Jun 16, 2013 07:35

Title: TAKE ME AWAY(13/?)
Author: imnotskerrd
Beta:  crybaby4u <3
Pairing:  Kradam; Kris/OMC; Adam/Sauli
Word count: 4460
Disclaimer:  This is a work of fiction.
Warnings: Domestic violence; Bullying
Summary: Sometimes we think that letting someone go is the most selfless decision that one can ever make. Especially in a situation where no one can help you except for yourself. But what if you came back and found out that the love of your life didn't just change in the way you've expected him to but also is in a more messed up situation.

Adam stretches out his long limbs as he stirs up from a deep, dreamless sleep. It’s the best one he ever had for so, so long and he very well knows the only reason for it. He smiles as he remembers what happened the other night and touches his dry lips with his finger as he still feels the tingles Kris’ lips had caused.

He still can’t believe it. He can’t believe that he has already confessed his love for Kris last night and kissed him albeit just a light peck on the lips, it was still the sweetest one he had in his entire being.

After dreading about it for so long on how to tell Kris how he feels it only takes him a kick on his butt by none other than Cheeks to finally do it.

He closes his eyes as he feels the heavenly like feeling of being in love with someone and knowing that they ‘might’ feel the same. He really thinks that he’s falling deeply so fast that he’s never felt with someone before, not even with Cheeks. But he’s just so glad for Cheeks that he shaking him like he did helping him to realize that time is important and not to be wasted.

Adam shifts to his side and hugs a soft pillow and buries his face in it thinking it’s Kris’ chest or something… Or something? His thoughts make him smile and caress the pillow so gently. Then his eyes flicker to his side table and he sees the time, 6:30 am.

Adam literally shakes his head to clear it wishing he was seeing the wrong time but the numbers flashing on it remains the same and so he stands in a flash and runs to his bathroom to get dress.

‘’Holy shit! Ow-‘’ he cries out as the cold water hits his chest. He’s so in a hurry because Kris usually waits for him at his car quarter before seven and it’s only less than 15 minutes away. He doesn’t want him to wait on their first day as a couple. The thought was enough for him to have a record breaking shower in less than 5 minutes-first time in his life.

He’s rushing to kiss his mom on his way out shaking his head as she offered him some toast and throws his bag on the back seat and hops in on the driver’s seat with Kris already in his usual place. Adam is breathing so hard but leans in to Kiss Kris on his lips as a way of greeting him but what Adam doesn’t expect was Kris literally jumps out of his skin and looks around as if he’s checking if someone has caught what Adam did. That really makes his heart sinks.

‘’Kris, uh-are you okay?’’ he asks despite how hurt he feels. He thinks they are okay-that they already talked the other night-he thought that they are already a couple.

‘’Y-yeah I am.’’ He says softly glancing up at him shyly flushing a little bit.

Adam nods and answers ‘’Good.’’ But he’s obviously in a deep thinking state as he drums his fingers on the steering wheels-in which Kris thinks is a gesture of Adam if he’s feeling nervous-and looks straight ahead.

‘’Are you feeling alright-‘’

‘’Kris, I need to know something-‘’

They both say at the same time and both gesture for the others to go on but neither does as silence envelops them. But Adam can’t let the ride start and he feels he can’t get out of the car if he can’t clear what’s his and Kris’ relationship really is. He knows he’d just stare out at the distance and look like a fool if he does not talk about Kris’ reaction after giving him a kiss on his lips just minutes ago.

And so Adam clears his throat and starts talking again without glancing at Kris.

‘’Kris, about last night-uh, do you-are we-‘’ he struggles to say it and glances at him. Adam sees Kris’ face looks like he’s expecting he will hear something that would hurt him. He’s biting his lips nervously and waiting for Adam to continue but his emotion confuses Adam.

‘’I mean-last night was incredible and it’s really, really great that we had the chance to talk-but…’’

Adam starts to express his doubt but he stops as he notices Kris’ hands are shaking and he lifts one to his mouth to bite his nail. Adam starts to worry because this was what he was afraid before that his declaration of love would complicate Kris’ situation.

And so he rushes to touch his arm that makes Kris glances nervously at him and Adam sees an undeniably fear in his eyes.

‘’Kris, babe, what’s wrong? Did I do or say something that bothers you? I-‘’

‘’No, no, no-I’m just, I’m sorry-just go on with what you were saying. I’m sorry to interrupt you. It’s okay and I understand with whatever you will tell me. I will be okay-it will be fine.’’ He says softly but Adam can hear the pain in his voice. But that doesn’t help Adam in trying to read Kris’ reaction and this sudden emotion. Why Kris seems to be hurting when he’s the one feeling hurt by his reaction for his kiss a while back? That’s what Adam doesn’t understand.

‘’Uh-yeah, I was just about to ask you about what happened last night…’’ Adam sees how Kris closes his eyes waiting for what he would tell him. ‘’… uh, I just want to know, Kris, if we are on the same page here? I mean, I clearly told you about my feelings and I know the night ended so great and I just assumed that we both feel the same way but now I… I guess, what I want to clear with you if we are uh-together-like, uh, together as a couple-boyfriends…’’

Kris suddenly snaps his head up obviously doesn’t expect to hear what Adam has just said. Adam can also see the relief in his eyes that he thinks he sees him blow out a breath.

‘’You didn’t change your mind? Together? Boyfriends?’’ Kris says the words as if feeling the taste of it on his tongue then his face breaks out in a smile that Adam thinks can rival the sunlight. And that’s enough to makes him smile, too.

‘’Change my mind? Was that what you were thinking-that I would break up with you on our first official day as boyfriends? No way, babe I just had the best sleep ever last night after thinking that we were finally a couple but I think your reaction to my kiss this morning just caught me off guard and made me re-think what we really are-because you never told me that you felt the same I just assumed.’’

Adam says reaching for Kris’ hand and twining their fingers.

‘’I thought I was being clear with my feelings even without telling you about it-I thought it was obvious that I-I, uh, I like you.’’ Adam smiles and brings their joined hands to his lips and kisses Kris’ hand. ‘’About the kiss-You just surprised me and I never experience anything like this-maybe I just don’t know how to react with that kind of thing. I’m-I’m still not so comfortable, I guess, but I’ll be good in time-I promise.’’

‘’Hey, it’s okay. I understand. I know you will get used to the feeling of having a boyfriend. But Kris, if I may be honest with you, and I just want us to be open as much as we can-I was really curious by your reaction after I kissed you-the way you scanned the surroundings as if you were afraid someone might have seen what I did. Were you really afraid to be seen being a little intimate with me?’’ Adam asks because he really wants to know. He knows Kris is new with this kind of relationship and he doesn’t want to pressure him.

But Kris’ reaction has nothing to do with being afraid to be seen with Adam kissing him instead he’s afraid that if someone would have seen them and then rumors would start circulating about Adam kissing a weird guy-he’s afraid that Adam might have changed his mind about being with him. He’s afraid that he would suddenly realize that he’s not worth the embarrassment that he would endure just to be with him. He’s afraid Adam would actually break up with him even before they could spend some time being together.

‘’I-I’m just not used of doing it in public. I’m sorry.’’ Kris knows that it’s only a half truth and that there are more important reasons behind it but he’s not willing to share it with Adam.

‘’Ok, I don’t want to pressure you, so do you want us to be subtle? Well, at least for now.’’ He kindly asks.

Kris glances up again and nods. ‘’Yeah, I think hiding it is the best we can do right now. It’s-it’s better that way.’’

Adam takes a deep breath and nods understandingly though he’s really against hiding his relationship with Kris but he can’t also deny Kris his right to get used to and feel comfortable having a boyfriend.

Adam understands how hard it might be for Kris to suddenly have a partner, so, it’s his responsibility to at least give Kris the time to get used to the idea that he’s with someone now.

‘’Okay…’’ he sighs, ‘’Okay, I understand.’’ He gives Kris’ hand one more squeeze then releases it. Glances at the clock on the dash board he utters ‘’Damn, we’re going to be late.’’

And good thing Neil started going with his girlfriend to school where she drops by the house and fetches him because now he could at least hold Kris’ hand without worrying. He just hopes Kris would be comfortable being with him soon because he doesn’t know how long he could endure keeping their relationship a secret.

The day passes by so slow and Adam feels like he’s itching to be with Kris in their usual spot that evening and it kills him to act like normal-like how they usually did-when all he wants is to shout at the top of his lungs that Kris is his boyfriend.

Kris acts timidly that day, too, and Cheeks who has a sense of a bulldog smells something was up with him.

‘’You look tense, Kris, everything’s okay, honey?’’ he asks leaning into Kris’ side who happened to glance nervously at Adam as if sharing some ‘secrets’ with him-which by the way is so ironic-nods a few times.

Cheeks flickers his eyes at Adam who tries to act nonchalantly and stuffed some fries to his mouth-in which Cheeks knows he doesn’t even like and hadn’t eaten in like 2 years-and narrows his eyes at him as if telling him he’s being watch.

‘’Okay.’’ he says patting Kris’ arm. But he and Adam know that it won’t end there because Cheeks definitely smells that there’s something going on between the two of them. And Adam would definitely leave the decision to Kris if he’s going to be up front with Brad-with whom Adam knows Kris is closer with than anyone in their circle of friends. Well, aside from Neil, of course.

And that evening at the dinner, Adam can’t contain himself and feels like he has something poking his butt that he can’t sit properly. His mother, of course, has noticed it and asks if he’s feeling okay because he hasn’t really eaten well.

Adam uses his skill learned in the drama club and acts like he’s okay just a little full from eating too much junk that afternoon. She scolds him about eating junk and the importance of eating a proper dinner. Adam nods and needs to promise her that he will be more cautious with his health.

And when at last they are alone in their usual spot, Adam cannot stop himself and finally kisses his boyfriend. Kris get tense at first but after Adam whispers in his ear reminding him that they are alone and no one hasn’t come in the backyard to creep up on them since they’ve started doing this nightly ‘date’ Kris starts to melt in Adam’s arms.

Adam kisses him so gently although it’s almost only like a peck at first. He keeps opening his eyes as if making sure that Kris is okay with it but Kris keeps his eyes close because he can’t believe how the kiss makes him feel that he almost forgot about his fear and tension.

Then after a few moments Adam deepens it by licking Kris’ lip tentatively. That makes Kris jerks slightly-surprise by it-but he doesn’t look like he’s still tense instead he kinds of feel like he wants more.

Adam ducks his head to the side slightly and subtlety asking Kris if it’s okay to continue and what surprises him is that Kris is the one who leans forward to capture his lips. Adam smiles with their lips still attach and deepens it again by licking Kris’ lips urging him to open in which he does and Adam enters his mouth.

Adam holds the back of Kris’ neck and holds it with an undeniable possessiveness as he continues to explore Kris’ mouth. Kris seems to love it because Adam can hear a faint moan from him and his hand is fisting the front of Adam’s shirt and he unintentionally tugs it hard.

Adam forces himself to take his mouth off of his boyfriends and gives it a few more sweet pecks.

Kris’ eyes are still close and after a few moments he opens them and looks directly into Adam’s who smiles so heavenly at him. When Kris smiles back Adam pulls him closer and kisses his temple whispering, ‘’that was amazing.’’

Kris flushes under the moonlight and shyly nods, ‘’Yeah…’’

‘’That was my first time being kissed’’ Kris murmurs softly after few silent moments which makes Adam beam so proudly.

‘’Yeah? It makes me feel special hearing it, Kris.’’ He answers caressing Kris’ face and kisses his nose.

‘’You are the special one Adam and if given a chance to relive my life again, I still would choose you to be my first kiss again.’’

Adam feels like he’s in heaven upon hearing it and pulls Kris to him and kisses him again.

The week passes by with them successfully hiding their relationship and they think they actually act like the way they used to and Adam is so mindful of his demeanors. Their friends are used to seeing them together, sitting like they are glued together at their sides and touching every now and then and so it’s not convincing and would draw suspicions if they stopped doing that. But should totally be cautious not to be as overly intimate that it would equally raise an eyebrows from their friends. But Adam thinks him and Kris did a great job because no one has asked anything about them.

And when Saturday morning comes and Adam excitedly comes down to have his usual breakfast with Kris he finds his mother instead telling him that Kris went out with Cheeks just few moments before he actually woke.

He’s calling Kris’ number in split seconds as he nods to his mom’s offer of pancakes but he hears his ringing tone somewhere in living room. Adam curses as he crosses the hallway to get the phone in which he assumed Kris has forgot to bring.

Then he dialed Cheeks’ number and yells at him.

‘’Where is Kris, Bradley?’’

If anyone who Adam tells about his true feelings for Kris-though he knows it’s obvious to the naked eyes how he’s so attracted to Kris-it was Cheeks. Adam was so jealous of him before thinking Cheeks wanted to date Kris as he misinterpreted Cheeks’ sweetness with his Kris.

He kind of ignored the feelings he had for Kris and his jealousy of Cheeks as he was still with Sauli during that during that time. But as weeks and weeks went by, and as he proved that Cheeks and Kris were nothing than close friends and he was at the point where he was already falling so deep and couldn’t deny that he was being unfair to Sauli. He spent more time with Kris than with him and Sauli started to be suspicious and Adam thought he needed to make the final decision.

It was Cheeks who he ran to. He was the one who listened to his troubled mind and heart and he was the one who he told him first how he really feels for Kris.

Cheeks wasn’t surprised at the revelation to say the least but he was the one who gave Adam the courage to make the final point to end his relationship with Sauli.

He told Adam that it was unfair to continue dating Sauli when his heart wasn’t really into it. Cheeks said, ‘’It is almost like cheating, Adam, when you know you’re no longer emotionally connected with the one you are with. Even though you weren’t cheating physically but it would hurt him so much upon finding out you don’t love him anymore and that you are already falling for someone else without telling him. It would hurt him thinking you lead him on when in fact it was another man who you were thinking of while you kissed him, touched him-you were wishing it was Kris that you were making love with instead of him or praying it was Kris you were whispering I love you to each and every day. That it was Kris who you want to call your boyfriend-that it was him that you want to hold hands with-it could break Sauli, Adam. It’s better to be up front with what you really feel and face the music rather than dragging it until you cannot salvage your relationships with either Sauli and Kris.’’

Then when he broke up with Sauli it was Cheeks who knew how Adam struggled with how to tell Kris his true feelings. It was Cheeks who helped him plan how to tell and what to tell Kris but unfortunately every time he tried to he always chicken out and ended up not telling him what his heart was screaming.

Then they both planned the grand gesture where they both agreed that would be the thing that would finally bring the two of them together.

But then Adam’s fear kicked to its’ highest level and he felt so confused and too worried about what it would do to Kris’ state of mind. And it only took a little kick from Cheeks for him to finally realize how foolish he was for letting something that could be his only chance at happiness slip by him.

But as much as he appreciated Cheeks’ help on finally getting together with Kris he could also be a pain in the ass. Just like now, he could have told him the day before that he had a plan on taking Kris out. He could’ve at least given him a head’s up and he wouldn’t worry this much.

‘’Good morning to you, too, glitter boy!’’ he happily greets back.

‘’Brad, where did you take Kris to this early in the morning?’’ he asks between gritted teeth.

‘’Relax, Adam! We’re just having our moment. You will see him tonight, okay?’’ Then Brad cuts the phone off and Adam’s eyes are about ready to pop out.

‘’What the fuck?!’’ he yells to the phone like Cheeks could have heard it.

‘’Adam, language!’’ his mother shouts from the kitchen. ‘’Get over here, your pancake is cooling.’’

Adam stomps into the kitchen with heavy feet and slumps down in the chair obviously still piss.

‘’Why are you so pissed off this early morning?’’ she asks while serving him a plate of pancake with orange juice.

‘’Brad…’’ He says in between clenched teeth and picks up the orange juice to drink it.

‘’Oh, yeah, he came here like an hour ago and asked me if he can take Kris out. I said, he should ask Kris not me. It seemed Kris didn’t mind.’’ She explains while taking the seat opposite him. Then when Adam seems quiet his mother continues, ‘’Let Kris enjoy being with your other friends. He needs it, Adam. He’s going to be okay, don’t worry too much.’’

‘’I know. It’s just, I get so worried about him sometimes-I - you’re right, I’m sorry.’’ He leans back scrubbing his face with his hands.

‘’It’s okay, dear. But you should remember Kris has his own decision to make. One of these days he’s going to go back to his own house and you’ve got to live with that. You should not forget he’s not really living here with us-though your father and I would love to-but he still has his father. I’m just so happy to see the difference since the first time I met him. He has changed tremendously.’’

‘’I know’’ Adam whispers poking at his food.

‘’He seems so comfortable and a bit open to others now. That is a big accomplishment.’’ She smiles refilling Adam’s glass. ‘’Well, are you ready for tonight? Who’s your date, by the way?’’

Adam bites his lips as he remembers he’s not the official date of his own boyfriend to his own ball, well, damn his life!

‘’No one’’ He says stuffing his mouth with a chunk of pancake.

‘’Well, you shouldn’t let anyone steal the one you wanted to go with.’’

Adam looks up at her in shock surprised.

‘’What do you mean?’’

‘’Adam, I’m not blind. I’m your mother and I’m not dumb. I can clearly see what’s going on. Anyway, what’s done is done. But you should’ve just asked him if you really wanted to, you know.’’ She says giving him a shrug and opens the newspapers and leaves him with his food.

Adam keeps himself locked in his room for the rest of the morning. He keeps on playing what his mother told him over breakfast and tries to dissect every word. He wants to make sure that they don’t have an idea that he and Kris are actually together. But mostly, he thinks everyone can see that he has a crush on Kris but doesn’t do anything about it. And Adam wants them to continuously think like that until Kris is ready. He doesn’t want to pressure him.

By 6pm he’s already dressed and goes down to their living room hoping to find Kris there but when he finally steps in, he only finds his parents and Neil wearing his new tux looking like a fine gentleman.

Adam smiles at that, his brother is not a child anymore. He’s even dating a girl now.

‘’Adam, you look so gorgeous, honey!’’ His mom says walking to him and quickly hugs him. His father is behind her back smiling so proudly at his boys.

‘’Thanks, mom’’ He smiles back at them and flickers his eyes to his brother. ‘’Looking good, bro.’’

Neil nods and smirks at him. ‘’You’re not bad yourself.’’

Then they hear a honk from their driveway and they all walk to the door. They find a black limousine waiting and Neil whistles in appreciation for the ride.

They had planned that they all just ride together to the ball to enjoy the night more. Even Neil’s girlfriend had agreed on going with them.

‘’Oh, Adam, Brad called few minutes ago.’’ Leila says when the boys started to walk to the car that makes the both of them turn back to her. ‘’He said him and Kris would just ride separately because they might be running a little late. So, you take care, okay? Neil, be good.’’

They both nod and Neil snorts at their mom’s last words. He exactly knows what she means. But when he looks at his brother when they started to walk again he looks like he’s about to slaughter someone.

‘’I’m so glad I’m not Brad right now.’’ Neil lightheartedly comments that gets no responds from his brother.

When they arrive at their school gym, that the students turned into a sparkling 80’s disco theme, there are already quite a few juniors scattered on the dance floor, chatting over an orange punch, and few taking pictures on stage with their dates and friends but Adam cannot find Kris and Brad.

‘’Adam, over here’’ Cass yells over the loud music that it’s impossible to even talk to the person nearest to you.

Adam heads to the table that’s already filled with their friends who he came here with in the limousine.

‘’We kind of lost you after we arrived. We thought you already found someone interesting tonight.’’

Alisan chimes in smiling while drinking her punch.

Adam just smiles at her and doesn’t respond. Well, he saw some hot guys including his ex, Sauli, but he is looking for one particular hot guy and he’s nowhere to be found-and he misses him already. Then Cass says out loud, ‘’Where’s Cheeks and Kris? God, that bitch really is unleashing his inner diva. They are already 20 minutes late and the ball will start in 10 more minutes.’’

Just after Cass said it Adam hears a loud gasp from Danielle and when he turns to the direction her eyes are glued he can’t believe what his eyes are looking.

Cheeks’ is dress in a white suit with sparkly pink shirt with a touch of eye makeup. But what he doesn’t expect is his boyfriend, who is Cheeks’ date for the night, would be having his makeover done too. Kris is dress in black suit with white button up shirt and what’s makes him more different from his usual look is the absence of his eyeglasses.

Adam has to shakes his head to clear it because he just doesn’t expect any of this. He knows how hot Kris is when not hiding his face behind the thick eyeglasses and he loves him with or without it.

When Adam looks around he notices all eyes are on the new comers. He also notices the whispering of ‘’who’s that?’’ and Adam suddenly feels so proud and possessive at the same time and thinks proudly, ‘Well, that hot guy over there is mine.’ He smiles to himself looking at his boyfriend as they walk towards their table.
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