If you're looking for the unicorns, don't be forlorn, 2nd star to the right of the early morn.

Mar 29, 2007 13:32

WARNING: I'm going to talk crazy, again. Those of you who are able to decipher the message, give me a hug when you see me. Whitney needs some loving. Those of you who think I'm loony, give me a hug anyway. I'm going insane, for heaven’s sake!

Did somebody go retrograde in the cosmos world that I'm not aware of? I have a lot of inkling feeling at the base of my conscious to pause and review. It's some one heavy and solid: maybe Saturn or maybe Pluto?

Did you ever do something just out of reaction? Somebody dropped a sloppy joe and your quick hand just reach out and intercept it from the gravitational pull of the ground. And you are there looking at your sloppy joe messy hand, thinking "now, why the hell did I do that?"

Yeah, feel kind of like that.


There are power issues going on with me right now, definitely.

For what ever reason, I am not comfortable with the idea of having power. I'm still struggling with the idea that power, itself, is NOT the source of all evil. Yeah, try waking up and having to convince yourself that every fridging morning.

With great power comes great responsibility.

Power becomes evil when the wielder does not weight consequences properly. There has to be a great balance between self-preservation and sacrificing-martyr. Any minuscule tip of the scale will result in an enormous catastrophe. And that could be the downfall of the wielder, or of the civilization itself.

Face it, power is a scary thing. I'd much prefer to take the back seat, you know, being the man behind the throne and not the one sitting on it. However, I cannot grow if I never leave the backseat. So, little by little, I am learning to take responsibility. Think of me as a teenager who is trying to define herself and, at the same time, learning to take responsibility for her individuality and how it affects the big picture as a whole.

Still, I know what I am capable of, and until I have my moral under control, I am tip-toeing around the Pandora Box that contains the full extend of my own Power for the fear that whatever it is inside the Pandora Box will consume me. As Oscar Wilde said I can resist anything but temptation. So do I, Mister Wilde, so do I.

Oh God, my Lord, please do not tease me with temptation. I will fail. And you also will be disappointed. So, please protect me from temptation for now, until I am wiser and more ready. In nomine patris, et filii, et spiritus sancti. Amen.


Project Impish will be put on hold for a little while. Right now, I must run a Project Discipline first, my imp muse is a little out of control.

After all, the goal is peace, love and unity. Not world domination. =/


As for SG-1, Season 6. I have only this to say.

Ice cream parlor, cargo bay 3, Prometheus. ♥


[Edit to Add] After a little googling, here is what I found out about the current cosmos situation:

If you have felt like the world has collapsed in on you, or you have had amazing awareness beginning March 17 through the 31st, 2007, this is not surprising. We are in the "shadow" period of Pluto going retrograde on March 31, 2007.

We have an amazing gift coming our way--one that is offered only once every 247 years. It is an initiation to the heart level as a human being. That means that you have the choice and capability of moving from your lower chakras (eye for an eye, wars, selfishness, narcissism, disempowerment of others, FEAR based life, prejudice, hatred, intolerance, greed, victimization, and all the rest of human unhealthy characteristics and emotions/attitudes...) to the heart level where these traits dissolve in the gold-white light of LOVE from the Cosmos that is there for our taking. What a shift!!


There it is, kids. All you "Sensitives" out there who are going through a "wacko" moment. Brace yourselves and get ready to "roll with it!"


new religion, hollywood, house of chaos

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