OOC - Why I Played God

Apr 14, 2003 04:04

These are reasons I thought it was okay for me to push the play ahead. I beg forgiveness if this messes with anything anyone else has done, but there hasn't been any serious play in over a month.

First of all, most people left, so there are less people for me to mess up plans of.

Second of all, the ones that are still here are not playing actively at the moment. So not only is there nothing existing right now for me to ruin, there's no sign that there is going to be anything soon that I could play in that would be a substitute for me playing god.

I'm going to have to play with myself until some of you show back up again, which means I need to get my second character on here, and I had to move it up for her to be introduced.

I hope I didn't ruin anything, and I also hope you guys come back because I like playing in a most-ages forum and I like what we had going. I don't plan on NOT playing just because you're not there though. If Etherium is nothing but Patches and Shin-sin-fa for the next six months, it won't bother me all that much ;) It's fun even with sparse play.

Edit: I ought to mention that for awhile I couldn't play Shin-sin-fa because he was embarrassing me for personal reasons (SHUT UP lol). I think I've taken care of that now, at least mostly, so I'd actually like to play him again; I kind of miss the little rascal. I can't foresee any more major sabbaticals anytime soon ;)
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