(no subject)

Oct 01, 2005 11:18

Damn I have to move a lot of things today.
What it that about?

So we're walking. And it's dark. And it's nice out. And I'm like SCORE.
And he's talking about how the 'life in dark houses freaks him out' and then he's talking about how 'the life in second hand baby's clothes freak me out.'

And I'm like, I have nothing at all to say to that, but ok.

And then there's a big long silence and we start talking about how some people are listeners and some people are story-tellers and it's awkward when you get two listeners together because nobody says anything, 'except for the drunk guy who just rambles about houses.'
(by this time we're on the little trail thingy)
And I say, "You know what's really interesting? I'm usually a storyteller, but for some reason around you I can't think of anything to say?"
Him: "Why's that?"
Me: "Because when most people listen, they're just waiting for their turn to talk, but I watch you listen and there's this look of comprehension in your eye, and I think oh, shit, he could remember this and use it against me later. He'll know too much!"
*pleased with himself giggle*
Me:"Besides no one is just a listener or just a story teller. And you are a very dishonest person pretending to be shy all the time just so you can know more about people than they know about you."
*very pleased with himself giggle and mutterings about how some people just operate that way.... more silence.*
Him:"So why are you socially awkward around me?"
*long silence and laughter from me*
Me"Well... *laugh* nevermind."
Him: "What? You can't do that?!"
Me: "That's strange because I just did."
Him: "No that's like when you're watching Lost and it ends and you think, what are you doing, it can't end there?!"
Me: "You've never seen Lost."
Him: "But I can tell you the suspense probably sucks."
Me: "Some people really enjoy that."
(at some point in thius conversation we were sitting in some lawn chairs in what used to be Rachel's yard.)
*time passes... now were a few blocks away from Hali's where my keys are.*
Him: "So why did you stop saying whatever you were going to say."
Me: "Because I think that it would have taken our conversation to much more awkward place."
(he badgers me for a block or so.)
Him: "What could you say that would make our conversation all of a sudden very strange?"
Me: "Well, something like, 'I'd really like to kiss you right now,' when I know that's not going to happen and then it'd just be all awkward."
Him:*laughing* Why?
Me: Because!
Him: No, but why?
Me: You're mean.
Him: Why am I mean?
Me: (kind of sputtering) Because when some one throws some cards on the table like that, and then has their hopes smashed, it makes them feel kind of embarassed and that leads to forced conversation. Idiot. Luckily since I knew it would happen, it's a bit easier to take.
Him: What does that mean?
Me: You're a smart boy. One thing I'm really glad about though, is that fact that I finally stop hitting on you know.
Him: What?
Me: Shut up.
Him: No. What?
Me: It's just nice when things are clear.
Him: I think you said that about the stars.
Me (supressing the urge to say something like, "I think you said that about your mom... etc.)
Him: So what do you mean?
Me: Come on. It's obvious that I've been hitting on you for a really long time. And now I don't have to anymore.
Him: Huh.
Me: And luckily for me, we're only about two more blocks of walking from having made the full transition to friends.
(apparently this is amusing)
Him: This is weird, it seems like a play.
Me: What?
Him: It's like neither of us have an internal monologue.
Me: I'm always like that. I think it's fun.
(here we go to Hatrematcomi to get my keys, Matt comments on how Scott is all smiley so I tell him he's having a hard time dealing with my crush on him that he found out about because we have internal monologue... and we leave)
Me: So are you trying to imply that because we are two natural listeners we've developed a solilquy based communication system.
(He's impressed by the word soliliquy)
Him: Have you ever noticed that everyone seems so passive about things? They all say like or as or you know, but no one makes a one hundred percent assertion, they just mention is in this flippant way and expect the other person to meet them hald way.
Me: Yes, but sometime it's just manners.
Him: How so?
Me: Like in the instance of a kiss. It's just no nice to one hundred percent assert that.
Him: How come?
Me: It's like lip rape.
(apparently this is also amusing)
Him: Lip rape.
Me: Yes. And in some instances people assert things half way becaus they think that someone doesn't have any balls and their just trying to give them some sort of innitiative.
*long silence*
Me: But then, sometimes that's just a risk that doesn't work out, and I'm a little sad that I didn't get to do a lip-ring taste test, but then we're only about a half a block away from just friends.
(apparently I'm still amusing)
*silence until we're about half a block away from my house when he inexplicably starts laughing*
Me: What?
Him: Nothing.
Me: What's funny?
Him: Well, nothing.
Me: That's not fair, that like when Lost ends and you're all like, what the fuck?
Him: Yes, but I hear some people like that.

Now we're at my house and I make us peanut butter sandwiches. Which we don't eat. He's obviously getting to the unfun state of drunk now, or else feigning it well so I will take him home. So I do.
"Thanks for a fun evening," I say.
"Yeah, thank you too."

Fucking hell.
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