May 08, 2007 11:54
I went this morning to get my blood taken and it was ... interesting. I got there and the hemotologist got all pissy because she thought she hadn't received any word from my dr to schedule the blood work. So I got to see her drama - which I consider massively unprof to begin with - and then she went and looked at her computer and low and behold! The bloody [no pun intended] bloodwork HAD been scheduled.
The hemotologist then sat me down and attempted to find a vein. She asked me if people had trouble ["twouble," actually - she sounded like Elmer Fudd or quite possibly the priest from The Princess Bride, "Mawwiage is wot bwings us togeder tooday. Mawwiage, that bwessed awwangment, that dweam wifin a dweam…”] finding my veins. I said no, not lately [although to be quite honest, I'd been to the labs at my gynos a couple of times and they had no problems whatsoever, so I thought it couldn't be terribly difficult]. She asked me, "Who? Who has dowwne this?" Like I'm supposed to recollect every hemotoligist that I've worked with??? I said, "uhh, I don't remember specific people. But the lab at my gyno's has had no trowwble." hehe
Then the stupid woman made me sit with my hand in some warm water, saying that if she warmed it up, the vein would pop to the surface.
It didn't. However, she managed to stick a vein in the back of my hand, after much digging around.
Massive stupidity. Yeah. And I have to wait until next week to see if my dr will increase my thyroid meds to a level that actually works. It just makes me damned grateful that my gyno is so damned good and her staff are all so professional. They really take care of their patients.
Of course my gyno's lab is in a cancer research hospital, so it stands to reason that they'd be more professional at sticking people than someone who works in a small dr's office.
I suppose, anyway. o_O :(((
hemotologist woes