That Man (3/?)

Jun 24, 2012 14:18

That Man - Blind Duets
YooSu, angst, romance, drama, AU
when that man smiles he is crying on the inside

“Chun?” Junsu wanted to break the pregnant silence that had filled them when Yoochun had dragged him to the park. They were now sitting on a bench, side by side, looking at the children who were playing around and laughing.

“Hmm?” Yoochun hummed. It was awkward... very awkward. Why did he drag Junsu here again? He didn't actually know. Maybe by instinct, or maybe he just had nothing to do. It was a Saturday; they were free.

“Do you want to go some--Ow, what the hell?!” Junsu suddenly cursed, making Yoochun look at him in shock, as a paper had covered his sight when he was asking a question. Yoochun realized what happened and he laughed so loud that most people at the park turned and looked at him.

He held his stomach and bit his lower lip to control his laughter. “Oh, sorry. I'm so sorry,” he said in between chuckles.

Junsu pouted and angrily took the paper out of his sight. “Stupid wind, making this paper block my eyesight.”

“I never knew you cursed.” Yoochun mused as he looked at Junsu with amusement dancing in his eyes, his chin perched on his arm that was resting on Junsu's shoulder.

They were so close that Junsu suddenly stopped breathing.

“Ah ... ahhh ... Why? Can't I, erm, say bad words?” Junsu flushed as he stumbled for words. Feeling the paper in his hands, he immediately used it to start a new topic to hide his blushing face.

Seeing this, Yoochun smirked and kissed Junsu in the cheek, making Junsu blush more. “You just look innocent, that's all.”

“This! Ahm, yes ... this.” Junsu coughed as he showed Yoochun the picture, looking so cute and innocent. Yoochun marveled at the sight and made sure to take a mental picture of Junsu's adorable expression.

“Oh? What's with it?” Yoochun played along, resting his head on Junsu's shoulder properly.

Junsu hummed, analyzing the picture. It was actually a picture of a half-filled glass. You know, those picture that people use to know whether one is a pessimist or an optimist.

“Oh! I know this.” Junsu beamed while Yoochun nodded.

“Yes, what is it?” he asked, suddenly interested. He looked at the picture Junsu was holding and thought 'What was so interesting about the topic that his attention suddenly perked up?' Maybe because it was Junsu who was talking about it.

“Chun, what do you think about this paper ... Is it half full or half empty?” Junsu looked at Yoochun with a bright smile and such cute eyes that it was Yoochun's time to blush.

Yoochun coughed. “Uhm ... Half empty?” He never really thought about his answer, he only said what came to his mind first.

“Ohh,” Junsu sang and Yoochun thought it was one of the most wonderful things he have heard.

“You're a pessimist then,” his boyfriend mumbled.

Yoochun looked at Junsu again and asked, “A pessimist?”

“You know ... Those people who are always negative.” Junsu sighed.

“Why do most people always refer to this when they want to know if one's a negative or a positive person? I mean it's just weird! This is a picture; they could just draw another glass full of water or whatsoever. There's also a lot of space outside! I don't really get it ...” Junsu pouted as he thought of his idea.

Yoochun blinked and laughed at Junsu's answer. This guy is too innocent after all. Or maybe Yoochun just didn't look into things further and judged by what he sees.

He didn't know ... Maybe Junsu is a really good break, after all.


“We need to talk. Right now.” Changmin half pulled, half dragged Yoochun to a secluded area in their school. Yoochun had not wanted to comply at first, but seeing Changmin's desperate expression, he became curious.

“Here?” Yoochun asked as Changmin stopped. It was obvious that the place was appropriate for private talks so Changmin raised an irritated eyebrow at the older.

“Yes, here.” The younger rolled his eyes as he let go of his tight grip on Yoochun's wrist.

“Why?” Yoochun wanted to irritate Changmin more; he found it amusing.

“Just … Shut up, will you?” Changmin scowled.

“Okay then ...” Yoochun pursed his lips as he leaned on the wall. “What do you need?”

“Before I say anything-“

“But you're already talking.” Yoochun grinned.

Changmin shot him a sharp look with dagger-like eyes. The other flinched a little. “Just agree with anything I say, okay?” Changmin asked with fake kindess

“What is it anywa-“

“Let me finish.” Another glare had Yoochun nodding.

“I'll repeat. Agree with me in anything I say before I go violent and start punching your pretty face,” A pause, “... Which I will not do since I'm not favorable at doing those because I attack with words and sarcastic remarks. And if I punch you, it would be ironic.”

Yoochun raised a brow in amusement and confusion. “And so? What is this thing that you're talking about that I should agree to?”

Changmin never sugar-coated his words. He was straight-forward; a very frank person. Some people liked him for that, others didn't. He stared at Yoochun in the eye before saying - Break up with Junsu - and leaving, not giving Yoochun time to reply.

Yoochun never cared for Junsu, did he? So breaking up wasn't such a hard thing. He should just comply with Changmin and find another person to play with. But why does it seem that he doesn't want to leave the guy that was so innocent? Was it because another person had asked him to … ? Or was it because he wanted this break to grow into something more?

He didn't know. Not at all. And, he … didn't want to know.

member:changmin, group:dbsk, member:junsu, member:yoochun

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