In a land called Hanalee...

Mar 30, 2007 10:17

I am being bombarded by three major pantheons.


Gabriel showed himself last night.

"What are you doing? Stop sticking your head into the ground and open your mind." He said.
"I am doing my best. I'm gong as fast as I can, alright?" I told him
"Not fast enough."
"Well, your messages are ambiguous. I don't understand it." I said to the Archangel.
"Well, get over it and open your mind."
"I don't know how."
"Figure it out!"

That's Saint Gabriel for you, folks. The angels are very wise but their communications are, as we called it, in riddles. Thousands and thousands of years in existence, their knowledge were accumulated. To them, they probably think that they are very specific. It's like trying to decipher a different language, unless you know the culture and their ways of life, you can't really understand the pattern unless you have the background to cross reference with. There are slang, and idioms, and the likes, that only experience can assist you in understanding. And I am only a little human with very limited knowledge and understanding of the universe. It is not easy! Do you hear me, angels? I'm trying my best!!

Think of it this way, if you never been exposed to the Monty Python skid and some body rolls a shopping cart pass you saying, "Bring out your dead." You would think that the person is playing by himself, or he is crazy. Now, if you were exposed to the Monty Python, then...You would get the joke.

HAHAHA! It's the Holy Grail skid!

See my point? I don't have thousands and thousands of years of universal knowledge to compute with. So, kick back, killer! I'm going as fast as my puny little brain can comprehend.


It may be my exposure to Stargate-SG1, these pass 2 weeks, that triggered this dreamscape. The Shabti are talking, again. "I am ready, here I am."

My exposure to the Shabti went back about 15 years ago when I learned of them - somewhere between Egyptian Arts class and the travel brochure to the Pyramid of Giza.

They, however, did not talk until about 2 years ago, when I went to see King Tut's exhibition at the Art Museum. Of all the treasures from Egypt being displayed, the pile of Blue-green Shabti caught my attention. Somehow, I feel at ease and comfortable around them, sort of weird inner peace. I think they are my friends, or maybe I was one of them.

"I am ready, here I am." I heard them say.
"I am ready, here *aih* am." I mocked them back in singsong voice.

I have been hearing the Shabti a few times these pass two weeks, each time a little louder than the last, and each time I'd mocked them with the same singsong voice as I did at the museum. "I am ready, here *aih* am."

Last night, something changed. The Shabti are not as playful as they normally are. I saw a flash of picture.

Imagine this; you are in some sort of elaborate ceremonial gown, there were some sort of ritual thing going on outside of the chamber. You turn to face a huge double-panel golden door.

"I am ready. Here I am." You heard yourself say. No singsong in the voice, no mockery in the tone. The manner was serious, yet, you felt serene and at peace.

The double-door opened, beam of light came in through the crack.

...and you woke up. The first thought that went through your mind was, "Ready for what?"

I heard the gentle voice of Shabti in the distance, almost at the edge of conscious, "I am ready. Here I am."

I don't understand it. Ready for what?


And there's chaos going on in the sky, astrology-wise. I don't know who is crashing with who and who is conjunct with whom. Heck, I don't know anything about the Planets and their effect, to be honest. But I have a feeling that one - or more - of the "Big guy" is using my voluptuous sexy arse as a soccer ball.

The universe is kicking my ass, people!


Also, somewhere in the sub-level program, Norse Mythology is slowing making itself known. Thor is watching, and I am keenly wary of his hammer.

While I already have too much on my hand, the last thing I need is the Thunder God thinking that I am not moving fast enough and start bonking his hammer on my melon-head.

Fortunately for me, it appears that he is kind and merciful enough to just stand back and watch the wolves kicking my ass.

"This, too, shall pass." He didn't say it, but I know the message was from him.


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