Here's my second entry for spn_illuminated. I'm very lukcy to also have a fic by the lovely wincest_whore
She's written the fantastic fic "The Masks We Wear", and as usual has made it a pleasure to wokr with her and I hope my art does her story justice.
As with my other entry I wanted to do much more art than this but RL keeps getting in the way stopped me doing as much as I wanted.
There will be one more piece of art coming but I didn't have time to complete it by the deadline, so keep a look out!
Art 1: Prompt art
Art 2: Fic banner
Art 3: Manip - Jared and Jeff
Art 4: Jensen's FBI badge
Art 5: - WiP - will be posted soon!
Hope you all like! And big thanks to Dolavine for writing the fic. When she posts on 24th July please go give her lots of lovely feedback!