Fic: Once More With Feeling, Chapter 12/14

Jul 20, 2014 00:39

Title: Once More With Feeling (12/14+Epilogue)
Rating: R
Pairings: Kurt/Blaine, Blaine/Sebastian
Spoilers: -
Word Count: ~5400
Summary: After a long year of separation, things are finally looking up for Kurt and Blaine. They're ready to start their lives together in New York as an engaged couple. Everything is perfect.
Until it's suddenly not.
Torn apart by forces beyond their understanding, they find themselves alone, facing a world that is just not quite right anymore. A second first meeting of strangers on a staircase brings another chance for love, but is that chance enough for them to find their way back to each other, and can they break the spell before it's too late?
Disclaimer: The characters aren't my property, neither are any song lyrics within this story, just borrowing it all for a bit.
Notes: So, this chapter is a bit late again, but I was too busy being sick. Ah, well, so it goes.
Not sure if it needs a warning, but this chapter contains a short (medically inaccurate) description of blood.
Kurt confronts Sebastian, and Blaine stumbles into more than he can handle.


Chapter 12 - Where Else Can I Turn?

For what felt like the millionth time, Kurt glanced at his watch. His shift at the diner was almost over, and he couldn't wait to get out of here and talk to Isabelle, who was still trying to figure out just what he needed to do in order to break the curse. He was also hoping to tell her about the progress he felt he was making. Blaine wasn't ready yet to leave Sebastian - but Kurt felt like it wasn't that far-fetched anymore.
...and speak of the devil.

Kurt turned away, then looked back at the table. But he hadn't been mistaken - there was Sebastian himself, sitting at a table close to the bar and looking disdainfully at everything. Unbelievable that the bastard had the gall to just walk in here... What Kurt really wanted was so strangle the weasel, or at least kick him out, or just go over and demand an explanation on why he was putting them through all this. The only problem was that he couldn't talk about what was actually wrong.

Or could he? Sebastian knew exactly what he was doing. It was just Blaine he had to protect from the truth for now. And Sebastian? Oh, he deserved to hear just what he was doing.

With determination, he went over to Santana who was behind the bar flirting with Dani. He only had twenty minutes left of his shift, she'd survive starting a few minutes early. Once that was cleared, Kurt walked over to the table where Sebastian was sitting.

Sebastian only looked up when he sat down.

“What the hell are you doing here?” Kurt asked.

“Trust me, you couldn't pay me enough to come into this dump,” Sebastian said, the same old sneer in his voice. Kurt was sure he'd jump over the table to punch him before the conversation was over.

“But let's get right to the point,” Sebastian said, “I'm here to discuss something with you. And by discuss I mean I'm going to tell you what to do, got it? Here it goes - stay away from my boyfriend.”

“What?” God, the nerve this guy had...

“I mean it. Blaine seems to think you have this cuddly pre-school friendship going on, but I'm not as blind. You want him. Now, I don't even blame you, I get it, I know he's hot. But he's mine. So stay away, or I will destroy you. Got it?”

Kurt's hand was clutching the table so hard he was surprised the plastic didn't just break. But he managed to sound completely calm as he spoke.

“Actually, I have a counter-proposal,” he said. “How about you stay away from my fiancé?”

It was worth it, just to see the way Sebastian's face fell instantly, how his eyes widened to the point that Kurt expected them to budge out of his face any second now. Sebastian's jaw fell open, and he had to make several attempts until he finally managed to produce words.

“What... What are you even... are you completely delusional now? He's not your-”

“Blaine and I are engaged, you were there when he proposed to me,“ Kurt said, “but you couldn't stand the thought that he just doesn't want you, that he never wanted you and is never going to. So instead of acting like a normal human being and getting over your obsession with my fiancé, you decided to get him, to hell with whatever Blaine wants. I know what you did, Sebastian. Don't even try to deny it. You cursed him. You had his memory torn to shreds and made him think he loves you, just because you couldn't stand the fact that he doesn't want you. Could you get more pathetic?”

“Shut up,” Sebastian hissed. For a moment Kurt was sure he would deny everything, but then he saw Sebastian deflate. “How did you even find out?”

“You're not the only one who knows fairies,” Kurt said. “I have one question, though.”

“Why on earth would I answer your questions?”Sebastian asked weakly. It was clear that this confrontation was not going even close to what he had expected.

“How could you do that to him?” Kurt asked. His voice was softer now than before, and he could feel the calmness he'd projected so far wavering.

“I love him, okay?” It sounded like an outburst, and Kurt realized that Sebastian hadn't planned on saying it, but now that he had, he seemed to be getting into it. “You're not the only person who cares about him. I love him, he's the best person I've ever met who even gave me the time of a day. I knew that we could be good together - but it's not like saw anything beside you. It was always you. And what are you, even? You're nothing! You're a pretentious loser at a ridiculous school full of pretentious losers! Blaine could have anybody, and yet he wants to waste himself on you. This was necessary to open his eyes.”

“He loves me,” Kurt said, his anger rising again. “And I love him, too. We were perfectly happy before you and your curse came along.”

“Why should you have him?” Sebastian asked, and now he sounded like a petulant child.

“Because it's what Blaine chose!” Kurt had to keep himself in check just so that he didn't start screaming in the middle of his workplace. “If you cared about him at all, you would at least respect his wishes, but you don't give a damn. It's only about what you want, you don't care about him. That's not love! What's wrong with you that you can even pretend it is?”

Sebastian glared at him and raised his voice now, too. “Shut up! You don't know a thing about me! I get that you like sitting on your high horse, but you don't get to judge me. You're horrible for him, anyway! This is for his own good, and once I stabilized the spell, he'll see it, too.”

“Look at him! Does he look happy to you? Does he even look healthy to you? He doesn't sleep, he has night terrors, and migraines, and he's miserable! Can't you see what this is doing to him?”

“That's because the spell isn't stable yet,” Sebastian hissed, “but once I've stabilized it, he's going to be fine. He'll be happy - and the only way for this to happen is if he's with me. You're the one who's hurting him. If you stop distracting him, I'll be able to make things right, and Blaine is going to be okay. If you care about him, stay away from him! You're the one who's hurting him.”

“I'm helping him!” Kurt replied.

“Oh, I guess that explains why he's gotten so much worse since he met you. Just stay away from him! There's only one way to make this right, and it doesn't involve you! Why do you always have to be in the way?”

“In the way?!” Kurt's voice got even higher. “How can you-” he stopped, when he felt his phone vibrate, but ignored it. “If you think that after what I know I'll leave him alone with you, then you're even madder than I thought.” Two more vibrations followed shortly. Annoyed, Kurt shot a quick look at the display. Three messages, sent in quick successions - all of them from Blaine.

Sebatian was going on about something, but suddenly, Kurt had lost interest. Blaine knew he was at the diner, and usually was too worried to disturb him at work, no matter how often Kurt told him it was alright. The content of the messages wasn't much more reassuring.

“Need to see you NOW”

"Something happened. Freaking out!”

“At home now, please come quickly.”

Something happened... an ice cold shudder went down Kurt's spine. Whatever was going on, Blaine needed him.

“I don't care how you justify this to yourself,” he snapped at Sebastian, “but you're hurting him. If you cared about him even the slightest bit, you never would have put him through any of this. And now excuse me, I'm getting sick from just looking at you.”

As he rushed out of the diner, he almost felt like running away, but no matter what else he wanted to say to Sebastian, Blaine was more important. He just hoped whatever had happened was something he'd be able to fix.

Blaine was already exhausted by the time he'd managed to even get out of bed. He had hardly slept after another nightmare. It had been a particularly bad one, and even now he could feel the shadow of fear hanging at the back of his mind. He couldn't help but think back to thanksgiving, and how fast Kurt's presence had managed to calm him down to the point that he'd actually had a good night's sleep, enveloped in a safe embrace. It had proven as a stark contrast to the way Sebastian's touch made him panic even more.

Maybe this was part of trying again, but Sebastian didn't flee to the couch in the living room anymore when Blaine's nightmares started. He even tried to comfort Blaine, but it hadn't helped the least. It had taken ages until Blaine had calmed down enough that he wasn't screaming in panic, and when he had been able to think again, all he wanted to do was to get his phone and call Kurt. He had managed to restrain himself, but he had hardly slept for the rest of the night.

He wasn't sure whether the pain in his head was just a regular bout of migraine or an effect of too little sleep. Eventually, it made no difference. He was definitely in no shape to go to class today at all.

Even after getting out of bed, he didn't manage more than to sit around on a kitchen chair, staring at his coffee mug. The drink was cold now - not a surprise, since he had been sitting here for hours, enough time for the painkillers to finally work. Sebastian had made him coffee before he'd had to go to class, and to be honest, Blaine was relieved to have some time by himself. He had to think, but it wasn't so easy when Sebastian kept hovering around him.

Why did things have to be so complicated? And would he even be thinking about this, if Kurt had never come into his life?

But he couldn't regret it. Even if meeting Kurt would eventually prove to tear his life apart, he could never regret it. Kurt made him feel good, made him feel alive, and that was worth everything. He couldn't even regret sleeping with him, even if that meant that he had cheated on Sebasian. The one thing he was sure of - the one thing that he couldn't lie to himself about - was that if he was in the same situation again, he wouldn't change what he did. He couldn' regret sharing that night with Kurt.

He couldn't regret anything with Kurt.

Well, he really was in trouble, wasn't he? When had his life gotten this complicated, anyway? He had been perfectly content before...

Except he hadn't been. He'd been apathetic, cold, and honestly miserable. He'd felt dependant of Sebastian, as if there was nobody else in his life who even cared about him. And now? He had friends, he had success in school, he felt alive and occasionally happy - and Kurt, his thoughts kept getting back to Kurt.

If this was happening to somebody else, Blaine would tell them that it was obvious, that there was no struggle, that he was just in love - and not with his boyfriend. But it wasn't somebody else, it was happening to him, and he couldn't just ignore Sebastian in all that, could he? Two years wasn't something he could just throw away. And to be completely honest, the mere thought of leaving Sebastian was scary. He wasn't completely alone anymore, but that didn't change the fact that Sebastian was the person who'd stuck around him for the longest. Blaine didn't have any illusions on how his boyfriend would react if they broke up - a friendship afterwards wouldn't happen. Was he really capable of letting go of the last thing he had kept from home?

It was too hard to decide. He never would have thought he'd get into a situation like this. Really, he'd love to just hide in here until everything went away, but he was aware that wasn't an option. This was about his life, and his happiness, and neither Kurt nor Sebastian deserved to be kept on hold until Blaine finally figured out what he wanted. It wasn't fair to anybody.

He almost regretted not going to school today - dancing with Cassandra July would probably do wonders for his racing mind. Eventually, he turned to the piano. Maybe playing would calm him down.

As his fingers glid over the keys, he allowed his mind to wander. He thought back on his relationship, tried to capture moments of warmth, of passion and most importantly happiness. Kurt's question had shaken him more than he wanted to admit even to himself. Even now he couldn't conjure up anything. There were a few, fleeting moments of closeness, but he hadn't been happy. Could his feelings have changed so much?

The song he'd improvised on felt done now, come to an end, but it hadn't helped. Maybe if he played from sheets? Now that he thought about it, he hadn't done that in some time. He wasn't even completely sure where he kept his sheet music. He should probably look for it.

With new determination, Blaine left the piano and went to their study. It was where they kept all papers, his sheets were probably somewhere with the rest. His first move was to the cabinet where they kept documents, but as he tried to open it he found it locked. That was weird... he couldn't remember locking it, and he had no idea why Sebastian would do that. Hadn't he looked at something here only a short while ago...? But he couldn't remember what it was supposed to be he had checked out, so maybe this was just some form of déjà-vû.

He looked around for a bit, but he couldn't find the key. It was confusing, but he decided to ask Sebastian later. For now, he still had some other places to go through, starting with his desk drawers. Going through them, he found some school stuff and also a comic he had put aside in case he wanted to read while studying - though so far, there hadn't been much theoretical studying for NYADA. With a smile, he opened it, considering to read it again, when something fell out. It was an envelope, bigger than a usual letter, and there was something solid inside. Blaine looked inside to find a disc inside. He didn't remember putting it into the comic, or what it was. Then he noticed the address written on it. It was in Cooper's handwriting. He couldn't even remember the last time Cooper had sent anything. He hadn't heard anything from his brother in months if not longer. He glanced at the stamp to see when it was sent. His eyes widened. The date was late May. Hadn't he read it before?

“Hey Squirt,
sorry again that I couldn't be there, I really hate having to miss your big day, and probably graduation as well... But in case you doubted, it's all over youtube, I've watched it a thousand times and I just want you to know, I couldn't be prouder, or happier for you - the both of you, obviously. That performance and the arrangement of everything? That was brilliant. I didn't know you had a hand for choreography. And wow, my baby brother engaged - can't say, I saw that coming. But of course he said yes, with that show, how could he not?
I wish I could have been there, but shooting is pretty tough right now - I guess that's the price you have to pay for a regular job. I even managed to move out of that dump I was staying in. By the way, I found a little something during the move. I figured now it won't be too painful to watch anymore. I know, not quite the right season, but you can totally get into Christmas mood in summer!
Okay, I hope I'll get to see you soon, say hi to Kurt, and if you get around to it, check out my show, okay?

Blaine read the letter again, but the words didn't change. Engaged? But he hadn't gotten engaged - he'd remember that, wouldn't he? And how could Cooper talk about Kurt in a letter from May when Blaine hadn't even met him until fall?

And what was on that disk that would have been too painful to watch at some point?

Still frowning, Blaine opened his notebook that was standing on the desk. His thoughts were running around in a circle as he waited for it to be ready. He hadn't talked to Cooper in ages, not since... well, definitely not for a year. Maybe Christmas last year, or Thanksgiving? He couldn't exactly remember.

Finally, the laptop was ready and Blaine put the disk in. Seconds later, a video started.

At first, it looked like a Star Wars parody, only with the familiar opening phrase changed to “in a chalét far, far away”, but before he could get confused about that, a voiceover started, announcing the “Glee holiday spectacular”, coming right from Lima, Ohio. Blaine frowned. That was Kurt's hometown... and Cooper had mentioned Kurt in the letter. Did they know each other? The voiceover continued, showing a clip from Rachel between two guys he didn't know in front of a Christmas tree holding presents.

“Starring Rachel Berry, Noah Puckerman and Finn Hudson!”

So was it something from their old glee club? But how would Cooper...

He froze midthought as a different clip was shown.

“Kurt Hummel and Blaine Anderson!”

They, too, were standing in front of Christmas decor, Kurt in a black and white reindear sweater was fixing Blaine's bow-tie and they both grinned at the camera. A moment later, their image was replaced by clips from other people, other students from Kurt's glee club, apparently, but Blaine's mind was still focussed on the image of himself and Kurt.

Blaine felt dizzy and spooked, a clear contrast to the holiday theme and the upbeat version of Let It Snow he watched himself perform as a duet with Kurt.

It was bizarre.

This video couldn't possibly exist. He'd remember something like this! If this was Kurt's high school, it had to be at least two years old. He hadn't even known Kurt two years ago, how could they have shot a film together? And not only shot a film, but act so... close, so familiar... as if they had been together once. But... they hadn't.

Confused, Blaine skipped to the end of the video, hoping to find anything that could help him figure out what was going on. There was a short disclaimer, thanking the students of William McKinley High School. Kurt's old high school, at least that made sense, although he had figured that out already. But Blaine had never gone there.

Had he?

There was a memory clawing its way into the forefront of his brain, and with it came a rush of anxiety so strong that Blaine almost couldn't breathe through it.

He knew he had graduated from Dalton. But he couldn't remember it. And although it felt more like a dream than a memory, he had seen something... something about him and McKinley...

He turned to the cabinet where they kept these documents, and pulled open the drawer - or tried at least. Only then did he remember that it was locked. Why on earth would it be locked?

Sebastian had been there, whether it was an actual memory or a dream. Had he locked the cabinet? It would make sense - well, at least for this situation. From the laptop, Blaine could hear himself sing with Rachel, Kurt, and a girl he didn't remember. His whole body seemed to vibrate. He tried to open the cabinet again, but it stayed locked.

If Sebastian had locked it, he probably kept the key with himself. But that was okay. As expensive as the furniture was, it wasn't nearly as stable as Sebastian thought. They did have a tool kit, although he knew Sebastian would just as likely hire a handyman instead of repairing anything himself. Now, it came in really handy.

A minute later he had found what he needed and started to work on the cabinet. It took longer than he had thought, but eventually, the wood gave way with a loud noise, and the papers spilled onto the ground. Blaine knelt down, sorting through them. And there it was, his diploma. Blaine closed his eyes for a moment, preparing himself for what he was going to see next. When he opened them again, they immediately fell to the writing saying William McKinley High School. He almost couldn't read it with how strongly his hands were shaking, but there it was, black on white, surrounded by a few rust-colored dots that he didn't want to think about.

A spike of pain ran through his head, right behind his left eye, and he gasped for breath.

It was too much - definitely more than he could handle on his own. And now that he had the diploma in front of him, he felt much more certain that he had found it before. Why hadn't he remembered?

Sebastian had been there... and he didn't know what had happened next. Now there was fear, too, almost paralyzing him, and as if on autopilot, he pulled out his phone. There was only one person he trusted right now.

He had to see Kurt.

Kurt felt his heart race as he hurried to Blaine's apartment. The way here was way too long. He had imagined a dozen horror scenarios of just what had happened to him. A break-in, maybe? Or did somebody hurt him?

But when he rang the door bell, it only took a few seconds before it was thrown open. Blaine was standing in the door, and Kurt found himself checking the other boy quickly. No visible injuries, no blood, but he was white as a sheet, shaking, and Kurt could see a thin layer of sweat on his face.

Without a word, Blaine took his wrist and pulled him inside. Kurt was already dragged through the corridor and into the study by the time he found his voice again.

“Blaine, what's going...” he stopped when he got a look at the room. Folders and documents were scattered on the floor, and one of the cabinets had apparently been broken open. “Oh my god,” Kurt breathed. Blaine had been robbed. That explained why he was so freaked out. But he wasn't hurt, Blaine wasn't hurt, he was okay, he must have come home after the robbers were already gone and... and there was a laptop standing open on one of the desks, some black and white movie running over the screen. So much for the break-in theory.

“Blaine, what's going on?”

Instead of answering, Blaine stared at him as if he was losing his mind. “Look at it!” He gestured to the laptop, and in confusion, Kurt turned to pay closer attention to the movie. After a second he recognized Rachel on the screen, and then he saw Blaine, Mercedes, himself, and suddenly he realized just what he was looking at.

At least now he knew why Blaine was freaking out.

“Do you know this thing? Have you seen this before?” Blaine asked. “What is that? And I found a letter from my brother, he sent that to me - oh, and he says hi to you. He mentioned you by name. In May, Kurt! How the hell did my brother know you months ago?”

“Blaine, please calm down, there is an explanation for all this,” Kurt said, although he had no idea what he was supposed to say. He could explain, but he remembered Isabelle's warning. This could hurt Blaine, maybe even kill him. He had to be careful. But what he needed to do most was to calm Blaine down.

“Do you have an explanation for this, too?” Blaine asked and threw another piece of paper at him. Kurt unrolled it carefully. It was Blaine's diploma, obviously from McKinley. “I went to Dalton,” Blaine said, and his voice sounded higher, more upset than Kurt had ever heard it, “I graduated from there! But you know what? I called. I called Dalton, and had them go through the records. I transferred before my junior year, according to them.”

“So...”, began Kurt, although he had no idea how he would finish the sentence.

“So I never did! I didn't go to McKinley! So why do I have a McKinley diploma, and why am I on a video by McKinley students, with you, and why am I in Glee club performances with New Directions when I was only ever a Warbler? Why are you with the Warblers in two performances?”

“You... you looked up glee club performances?” Kurt asked, his voice now sounding weakly. He wished he knew more about curses than what Isabelle had told him - but she had said the curse protected itself, that it would keep Blaine from searching. Maybe the christmas special had been enough to suppress that effect, but now Blaine was completely frantic and Kurt had no idea what to do.

Isabelle. She would know. All he had to do was get Blaine to her and she could help him solve this.

“This doesn't make any sense,” Blaine muttered, pacing through the mess the room had turned into. “How is this even possible?” Now he looked at Kurt almost pleading, and his voice sounded smaller - not hysterical, but scared. “I don't remember anything of that happening, Kurt. But then I think about it, and the things I thought I should remember? I don't remember them either. I just know they happened, but I can't remember. It's like I've forgotten months of my life. I have a rough idea of what happened in them, but there's no memory. And now, all this? This is real, but it completely contradicts everything I know, and I just... I don't understand, Kurt. I don't... I...”

Blaine looked so helpless, Kurt couldn't stand it anymore. He stepped forward and pulled Blaine against him. For a moment Kurt feared Blaine would push him away, but after a moment of hesitation, the other boy sank against him and even clutched at him, holding on like a drowning man to the last plank.

“I don't understand,” Blaine repeated.

“It's going to be okay,” Kurt said softly, not sure if he was lying. “It's all going to be okay, Blaine. Please calm down. It will all make sense, just... just calm down. Can you do that for me?”

Blaine looked up and directly into Kurt's eyes. He was still pale, and up close Kurt could see that he probably hadn't slept a lot. Blaine looked completely exhausted, panicked, and determined at once. “Do you know what's going on, Kurt?”

Kurt froze. He couldn't tell Blaine. He couldn't risk it. But he also couldn't lie to him - not even because of morals or trust issues, but because he literally wasn't able to lie to Blaine, at least not in a way that would convince him. So all he managed to do was to nod. “Yes, I think I do.”

“Then tell me.”

Blaine was exhausted, and desparate. Kurt realized just how hard this all had to be on Blaine. He had had an idea, of course, but to see it like this was something else. He never wanted him to hurt. He wished he could just take Blaine away from all this, just magically make it all go away. If this was actually a fairy tale, he could just kiss him and make it alright again. But he couldn't. What he could do was to pull Blaine closer again and thread a hand through his hair.

“I will,” he whispered. “I'll explain everything, Blaine. I'm so sorry this is happening, but we'll figure it out, okay? I'm with you, I promise.”

“I just want to know what's happening to me,” Blaine said.

“I'll explain, I promise.” Kurt kept saying the words into Blaine's ear, promising the truth, whispers of reassurements, anything to calm him down. Eventually, it seemed to work. Blaine wasn't shaking anymore, at least not as violently. He still was leaning heavily against Kurt.

“Are you okay?” Kurt asked.

“My head's killing me,” Blaine muttered. “Kurt, you have to tell me.”

“I kind of need help for that,” Kurt said, “I told you about Isabelle, my boss? Come with me to see her, and then we'll explain everything that's been going on, okay?”

When Blaine looked at him, he looked vulnerable, still exhausted, but the despair had gone - or maybe he was just too tired. “Okay,” he whispered.

“What the hell do you think you're doing?”

Sebastian. At the sound of his voice, Kurt was sure that Blaine would step away from him. But instead, he only turned, barely even stepping out of Kurt's embrace. It was almost uplifting, if Sebastian hadn't already sounded ready to kill - or if Kurt couldn't feel how heavily Blaine was leaning against him.

“Stay away from him,” Sebastian snarled as he advanced.

Kurt shuddered. He had never perceived him as threatening, but now he realized he might get into a fight.

But apparently, Kurt wasn't the only one who felt addressed.

“I stay wherever the hell I want,” Blaine said. He sounded braver than he felt, judging by the way the hand he had around Kurt was tightening. “How about you explain this?” He jerked his head towards the laptop. Sebastian looked at it, and didn't seem to recognize it for a moment. But that wasn't necessary, not when the video showed Blaine and Kurt together only seconds later. He didn't need to know what it was to know what it meant.

“This,” Sebsatian said, and now he walked slowly to the desk, “this is nothing. He is nothing. What the hell have you been doing here?”

“Trying to find out what the hell is going on here,” Blaine replied. “What are you...”

With a smashing sound, the laptop crashed into the ground. Sebastian turned around to them, and now Kurt was actually scared.

“Get out!” Sebastian shouted. “Get away from him and get out of our lives!”

In a heartbeat, Blaine had stepped out of Kurt's embrace and in front of him, as if to shield him from Sebastian. “You stay away from him,” Blaine said. There was no trace of exhaustion in his voice now, just determination.

“Even now?!” Sebastian stared at them in disbelief, and Kurt realized just what he was thinking of, the last time that Blaine had stepped in front of Kurt to protect him from Sebastian. For a moment, Kurt got worried what Sebastian might do.

But instead of advancing, Sebastian paled and an expression of horror spread on his face. “Blaine...?” he said weakly.


Sebastian held his hands up in a gesture that was probably supposed to be comforting. “Calm down,” Sebastian said, but even his voice was shaking. Kurt didn't understand what had happened. One second everything looked as if they'd start punching each other, and now...? Blaine seemed just as confused and turned his head quickly, looking at Kurt...

And Kurt gasped for breath, staring in shock at Blaine. “Oh my god...” he whispered.

“What? Kurt, what's... what's going on?” Blaine asked, confusion in his eyes - his beautiful, hazel eyes, but the left was framed completely by red now, instead of white. Blood, not just a small popped vessel, it had to be more... And now, the blood was leaking, like a gruesome imitation of tears...

“Kurt?” Blaine looked at him in confusion. He blinked, apparently noticing the wetness. He brought up his hand and touched his cheek, gasping as he saw the red on it.

Despite the shivers running through his whole body, Kurt forced his voice to sound calm.

“Blaine... stay calm please, but... you need to see a doctor. Now.”

Next Chapter

seblaine, fic, blaine anderson, once upon a time broke my brain, kurt hummel, glee, sebastian smythe, once more with feeling, klaine

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