dante, going out, working out, and sitting on my ass

Jun 13, 2005 18:44

hey ppl, i'm in summer now, and i've been good. I've been working out latly, again, and i've been spending time w/ Dante, which is really good, as u all should know. i went 2 watch lords of dogtown the other day. It's not the best movie i've seen, kinda boring, but w/e, i got 2 go out w/ dante, and just like, chill in the movies, so it's cool.

Um, i finshed my dance routin 4 this new song i was dancing 2. It came out how i wanted it, so that's always good. i'm like, just sitting here, looking at my trophy, that i won. Did i ever tell u ppl aboot it? I don't think i did, but w/e, i'll tell u either way cuz i'm bored.

I know 4 sure that i told u aboot this let 1 individual drill that JROTC was having. Well, 2 every1's surprise, i won it 4 my company, which kicks so much ass!!! Seriously, i was not expecting 2 win it, i was like, "ok, i'll do my thing, and i know that GT is gonna own all of our ass, so y bother doing my best?" But looks like it was better then GT and it was good enought 4 the juges, so in the award ceromony, i herd my name, and u could say that my jaw dropped. Quite funny actually, cuz Jackie was sitting around me, and she saw my face and started laughing. JanCarlos also won the let 1 drill 4 his company 2, and i give him props cuz he had the hardest juges, but he stil won, which is badass. So, me, him, and the other ppl that won 4rm the other companys got their trophies, metal, and ribbon.

NE way, i'm just looking at it, and thinking back i guess, and playing guitar. Since it's been raining a bit in miami the past few days, i'm not able 2 work out outside, so i bought an exsersice DVD's so i could at least work out in my house.

Oh yeah, i'm going 2 boot camp 4 a week, and the training is also a week long. The training, i'm gonna do in school, which starts in like, a week or 2 4rm now, and the actually days r like a month away. So, i'm like gonna get fit b4 every1 else so i won't b sore like every1 else.

Gus and me were talking 4 a while 2day. He's cool, like always, and like always, looking out 4 me. He's a loser that way, but wat can u say? I love him, he's awesome. Talking aboot love, i'm fully convinced that i'm in love w/ Dante, and that we're unofficially and not legaly married. I call him my husband now, and we 're practically married.

That's enough 4 2day, now let me play guitar.....
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