Apr 21, 2013 12:51

Title: TAKE ME AWAY(7/?)
Author: imnotskerrd
Beta:  crybaby4u <3
Pairing:  Kradam; Kris/OMC; Adam/Sauli
Word count: 2754
Disclaimer:  This is a work of fiction.
Warnings: Domestic violence; Bullying
Summary: Sometimes we think that letting someone go is the most selfless decision that one can ever make. Especially in a situation where no one can help you except for yourself. But what if you came back and found out that the love of your life didn't just change in the way you've expected him to but also is in a more messed up situation.

He’s woken up the next day by someone sinking onto his mattress. Then he hears Adam’s smooth voice waking him up. He just groans because he feels like he’s has only slept for 1 hour. But Adam shakes his shoulder trying to wake him. Then his mind goes to Adam. Adam is in his room well, technically it’s not really his room because living with the Lamberts is just temporary but still Adam is in his room. He’s sitting on his bed, shaking him awake from his shoulder his bare shoulder.

That thought is enough to jerk him awake. He jolts up looking shyly at Adam glancing around the floor for his shirt. He finds it near the door and contemplates on crawling to get it but it has his cum all over it. Then he remembers what he did last night. He heard Adam clearing his throat but he looks away from him nibbling his lower lip.

‘’Sorry to wake you Kris but today is your scheduled visit with your dad, remember?’’ Adam says in a soft tone, he sounded like he’s unsure of something.

Then Kris’ guilt gears up again. Adam is nothing but good to him, him and his family actually. He shouldn’t be having dirty thoughts about him especially when the man is happy with his boyfriend. ‘Like you have a chance with him.’ his mind supplies feeling suddenly ashamed with himself.

‘’Kris, are you alright?’’ Adam cuts his chain of thoughts. Kris glances up and gives Adam a small smile.

‘’Yes… Uh, sorry, I seem to have overslept. Just give me a minute to get dress?’’ Kris asks starting to crawl out of his bed to get a fresh shirt from the nearby chest cabinet. When he doesn’t hear Adam answer, he turns to look at him questioningly. But he finds him looking at him… or at his back intensely.


‘’Oh yeah sorry… Uh, I’ll just wait for you at the car.’’ He says walking out the room in quick steps.

Kris doesn’t give himself a chance to think about Adam’s reaction instead he goes to the bathroom to take a quick shower and get dress.

Adam has been his companion who drives him to visit his dad for two weeks now. He wasn’t able to visit for the past few days because of his studies but scheduled with Adam to visit on that Saturday morning.

They arrive at the hospital after about a half an hour and they find his father’s room to be a little crowded. Kris is worried when he sees the commotion but Adam’s hold him steady to keep him from falling down on the ground. Dr. Weber smiles as he sees him.

‘’Kris, good you are here!’’ he says cheerfully. ‘’Your dad is a fighter. He’s out of danger, kid. After 2 weeks of being in ICU and living only by a life support system-thank god, he finally stabilized. We’ll transfer him to a private room in next few hours-but he’s out of the woods, son. Though he still stays here for a month or two then a physical therapy after, but he’s okay now.’’

Kris doesn’t know how to react at Dr. Weber’s news and flicks his eyes to his dad. He feels the hair at the back of his neck stand up as he sees his father’s face looking at him unblinkingly. The life in his eyes is back instead of those sedative induced blank kind of looks that he had the last time he saw him.

‘’I said you can visit him anytime of the day from now on but just don’t tire him too much. I just finished checking him out and you can have your time with him. Just tell the nurses at the station if you need to ask me anything, okay?’’ With a nod from Kris Dr. Weber pats his shoulder and nods at Adam then walks out the room.

When Kris looks at his father again he’s looking at something at the space between him and Adam. And when he follows his eyes he realizes Adam is holding his hand. Kris looks at their twined hands and tugs his hand back when he heard his father says ‘’I want to-to talk to Kristopher alone.’’

His dad says it while glaring daggers at Adam. Adam shakes his head looking unfazed by Kris’ dad who bitterly chuckles at him as his response.

‘’Oh c’mon I’m still tied-uh-‘’ he coughs for few moment and winces in pain but Kris is still glued to the ground. ‘’I’m tied to the bed, kid. I can’t even lift my hand to get the glass from the side table.’’

Kris seems to snap out of his reverie and glances up at Adam, then he hesitantly whispers, ‘’It’s okay, Adam. Can you-can you wait for me outside?’’ he waits for Adam to answer but nothing comes out of Adam’s mouth. ‘’Please?’’ he pleads.

That seems to work because Adam nods but whispers in his ear ‘’I’m just outside the door. You shout if you need me, okay?’’ and when Kris nods he reluctantly walks out of the room.

‘’I can’t believe you let yourself believe that he’s serious with you. How many times should I tell you that he’s just going to hurt you. Are you really that dumb, Kris?’’ then his dad laughs bitterly that ends in grimace from pain. Kris doesn’t move closer and doesn’t look up as he continues. ‘’I guess you didn’t expect me to wake up, huh?’’

Kris still remains silent.

‘’Is it better if I died? I’m sure you pray for me to die, didn’t you, Kristopher?’’

‘’N-No I never…’’ Kris starts to say but he’s cut off by his dad.

‘’Don’t lie to me.’’ He said voice becoming a bit softer then he becomes quiet for a moment. ‘’You’re such a fool thinking that boy would love you.’’

Kris shakes his head to tell him he doesn’t think it’s even possible, and that he already knows Adam wouldn’t like him like that. He doesn’t know if there’s anyone out there who could love him, he even think love doesn’t exist in the real world-or that’s what his mother always implied. That’s what he has in his own house-that’s what his father has taught him since he has the ability to understand. That’s what was engraved in his mind- that love comes at a higher price-that only few lucky people in this world who finds true love.

He can still remember vividly when his mother told him that in this life he might fall in love with someone but it doesn’t mean it would always be reciprocated. He could try but to never expect to be loved back. He thinks that’s the way she explained why she endured so much with his dad. Then he asked ‘But wouldn’t that be unfair, mom?’ then his mom sadly replied ‘Life is unfair, Kris. It always is.’

The ride home is deafeningly silent. Adam takes it as Kris wants to be left alone and he kinds of understand that. He watches as Kris silently walks up the stairs and enters his room.

They are alone in the house that day. His parents are attending a high school reunion at the San Diego Hilton and won’t be back until the next day. Neil goes with them because he enjoys using his parents’ room facilities while they are away attending the party.

Adam prepares a simple lunch and keeps a serving for Kris in the warm oven. He eats in front of TV and not long after he finishes his meal his phone buzzes in his pants. It’s a message from his boyfriend yelling yet again because apparently Adam is late for their lunch at Sauli’s house.

Adam curses because damn it how could he forget about it? This will be another disaster and honestly Adam is too tired fighting with his boyfriend. And they seem to do that pretty frequently these days. He ignores the message and turns off his phone, he’ll just think of another alibi and he won’t be in trouble until they will see each other again which is on Monday.

He waits in front of the TV for Kris to come down to have his lunch. He knows the kid is upset with something while he was alone with his dad and he kind of expected that, that’s why he was so reluctant to leave him alone with his dad.

He yawns after couple of hours of waiting and tries to check on Kris because he gets him worried and wants to make sure that he’s alright.

He gently knocks on the door calling Kris’ name. There’s no answer from inside after he knocks for few times. Adam is too worried and he needs to know if Kris is okay.

He opens the door quietly and peeks inside then relief washes over him as he sees Kris peacefully sleeping on his bed. He stares at him and thinks about what he had realized this morning when for the first time he saw Kris without eyeglasses with a pretty messy head bed. He looks like an angel. And he doesn’t know how this happened but he feels like he needs… no-he wants to protect Kris. He swears he wouldn’t let anyone hurt him, not even his dad.

He closes the door after few minutes and lets himself finally get some rest too. He sleeps with the image of Kris’ innocent sleeping face on his mind.

Next time he opens his eyes his room is dark save from the flicker of lights that comes from the bright full moon. Adam shivers as he forgot to close his window and it’s still breezy in early March.

He checks in on Kris’ again as soon as he comes out of his own room. He knocks but there’s still no answer. Adam opens it but he finds the bed empty.

He walks down the stairs and checks the kitchen but Kris wasn’t there either. He checks the living room next and his heart is pounding hard as he finds it empty too.

‘’Kris!’’ he calls but no one answers. ‘’Shit!’’ he curses as he scratches his head in frustration. He doesn’t know where Kris might be at and honestly he’s too disappointed with himself for letting this happen when he notices a soft sound coming from their back yard.

He hurriedly walks out as he notices the sliding door is slightly opened. Their back yard is big with a huge pool, various flowers all around the fence, scattered trees and a hammock. But Kris still isn’t there.

But he can’t be mistaken of the sound that he’s been hearing that it’s Kris. He walks the back yard lawn and reaches the two twin pear trees at the far end of their back fence. He knows there’s a bench on it and he loves sitting there when he’s upset or just wants to be alone. He guesses Kris has found it too.

But before he can announce his presence he halts in his tracks as he can clearly hear Kris’ voice. He’s singing a sad classic song called ‘’Tears in Heaven’’ while strumming his guitar.

‘’Time can bring you down, time can bend your knees
Time can break your heart,
have you begging please, begging please

Beyond the door there's peace I'm sure
And I know there'll be no more tears in heaven

Would you know my name
If I saw you in heaven?
Would you feel the same
If I saw you in heaven?
I must be strong and carry on
Cause I know I don't belong here in heaven’'

Adam can hear the pain and longing in his voice as he sings it and Adam’s heart twists. The kid is obviously carrying some heavy feelings inside him because Adam can literally feel the hurt while he’s singing. Adam hides from him so not to interrupt Kris and as he stands there in the dark he notices Kris is looking at the moon.He doesn’t even look away even for a second and Adam follows his eyes to find how lovely the nature that unfolds in front of him.

When he finished singing Kris doesn’t take his eyes off of moon and Adam softly calls Kris’ name trying not to startle him. Kris slightly jumps almost knocking his guitar off.

‘’A-Adam, w-what are you doing here? I-I thought you were sleeping.’’ He shyly says glancing up at him.

‘’Yeah, but I was just checking up on you when I got slightly freaked out because I couldn’t find you anywhere in the house.’’

Kris looks up at him in awed surprise. ‘’I’m sorry. I didn’t realize it looks-‘’

‘’Hey, no apology needed I just thought it was so insensitive of me to just let you be alone when you’re obviously upset with something.’’ Adam says as he sits on the space next to Kris. ‘’Are you okay?’’

He hears him let out a sigh and whispers ‘’Yeah, I am now.’’ He says glancing up at the full bright moon again.

‘’Kris, I know there’s some issues between you and your dad and I gave you my word before that I would keep it to myself. But you know you shouldn’t-‘’

‘’He’s my only family left, Adam. I can’t abandon him.’’ he pauses and Adam can literally touch the anxiety that suddenly builds on Kris. ‘’And besides, I don’t have anywhere to go.’’

‘’You can stay with us as long as you want to, you know that right?’’ Adam shifts to face him trying to send his message to Kris.

‘’But I shouldn’t. I shouldn’t abuse your kindness. And I don’t think my dad would be happy with that.’’ he says that last part in uncertainty.

‘’He’s not treating you right, Kris. Why you suffer when you can have your freedom with us?’’

‘’Because life is so unfair like that not everyone can have their happily ever after. I’m certainly not one of them- and I’ve already accepted that. I already accepted the fact that I only would get whatever I can from the people I love-without expecting anything in return. Not everyone is as lucky as you, Adam.’’ Kris blurts out that makes Adam stun in silence. He’s so shocked at what he has heard.

What has happened to this boy for him to view his life in such twisted kind of way? What kind of place has he grown up in and what kind of twisted beliefs have his parents engraved to his innocent mind?

Adam doesn’t know how to tell him that he shouldn’t think like that. That he only needs determination and perseverance to achieve whatever he wants in his personal or professional life.

Not from being a doormat-a martyr.

But Adam holds his tongue because what Kris doesn’t need this time is more complexity. But Adam swears that he would do everything to alter that twisted belief Kris seems to contentedly live with. But that day isn’t today. Kris has suffered way more than a boy his age should and Adam honestly isn’t sure if he can handle more stress. Besides he should calculate his every move towards Kris-on how to approach this sensitive subject because one misstep could completely destroy Kris’ life forever.

‘’You have a great voice. It’s so soothing. And you play the guitar well.’’ He says instead after few silent moments. He sees as Kris just shruged at his complement.

‘’I missed my mom.’’ He says as he looks up at the moon again.

‘’I’m sorry.’’

Kris smiles sadly at him as if saying ‘he’s okay’ but Adam can still clearly see the pain in his eyes.

‘’You know you can talk to me, right?’’ Adam says as he gently strokes Kris’ back. He feels him still for a moment but relaxes after only few strokes.

‘’Really, Kris if you need anything, like anything… I will always be there for you. I know Neil is your best friend but I want you to know that you have another friend in me. I mean it, Kris.’’

‘’Thank you, Adam’’ He shyly answers. ‘’And I’m glad you get my name right nowadays. Though Kent is a good name too.’’

Adam burst out laughing and murmurs his heartfelt apology that Kris gladly accepted.

They sit there together watching the nature unfolds before their eyes.

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