Jul 24, 2013 00:43

Title: TAKE ME AWAY(14/?)
Author: imnotskerrd
Beta:  crybaby4u <3
Pairing:  Kradam; Kris/OMC; Adam/Sauli
Word count: 4664
Disclaimer:  This is a work of fiction.
Warnings: Domestic violence; Bullying
Summary: Sometimes we think that letting someone go is the most selfless decision that one can ever make. Especially in a situation where no one can help you except for yourself. But what if you came back and found out that the love of your life didn't just change in the way you've expected him to but also is in a more messed up situation.

a/n: Hey, guys! I know it took forever for me to update this time and I'm really sorry. RL is just so crazy right now. I hope you all still remember this fic and hoping this chapter is worth the wait. ~Nadine

Except for his friend’s people around them seemed to have not figured out who the new hot guy is that Cheeks has come with.

When Cheeks and Kris arrive at their table Kris is being praised by their friends on how he looks so great and Cheeks beams proudly at his work. And when everyone has settled and the music has died down to give way for their principal to speak Adam turns to his boyfriend and slightly leans in to whisper, ‘’You look stunning, babe.’’

Kris flushes and shyly mouthed ‘Thank you’ and finally looks up to focus on what their principal is saying.

And when the dance ball has started and the live band is once again put into use, Cheeks snatches Kris from Adam’s side and dances with him while giving him a mischievous wink. Adam has been left alone at their table by coming without a date after everyone else is dancing on the dance floor. He just bitterly swallows his orange punch as he glances up at Kris while dancing with Cheeks.

But when he sees Kris and he seems to enjoy-and he’s been dancing around people for quite sometime now-and Adam has actually seen him laughing with Cheeks Adam somehow feels happy that Kris finally is overcoming his fears around people.

He decides to check his look and maybe take a leak in the bathroom now that he’s confident that his boyfriend won’t just suddenly run to their house from being claustrophobic. He fixes his hair first on the mirror as he notices he’s alone in the bathroom and goes inside a stall to take a piss.

He’s humming under his breath as he tucks himself back in his pants and unlocked the door. But before he can even go out of the stall he is being pushed back as another body comes his way in and locks it again.

‘’What the fuck are you-‘’ Adam blurts out as he tries to move away and reaches for the lock but his eyes almost bugs out from its sockets as he realizes who the intruder is. ‘’Sauli, what the hell is this?’’

‘’Adam, hey, I just noticed that you came alone without a date. I supposed you still haven’t found someone to replace me-though I really don’t understand why you really broke up with me-but I just want you to know that I still haven’t moved on. I miss you, I miss touching you…’’ Sauli says while looking up at him as he touches his chest with his two hands. ‘’…like this. And I miss your hold on me as you fucked me so hard. I miss how this…’’ he cups Adam’s dick and Adam’s breath hitches ‘’…monster cock of yours felt inside my ass. I miss you, Adam. I miss kissing you…’’ he whispers looking up under his long lashes as he continuously rubs Adam’s dick. Sauli leans up and tips his toes to reach Adam’s lips.

But before their lips collide Adam pushes Sauli’s chest so hard that he stumbles backward and hits the door.

‘’No, stop this craziness, Sauli!’’

‘’Oh, c’mon, you’re obviously still pining for me. I’m obviously that good in bed if you haven’t found anyone to replace me.’’ He arrogantly says as he crosses his arms on his chest.

‘’I’m sorry, but I’m not pining over you and I’m not looking for a replacement.’’ Adam closes his eyes to regain his focus and he wants to be up front with Sauli for once and for all. He at least owes him that from breaking up with him. He takes a deep sigh as he opens his eyes again. ‘’I am in love with someone.’’

‘’That’s what you told me when you broke up with me. But I haven’t seen you date anyone after we broke up. You were always with your stupid friends all the time and you don’t even have a date tonight and you’re telling me you’re in love with someone?!’’ Sauli yells at him.

‘’I don’t think I need to explain anything to you. We agreed to break up and what I do after it is my own business and not yours. If I said I am with someone and I’m madly in love with him I don’t care if you or the world believes me but I want you to stay out of it.’’ He says sternly as he feels his sweat running down his back.

‘’Sauli, I’m sorry if I hurt you by breaking up with you by emotionally cheating on you. I never cheated physically while we were together but I was already in love with someone else months before I broke up with you. So, please, just let me have this. I’m wishing for you to find someone who will truly love you but now I’m pleading for you not to do things like this again. We’re over. I’m already happy with someone now, and I would appreciate it if you would just be happy for me.’’

Sauli looks down as he holds his tears back. Adam reaches out and holds his shoulders and pulls him in as he gives his forehead a kiss.

‘’I’m sorry.’’ He whispers then Adam reaches for the lock and clicked it open as he walks out the door without looking back.

He walks so fast to the main ballroom again and he glances around to find the only person he wants to see at that moment. As his eyes find him Adam breathes out and leans on the wall feeling so exhausted.

He really didn’t expect Sauli would come at him like he did and he just hopes that he got his message loud and clear so that he will stay away from him and his mysterious boyfriend. But that thinking leaves cold air over his entire being-he just feels that Sauli wouldn’t stop trying to find out who Adam is in love with. He just hopes if he finally finds out it’s Kris, he will just leave it like that but something inside him says it wouldn’t be the case.

After few moments and a glass of water Cheeks comes up to him while he is trying all the finger food that is on the long table.

‘’Oh, gosh, I think I have broken my date’s feet from dancing too much, poor little pretty young thing’’ Cheeks’ comments as he snatches the food from Adam’s fingers and eats it.

‘’Where is he?’’ he asks looking around worried that someone that is not their friend is dancing with him. That thought kinds of freaks him out a little.

‘’Relax he’s with Alisan and her date. Bring him an orange punch, will you?’’ he asks with an eyebrow arched up.

Adam abruptly turns his back on Cheeks as he hurriedly snatches a bottle of water and walks away from him afraid he might change his mind. Cheeks snorts as he yells, ‘’10 minutes Adam.’’

When Adam reaches where Kris is sitting he puts the bottle in front of his boyfriend as he slightly jumps from touching his shoulder by his arm as it stretches out to put the bottle on the table behind Kris’ back.

‘’Adam!’’ he says and Adam can clearly hear the underlying excitement in his voice which makes his stomach do some summersaults.

‘’Hey, Kris’’ He greets and he nods at Alisan and her date as he sits on a chair next to Kris.

‘’Cheeks’ tired you out so much, huh?’’ he teases as Kris twisted the cap and drinks the water.

‘’So, uh, you uh-mind if I invite you to dance-with me-on uh-‘’

‘’Yeah, I want to dance with you, too.’’ Kris rescues his stuttering.

Adam’s smile can rival the sun, the stars, the moon and the whole galaxy as he stands up and offers a hand to Kris who accepted it and they both walk to the dance floor amidst the countless bodies who are dancing to the beat.

They dance for a couple of upbeat songs when the music starts to mellow down and everyone starts to hold their partners so close.

‘’ When it's black
Take a little time to hold yourself
Take a little time to feel around before it's gone

You won't let go but you still keep on falling down
Remember how you save me now from all of my wrongs

They both remain apart as they look into each other’s eyes. Then Adam raises his hand in invitation and Kris glances at it for bit as he raises his hand to hold it. Then Adam takes his other hand and puts it on his waist as he rests his on Kris’ back.

‘’ If there's love just feel it
And if there's life we'll see it
This is no time to be alone, alone yeah
I won't let you go’’

They sway together as the song touches every couple dancing on the dance floor. Some are holding each other so tight and others are kissing but Adam and Kris don’t take their eyes off of each other.

‘’ Say those words
Say those words like there's nothing else
Close your eyes and you might believe
That there is some way out

They continuously sway while locking eyes and suddenly they feel like they are alone as Adam feels his heart swells at the idea of sharing an intimate moment like this with Kris. He really is falling so deep that it scares him sometime but he feels so happy nevertheless.

‘’ Open up
Open up your heart to me now
Let it all come pouring out
There's nothing I can't take

And if there's love just feel it
And if there's life we'll see it
This is no time to be alone, alone yeah
I won't let you go

(Won't let you go)
(Won't let you go)

If your sky is falling
Just take my hand and hold it
You don't have to be alone, alone yeah
I won't let you go
(Won't let you go)’’

Adam wishes they could stay like this forever-stay connected, stay forever in each other’s arms. He wishes life was simple as that because he would keep Kris forever, he would keep him from harm keep him from this precarious world. He wishes fate wouldn’t interfere and their future would be as bright as it is tonight because he just can’t see himself without Kris anymore. He knows it’s too early in their relationship to reveal and feels something strong like ‘forever’ but he was never before this certain in knowing he would never let Kris out of his life. He doesn’t know any more if he can live without him. It’s so silly but he really feels like it.

‘’ And if you feel the fading of the light
And you're too weak to carry on the fight
And all your friends that you count on have disappeared
I'll be here not gone, forever holding on

If there's love just feel it
And if there's life we'll see it
This is no time to be alone, alone yeah
I won't let you go
(Won't let you go)’’

Adam doesn’t notice that they are actually so close now and Kris’ head is already planted on his chest as he rests his face on Kris’ head. It’s like there are alone in the world and they are lost in each others’ presence. Adam sways their bodies as he pulls his boyfriend’s body to him and he closes his eyes as his body screams ‘’I love you’’.

He knows it’s not the time to tell Kris and feels a bit upset that he can’t just blurt it out at the top of his lungs. But he knows the right time would come and for the mean time he’d just subtlety say it in every touch he does as he gently runs his hand on his boyfriend’s back.

As the song ended the lights have totally gone too. He blindly reaches for Kris’ chin with his hand and after finding it he tips it up as he lowers his head to catch his mouth giving him a sweet passionate kiss.

Adam ends it after few moments giving him a light feathery kiss on his forehead. And just as they pull apart the lights are back on with the principal standing on the stage with a huge smile on her face.

‘’Okay, so, that was a little electrical glitch we just had and now, may I have all your attention!’’

Adam looks down at Kris asking him silently if he wants to take a seat. Kris nods in response and both walk to their table finding most of their friends are already seated.

‘’Oh, I thought you wouldn’t bring my date back to me.’’ Cheeks chortles as he passes them his half glass punch and a half bottle of water. Adam takes the punch and gives Kris the water.

The principal goes on with her speech as Kris feels his bladder will explode. He stands up and excuses himself though Adam is about to stand with him he stops him whispering ‘It won’t take long.’ Adam nods and follows him with his eyes.

Adam is being flooded with teasing after Kris goes to the bathroom and Adam just smiles blurting out, ‘’Yeah, yeah, he’s hot. I’ve known that way before tonight, you dumbass.’’ He jokes lightheartedly with his friends.

‘’The question is, what you gonna do about it?’’ Cass asks him that makes all his friends look at him expectantly.

Adam squirms at the stares he’s receiving and glances at Cheeks who arches an eyebrow at him as if saying, ‘Yeah, Adam, what are you going to do about it?’

Adam clears his throat and drinks water as he nonchalantly shrugs.

Their table started to get noisy again after Danielle makes fun about their principal’s makeup and hair do but Adam still feels uneasy from the scrutinizing eyes Cheeks has been giving him.

He tries to join the conversation after that but Adam started to get worried after 15 minutes when Kris still hasn’t come back. Alisan, Danielle and their dates went back to dancing on the dance floor as he is being accompanied by Cheeks and Cass who are discussing about who’s gonna be crowned the king and queen of the night.

He stands up leaving his two friends who are still arguing and haven’t even noticed he’s not there anymore. He heads to the bathroom and has a bit of a flash back on what had happened earlier that evening. He opens the door and finds it empty. He glances at the 5 stalls and all the doors are open.

As he is about to go out of the door he hears faint sniffs in the far corner of the room and Adam walks hurriedly to the last stall at the far end of the room and finds his boyfriend slumped on the toilet looking a bit pale and a bit flustered.

His heart sinks at the sight of his boyfriend and kneels in front of him.

‘’Kris, babe, are you okay? What happened?’’ he asks softly but he knows he can’t hide how worried he is and it shows in his voice. Kris looks up at him and holds his gaze for a few moments and then he smiles a little but Adam knows he is just trying to calm him down.

‘’Babe, what happened?’’ he asks again looking him up and down searching for something that is not quite right but honestly Adam can’t really see any difference except for couple of open buttons and a few traces of sweat running down his neck and chest.

Then Kris suddenly cups his face and leans down to capture his lips in a hot seething kiss. Adam was caught a bit off guard but closes his eyes and holds Kris around his waist as he deepens the kiss. He doesn’t expect this but he is not the one who would turn it down either because c’mon he would certainly live in a world where he can kiss Kris at any minute, any seconds of the day and the whole night too.

But in some ways Adam feels like Kris’ kiss has something that he can’t quite figure out. But Adam forgets what his concerns are when Kris starts to moan and kisses him hungrily. He answers Kris’ kiss with his own tongue and maps his mouth with it and Kris is soon biting him and that’s where he puts a stop to it by holding him around his shoulder pushing slightly so he can look him in the eyes.

‘’Hey, hey, babe, slow down. As much as I love doing this with you this is not the right place for it.’’

Adam feels Kris stiffen and his lips twitch as he tries to look anywhere but at Adam.

Adam feels his boyfriend’s anxiety and rushes to explain, ‘’Kris, babe, listen to me.’’

But Kris smiles albeit it looks more of a grimace than an actual smile and says ‘’it’s okay I’m sorry-I don’t know why I-‘’

‘’Hey, baby, no-don’t feel sorry for wanting to kiss me. I want to kiss you too but what I meant to say was there’s a right place to do that. And are you really feeling okay? ’’

Kris twitches again but nods at him and after he runs his fingers through his hair he stands up and Adam follows.

‘’Can we go home now?’’ he asks wiping his palms on his pants.

‘’Of course, baby. Come, I think you just need some fresh air.’’ He reaches out to hold Kris’ hand and leads the way out but before they go out of the door Kris takes his hand from Adam’s grasp and tucks it in his pocket walking in the direction of the front door without glancing even once at Adam.

That reaction honestly caused a little twist in Adam’s heart. He knows he agrees with Kris about hiding their relationship but they just danced so intimately on the dance floor and just kissed in a public bathroom where anyone could’ve just walked in.

He trails after Kris as he is thinking how he can possibly endure these feelings that he needs to suppress when out in public. He’s not used to doing things like hiding a relationship but he knows he will do anything for Kris. If it means he needs to look over his shoulders all the time then so be it. He loves him that much.

Kris is already waiting for him outside the venue and Adam fishes out his phone to call a cab service.

‘’Cab in 10 minutes.’’ He blurts out as he is near enough for Kris to hear him.

There are few students linger on the sidewalk as some decided to take off with their dates and continue the night privately. Adam wishes the same, he wants more than anything to have Kris privately but Kris is still new to everything and Adam doesn’t want to rush him or even feel that he’s obligated to have sex with him. He wants when that time comes he wants it to be very special that they both wouldn’t forget it for the rest of their lives.

That was the reason why he had to stop Kris in the bathroom-it just didn’t quite feel right. It feels like Kris was trying to proving something that Adam honestly didn’t understand.

They stand there for few more minutes until the cab has arrives and they head home Adam texted Cheeks and Neil that he and Kris had gone home so none of them would worry about him and Kris.

They ride in the cab in silence and Adam doesn’t know what’s playing around in Kris’ mind but he decides to just give him the time he needs.

The house is quiet as they enter it and they take the stairs together and Adam stops in front of Kris’ door blocking him from entering.

‘’Good night, Kris’’ He says looking down at him reaching for his hand.

Kris looks around before looking up at him and giving him a smile. Adam gets so sad with that but tries to smile back kissing Kris on his forehead whispering, ‘’Sweet dreams.’’

‘’Yeah, you too’’ He simply answers and opens his door and goes in leaving Adam standing still outside Kris’ room.

After showering and changing into clean pajamas Adam lays down his exhausted body. He’s tired and his mind is also restless leaving him shifting from his right to left and vice versa. He’s thinking about Kris and he knew what he’s getting into when he started this relationship with him and Adam is willing to do whatever it is just to prove how much he loves Kris. He’s willing to wait until he’s ready to come out and be comfortable with their relationship and he’s willing to swallow his principles just so Kris wouldn’t feel pressured by him and their relationship. He wants him to adjust and decides by himself when he’s ready.

He loves him and he can do it for Kris.

Adam sleeps that night with his mind so determined on being so patient and be more understanding. It’s not just about him and his feelings it’s more about Kris and how he can help him be comfortable and accept his new life now that he has Adam as his boyfriend.

But what Adam doesn’t know, Kris is struggling to keep his mind off of what Kian said to him in the bathroom.

He didn’t expect his biggest bully to follow him to the bathroom after he went in there and cornered him.

He didn’t realized who he was at first because Kian asked him, ‘’Do I know you? You look familiar but I cannot remember where I saw you before.’’

Kris didn’t pay and mind to him which fueled Kian and somehow bruised his ego. He yanked him and backed him up to the wall and said in between clenched teeth, ‘’Why, do you think you are that hot you can ignore me? I saw you dancing with Lambert and you thought you’re that good now? ‘’ he sarcastically smirks and puts his hands on both sides of Kris’ head that stills him from moving.

‘’Well, let me tell ya, you would just be Lambert’s flavor of the month. Didn’t you know he just dumped his hot boyfriend a few weeks back? What makes you think he will not do the same to you? He’s a player, he just plays with people’s emotion and if he’s get what he wants-he would just dump you like he did to his other boyfriends.’’

Kris looks down thinking Kian does have a point and well, he kinds of knows that already.

‘’Look at me, I said look at me!’’ He demands and Kris looks up nervously. ‘’I can also give you what Lambert could and much better. He would just use you until he can find someone that is hotter and fresher than you. He would just use you and if he gets tired of your body he’d just throw you to the curb. But me, I can be your hero…’’ he said lowering his head and starts to lick his neck as he cups Kris’ dick. ‘’I can show you how you should be treated.’’

Kris’ mind short circuited for a split second not from what was Kian is doing but from what he has said and after letting it all sink in. He cannot say he doesn’t know what Kian was saying but it makes him realize that maybe if he can be good in bed with Adam-he can at least have him longer in his life. He should just make sure Adam would want him, would want to be with him-he should let him know that he’s okay with whatever he wants.

Then Kian runs his tongue down his neck starting to unbutton his shirt then Kris pushes him away stopping Kian from what he was doing.

‘’Why, you don’t like it? You’d rather be Lambert’s flavor of the month? Okay, go ahead-you should just prepare yourself for the hurt when he decided you’re no longer worth his time.’’ He bitterly says wiping his mouth with the back of his hand leaving him alone in the bathroom.

Kris just stands there and he crosses the short distance to the last stall and sits on the closed toilet thinking about Adam and what Kian had told him.

Yeah, he doesn’t even know why Adam likes him and he’d forever treasure what they would have even for a short time only because he’s expecting Adam will wake up one day realizing how stupid he is wasting his time with Kris.

And that was how Adam found him. He crouched down with that same worried expression that he always has whenever he’s with Kris. Adam worries about him too much and sometimes Kris feels like Adam is too kind and walks on an egg shells around him.

That makes him think that Adam doesn’t like him like he did with Brad and Sauli. He is more convinced that he just doesn’t want to hurt him and took pity on him. That’s why he’s going to make sure Adam would at least be happy with him. He would let him stay happy and he would never do anything to stop him from doing what he thinks could make Adam live blissfully.

When Adam asked him repeatedly if he was okay, he was honestly not focused on his words instead he was looking at him thinking how gorgeous he was-how much he was in love with the man crouching in front of him. At that moment he swore to give his everything and he’s going to prove that Adam would enjoy being with him-he wants to prove to him that he was game with everything Adam wants.

Then he started ravishing his mouth. Adam stiffened for a moment but then he was kissing him back with equal fire that made Kris’ mind explode. He is dancing inside and feels triumphant as Adam started to caress his lap and Kris couldn’t fight the moan that escaped his mouth. Yeah, he could be the flavor of the month but he didn’t care. What mattered most was Adam is with him-and he should be thankful for that.

But then Adam was pushing him away stopping him from taking it a little further. Kris felt his heart twist in knots as Adam said that this wasn’t the right place for doing things like this.

But of course Adam doesn’t want to be seen being intimate with him in public. How he can easily forget that when just a week ago his mind was already set for being discreet just so Adam wouldn’t feel ashamed which might cause him to change his mind about being with him.

And so he understands. He stood up thinking that he should be more careful and be a little selfless.

Drowning in his emotion might’ve cost him his time with Adam and so he should be more focus on Adam’s happiness and not with his own self.

When Adam held his hand as they walked to the door he disentangled their joined hands before he opened the door to face the real world. He knows he is doing the right thing-he just wants the love of his life to be happy.

His mother was right, you certainly could give everything to the person you love but in the end they would always leave you. You just have to live everyday thinking if you do it better than the day before because that would just mean you could still have one day with them-one night holding them.

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