Aug 29, 2014 19:42
I'm doing better this week.
Maybe cause I get a 3 day weekend to relax.
Maybe cause I just got some needed alone time. I have needs too! LOL. This is my live journal I shouldn't feel any embarrassment talking about it. Its one kind of stress relief. Now if only I could find myself a good looking guy. A one night stand would be okay. I had one of those, and I don't know if I even enjoyed it. But I probably would this time. LOL. Can I order things in the mail without it being opened by my family? Man I wish.
Sad thing is, 99% of the asians at SU are chinese. I don't wanna learn chinese. I think their language is the least pretty between Japanese, Chinese and Korean. Its so choppy and bleh. Hard to learn too.
I need to start practicing my korean again.
Random post is random.
~Death Comes Fast~