Title: Down the Rabbit Hole
Author: Icka! M. Chif
Rating: General
Word Count: 450
Author's Note: Was poking around some Japanese fanart sites when I saw a pic of Kid and Kaito handcuffed together. From there, it took a left turn. Random crack, no redeeming value, etc etc. Somehow, an Alice in Wonderland reference sounded right.
Summary: This was not the start of an auspicious morning.
Kaito woke up one morning to discover himself handcuffed to the Kaitou Kid.
This was not the start of an auspicious morning.
Kid woke up one morning to find himself handcuffed to Kuroba Kaito.
That was a bit weird, even for him.
"We're not going to be able to go to school like this." Kaito commented, holding up his wrist to look at the cuff. At least there was enough chain for him to do it without inconveniencing his bed partner. "Aoko would flip."
Kid raised his own hand to look at his cuff. There was no keyhole. "Not to mention Hakuba-kun."
They both contemplated this a moment. "Think we can-"
"-convince them for a Two-on-One deal?" Kid finished the sentence.
Kaito glared at his other self in annoyance. He could already foresee that -this- was going to be as much fun as a barrel of poo-flinging monkeys.
Kid gazed back, cool and unperturbed.
"You freaking out-"
"-as much as I am?" This time, it was Kid's turn to finish the sentence. "Yup."
"Oh, good." Kaito gazed at the ceiling. Huzzah Poker Face. At least it was still working. "Any thoughts-"
"-on how this happened?" Kid also looked up at the ceiling. "Nope. Last I-"
"-remember was coming home and collapsing to sleep." Kaito mused.
"Didn't even have time to take of the uniform." Kid commented, a faint wince in his voice as he glanced down at the now rumpled suit. It was going to take -forever- to iron the wrinkles out.
Kaito looked down at his own school uniform, not standard sleeping attire. Or possibly they had.
"What time is it?" Kaito asked.
Kid craned his neck to glance at the alarm clock. "Not yet time to get up."
"Oh." Kaito yawned. "Sleep?"
"Sleep." Kid agreed, pulling his cape over himself like a blanket.
And they did. They fought for a little bit over who got what part of the bed, it really wasn't big enough for two people and who got the pillow, but eventually fell back to sleep.
The next time Kaito woke up, he was alone in bed.
He sat up, scratching his already messy hair and making it stand on end. "Well." He commented, looking around. "That was weird."
"You think it's weird for you." His reflection in the mirror that looked like the Kaitou Kid said. "You should try it from my end."
Kaito stared at his reflection for a moment. Kid stared back, a perfect mirror image.
"If I go back to sleep-"
"-Will it make it weirder?" Kid shrugged, echoing Kaito's shrug. "Haven't a clue."
"Oh, good." Kaito said, laying back down and pulling the blankets over his head.
Some days, it just wasn't worth getting out of bed.