadily into the core of my essence, like a dark shadow, without any good reasons is an entirely different deal.

I woke up cranky. Correction, I didn't want to wake up at all today.

A big black bird sat by my bedroom window. "Up. Up, up, up," it crowed. I finally got up to face the grinding daily chores. Still grumbling, I steered the Bonorum from its port.

Lo, and behold. The moon was bright against the morning sky offering a luminous smile and the crow flew across the blue from one tree to another, picking the berries from the palm tree. That is, if you call those things 'berries'.

Something told me that everything is going to be just fine.

I, sometimes, wake up in a jolly mood, but then, swing down the grumpy route as the day went on. I don't remember ever waking up cranky and spring up 180-degrees on the emotional meter. Maybe that will explain me waking up thinking, "Who are you? And what have you done with the other me?"

Then, I realized that I was not too fond of the 'other me'. I was bogged down by the conditions of reality and I moped around with a stick up my arse. I concentrated so much on what I cannot do, when I should be focusing on what I can do. I forgot to have fun.

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, the moods definitely have improved.

dreamworld, sekrit, eurika, back from beyond, nothing last forever, what happened last night?, new religion, ancora imparo, innately superior, good day

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