Apr 02, 2013 12:26

Title: TAKE ME AWAY(4/?)
Author: imnotskerrd
Beta:  crybaby4u <3
Pairing:  Kradam; Kris/OMC; Adam/Sauli
Word count: 3822
Disclaimer:  This is a work of fiction.
Warnings: Domestic violence; Bullying

Summary: Sometimes we think that letting someone go is the most selfless decision that one can ever make. Especially in a situation where no one can help you except for yourself. But what if you came back and found out that the love of your life didn't just change in the way you've expected him to but also is in a more messed up situation.

a/n: Hi guys! Sorry for the late update, RL kinda sucks right now. But anyway here's the new chapter and I hope y'all would like it:)
This chapter is a continuation of chapter one but in Kris' POV.

One day while Adam and his boyfriend Sauli walk inside the cafeteria for lunch, he notices his brother sitting with his friend not too far from where he is about to head off, which is their usual table with his friends. He walks to the table where his brother and his friend are occupying with the intention of getting some reaction from Kent. His brother is sitting with his back to Adam so he doesn’t see him coming and the kid’s chin is as usual glued to his chest and obviously doesn’t notice him either. So he plops into the seat next to his brother and the chair creaks loudly causing Neil to slightly jump from his seat. But the best reaction is from Kent-the kid. He was drinking his water when Adam sits
uninvited and greets them with a loud and a cheerful ‘’Hey, brother, hey Kent!’’

Kris almost chokes on his water when all of a sudden Adam noisily sat beside Neil one quiet Tuesday at lunch. Kris couldn’t even believe that Adam actually addressed him although calling him by the wrong name. Neil was a bit annoyed at his brother especially when he noticed Kris was so nervous and seemed to do the ‘hiding in his shell’ thing just like he did whenever someone that wasn’t Neil came close to him.

Adam and Neil exchanged some snarky conversation until Adam finally left to be with his boyfriend and friends at the table just three tables away from theirs’ and him and Neil returned back on what they were doing before Adam burst their little bubble. Neil was back to reading the book about guitars and how to play them when Kris risked a glance at Adam’s table and what he saw had lit up something inside him in which he didn’t understand… and had never felt something like that before.

But before he could take his eyes off of them-Kris felt he was invading someone else’s privacy by staring at a couple kissing-Adam’s eyes suddenly opened and looked directly at him while tongue sucking his boyfriend. Kris was frozen and felt he couldn’t move. Then Adam pulled away from his boyfriend without taking his eyes off of Kris and when he winked at him Kris kind of snapped out of his daze. When he saw Adam’s boyfriend smirking at him though he couldn’t help feeling ashamed. He was just caught staring at a couple making out, now he wasn’t just weird but a creep too. He fumbled and frantically stood up gathering his things from the table while Neil was following his lead with a curious expression on his face.

‘’Kris, what’s happening? Why are we in a hurry?’’ he asked his friend worriedly.

Kris just murmured incoherently to his back pack while shoving everything into it when he heard Neil said ‘’Shit’’ under his breath. Kris didn’t look up to see what he meant was but instead he started to just walk away while trying to fit everything in his bag.

‘’Kris, wait!’’ was what he heard last from his friend as he rushed out the Cafeteria with laughter that he undoubtedly knew was coming from Adam’s table ringing in his ears.

Neil tried to apologize to him after their last period when they would walk home together instead of riding a bus-which became their afternoon hanging out. Kris really enjoyed being with his only friend but today he wasn’t in the mood to even talk. If he was being honest, he couldn’t wait for the day to be over so that he could just watch the moon through his window and find solace in it. Until now it was still the only thing that could calm him.

Little did he know what Neil was up to in his own house that was almost 5 blocks away from his. He was so aggravated that of all people who would mock his friend his brother would be one of them. He couldn’t believe it the first few hours after it did happen but he saw it with his own
eyes. His brother and his friends were making fun of his best friend.

Later that night Adam finds himself being pushed by his brother in the hallway with rage that he can’t understand.

‘’Hey, what’s got in to you?’’ he pushes back but Neil holds him back with fire in his eyes.

‘’Of all people I thought who would’ve laugh at Kris I never thought you are actually one of them. I thought better of you, Adam, but now you’ve lost my respect for you.’’

‘’What are you talking about?’’ he asks confusedly.

‘’Oh, you know perfectly what I’m talking about. You know what, you think you and your friends dress fiercely and you think you are cool? Well, they are fake, Adam. I’d rather be friends with someone like Kris who dresses like he does but has the most genuine heart.’’

‘’Neil, I’m sorry but I really never paid attention when my friends were making fun of him this afternoon-‘’

‘’Yeah, and what’s worst? You didn’t even say anything to stop them.’’ Neil pulls back from him and steps back. ‘’Just stay away from us. Kris has already suffered from everyone in school, he doesn’t need my own brother to bully him, too.’’

‘’Neil, I never-‘’

‘’Just stay away, Adam.’’

Adam tries to distance himself from Neil and his friend after that night. He really didn’t mean to make fun of the kid nor had the intention of doing it but Neil wouldn’t hear him out and Adam knows better than to piss him off more by doing the exact opposite of what he has told him.
For few weeks he watches them from side lines, not being too obvious that he’s still checking up on them. Neil has successfully held his temper and hadn’t been in any trouble since his last suspension a couple of months ago. When Adam was almost sure Neil wouldn’t court troubles again, he finally let his brother and his friend alone.

He stops checking and stops worrying about Neil. He also asks his friends to respect his brother’s friend and stop mocking him or else he will be out of their group. Adam gets them to agree and since then no one from his circle of friends talk about Kurt (or is it Kent?).

The first time Kris steps into their house was Neil’s birthday. Neil begs his friend to join him and his family for a small dinner party at their house pulling out his ‘You’re my only best friend and I need you there with me’ card on him.

Kris tries to reason his way out of it because 1, he has never done that before (going to his classmates’ house). 2, his father wouldn’t let him, he’s so sure of that and 3, he doesn’t know how to act around Neil’s family especially when Adam is there.

But in the end Neil wins and Kris makes up a lie (well it’s actually a half-truth half lie) to his father just to attend Neil’s birthday at his house. But his father still refused to let him attend.

He’s so terrified not just for sneaking out without his dad’s consent but to actually go out of his house aside from going to school. He hasn’t done that before and honestly he doesn’t know what to expect in this kind of event. He is used to eating alone with just sandwiches and juices,
sometimes his father joins him but mostly he just takes his food and sits in front of the TV while Kris eats at the dining table.

Kris used to do everything alone, with no one guiding him, no one appreciating him but he expected a yell and hurtful words whenever he screwed something up. He doesn’t know how his father does that, he seems so uncaring in every way but he always finds his mistakes no matter how small it seems they can be.

So this dinner with Neil’s family is a very new thing for him. He doesn’t even know if he can do it without embarrassing himself enough to dig a hole and live there for the rest of his life. He’s used to being the laughing stock, he faces bullies every day and he doesn’t flinch at whatever
names they throw his way anymore-but this, this dinner with someone else’ family?

But he decided that he’ll do it for his friend. Neil is so good to him, he’s the only person beside his mom who makes him feel important, makes him feel loved. So, what’s a little uneasiness compare to what it will do to his friend? He’s willing to feel uncomfortable for a little while just to make his friend happy.

He stands in front of Neil’s door at exactly 6 pm. He tries a couple of times to reach the buzzer but his hands were shaking and he stands there for 5 more minutes. At last he finds enough courage to actually lift his hand to buzz the door when it suddenly opens even before his finger touches the doorbell. Kris was startled and moves backward which makes him almost stumble down if not for Adam who’s so quick at grabbing his arms and holding his weight until he feels Kris can stand on his own without stumbling down again.

‘’Are you okay?’’ he asks looking down at him-their faces just merely few inches away. His voice fills with concern. Kris doesn’t look up at him; instead he fidgets with his hands and nods a few times.

‘’Okay… uh, sorry if I startled you.’’

‘’N-no… Uh, yeah, I mean…. You don’t need to say sorry.’’ He says shifting from one foot to the other still fidgeting.

‘’Kent, look-‘’

‘’Hey, baby!’’ a voice calls from behind Kris which makes Adam’s face breaks into a sweet smile. He leaves his side and meets his boyfriend few feet away from where they were standing.

“Sauli ’’ Adam says excitedly meeting him halfway and caging him into his arms. ‘’I’m glad you’ve made it!’’

‘’Of course, I did. I promised, didn’t I?’’ he asks pecking Adam’s lips.

‘’Yeah, you did.’’ Then Adam leans down to capture his boyfriend’s mouth.

Kris turns away from the couple not knowing what to do until Neil happily shouts his name from inside the house as he happens to pass by the hallway and sees him standing just outside the door awkwardly.

‘’Hey, buddy! I started to worry that you would not come! Don’t just stand there, come inside!’’ Neil says as he walks to him. “Why do you look like you’ve just seen a gho-oh!’’ Neil halts in his steps and turns his back from the scene in front of them.

‘’Adam! Stop that! Gross…’’ He says as he leads Kris inside the house slamming the door behind them. ‘’Sorry for that, Kris’’

‘’N-no, no, it’s okay.’’ He stutters looking shyly around the foyer. Then he produces a small box wrapped in a Christmas wrapper and hands it to him. ‘’Uh happy birthday Neil sorry for the wrapping paper’’

‘’No prob, dude... You didn’t have to, you know.’’ Neil says but his face is saying that he is overwhelmed with the gesture.

‘’It’s not really something… big or expensive. It’s just-‘’

‘’I don’t care if this is from a dollar store or you just got it from your attic. What’s important is you’re here.’’ Neil says and hugs his friend. ‘’Thank you for coming, buddy and for this, too.’’

‘’You’re welcome.’’ He smiles at his friend who leads him to the kitchen where his parents are setting the table.

The dinner went well. It was awkward at the beginning as Neil’s parents, Eber and Leila, just met him and given all the troubles Neil went through to stand up for him-well they let him know they never blamed him for that-they are polite and kind to him.

Adam and his boyfriend didn’t really talk to him much and he feels that Adam is trying to be distant- not that he’s worth talking with or has interesting things to say-and he finally left to be with Sauli to go to his room after the dinner.

He offers to help Leila dry the dishes even though she refused him already. Neil leaves him shaking his head and joins his dad at the living room watching old movies.

‘’Neil said you transferred from another school?’’ Leila asks smiling. They started to ask him questions about school and Kris answered them shyly at first. They must have noticed it because Eber went on telling some funny stories about Neil and not long after Kris was laughing with

‘’Y-yes, Mrs. Lambert...’’

‘’Oh, none of that its Leila, call me Leila, please.’’ She says giving him a sweet smile. He nods and her smile gets even wider. He starts to feel something aching in his heart, he then realized it’s because he suddenly misses his mom.

‘’ We were from Reno-well, I and my mom were originally from Arkansas-‘’

‘’You and your mom?” she asked. ''I thought you are living with your dad? Is she still in Arkansas?’’ She asks curiously.

Then she stops what she was doing to look at him when he doesn’t say anything after it got quiet for some time.

‘’Kris, is there something wrong?’’ she asks, ‘’did I say something wrong?’’

‘’I- uh, she, uh- she’s dead.’’ He whispers and holds the cold granite of the Lambert’s counter for some support.

‘’Oh god, I’m sorry, Kris. I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to bring that up.’’ She blurts out pulling him into her arms. She hugs him and Kris stiffens at first but melts into her soothing embrace as she rubs his back. God, he so misses his mom…

‘’I’m sorry, Leila, I-uh-‘’

‘’No, Kris, you don’t have to be sorry. I shouldn’t have asked in the first place.’’ She comforts. ‘’Are you okay?’’

‘’Yeah, I-I am.’’ She looks like she doesn’t believe him. ‘’I’m fine, Leila. Promise…’’ He smiles positioning his eyeglasses that skewed slightly from the embrace.

‘’Kris, I want you to know I’m here, whenever you need me-you’re welcome here anytime.’’ Kris feels so warm inside and his eyes are prickling.

‘’Thank you.’’ he whispers.

‘’No problem, sweetie...’’

Kris stays for one more hour after dinner just watching old movies with the three Lamberts in their living room. Leila serves coffee for her and Eber, milk for Neil and Kris and chocolate chip cookies. Kris really enjoys his time with them and he’s glad he decided to come because he never thought he would feel at home with Neil’s family. He feels the warmth from Neil’s parents even though it’s the first time meeting them.

But he also feel sadness creep inside of him, this easiness and the feeling of belonging just makes him miss his mother so much. He suddenly
thought of what would his life be if she hadn’t died. Would there be any difference? Would his father change and finally realized his mother’s worth? Would his mother’s sacrifices be finally ended?

But no matter how many times Kris would spin it, he would always come to one conclusion. Happiness is not for everyone.

‘’Kris, Adam will drive you to your house. You cannot walk at this time of the night, son.’’ Eber says as Kris stands up saying he needs to go home.

‘’N-no, it’s not necessary, Eber. I-I’ll just… it’s only 9 pm, I can walk-‘’ he stutters because heck no, Adam is not driving him home.

‘’We insist, Kris. We can’t risk your safety. This is a good neighborhood but still…’’ Leila adds when Kris refused their offer. He still shakes his head nervously. ‘’Please, Kris, we would feel better if Adam will drives you home. Please?’’

Kris just can’t say no and so he nods his head in approval.

‘’Great’’ Leila happily rubs her hands together. ‘’Neil, tell Adam to come down and tell him to let his boyfriend go home too.’’ She says turning to Neil who rushes the stairs yelling Adam’s name.

Adam, Neil and a disheveled (yet still so hot) Sauli come down after few minutes and their parents let Sauli says his goodbyes and lets Adam walks him outside. But when he comes back inside he frowns as he sees them all waiting for him in the hallway where they stood before he
went outside with his boyfriend.

‘’What’s up?’’ he says looking from his mom, to his dad then to his mom again.

‘’Adam, we want you to drive Kris home, please.’’ Leila answers taking Kris’ hand and smiles gently. Adam’s brows furrow thinking when did his mother become so close with Kris?

‘’I’ll go with you.’’ Neil interrupts when Adam doesn’t answer.

‘’Nah, it’ll just be few minutes. What street do you live on?’’ he directs his question at Kris who almost chokes on his own spit when Adam looks at him intensely.

‘’J-Jackson’s street, f-five blocks away’’ He stutters looking down at his shoes.

‘’I know that street. C’mon, let’s get going.’’ Adam walks away and picks up the car keys in the bowl near the door.

Everyone says their goodbye to Kris and Leila whispers ‘’Just remember what I’ve told you, okay? You’re always welcome here.’’ Kris nods and hugs her again then walks to the car where Adam, who looks so bored, is waiting for him.

He opens the door and sits in the passenger seat hesitantly. He doesn’t know why he feels so nervous but he really is. Then he almost jumps when Adam suddenly speaks up.

‘’Seat belt’’ He coldly commands pointing his head into the direction of seat belt and Kris frantically finds and fastens it.

They ride in silence. Adam never glances at or speaks to him, he just focus his attention on the road. Not that Kris is expecting for Adam to talk to him.

‘’Stop at the next house, please.’’ Kris says as he unfastens his buckle. When they reached the house Kris had instructed Adam to stop at Kris suddenly looks tenser than he ever was. He is kind of fidgeting and doesn’t move to get out of the car instead he just looks at the house on their side.

‘’Hey, you okay?’’ Adam asks in a tone where Kris hasn’t heard before.

He snaps back out of his reverie and glances nervously at Adam and nods. ‘’Y-Yeah… Just, uh, I mean, Thank you, Adam.’’

‘’Okay.’’ Adam eyes him skeptically but Kris opens the door and gets out before Adam can say anything after that.

Kris walks to the front yard and looks back when he doesn’t hear Adam drive away and he finds him still parked on the side of the road watching him walk their lawn. Kris lifts his eyebrows in silent question but Adam just shrugs off. Then Kris continues to walk until the front door
suddenly opens and his angry father comes to view. Kris halts from his steps, all the nervousness from earlier on in the evening comes back again in ten folds.

When his feet become rooted to the ground and moving is an impossible task for Kris his father walks up to him with his hands on his hips. Kris doesn’t even notice when Adam lowers the side window of his car and slightly cocks his head down to have a better view of Kris and his father.

Adam is out of the car in a flash as he sees Kris’ father slap him across the face. His eyes bug out and he rushes to where the two are and can clearly hear what Kris’ father was shouting about.

‘’-my order because of a friend’s birthday?’’ He shouts. ‘’Don’t lie on my face, Kristopher! You’ll lie to me for this boy? You’ll break my trust for someone-‘’ he looks at Adam in disgust. ‘’-like him?’’

‘’D-Dad, I-I’m sorry. I really went to a-a friend’s birthday.’’ Kris brokenly explains. His tears are flowing freely but Adam can see his fear through his eyes and how his small body shakes.

His father slaps him hard again and Kris yelps as he stumbles to the ground.

‘’Hey, stop it!’’ Adam shouts running the short distance to where Kris lies on the ground. ‘’Get away from him!’’ when he crouches down to check on Kris he softly asks him ‘’Kris, are you okay?’’

‘’Y-Yeah, yeah, I’m good, Adam.’’ He tries to smile but it comes off as grimace when he feels pain on one side of his face. ‘’You need to go, p-please.’’

‘’No! No way in hell I would leave you with this man. You’re coming with me!’’ Adam pulls him up gently giving Kris’ father a disgusted look.

‘’Ah, so, this young man is your boyfriend?’’ he sarcastically laugh. ‘’You find yourself a boyfriend? Who would’ve thought’’ Kris’ father walks a few steps toward Kris and Adam instinctively tightens his grip on Kris’ waist. ‘’What makes you think he will stay with you for real? Did you see how good looking he is? Do you think someone like him would like you-‘’

‘’D-Dad, he’s not my-‘’

‘’Huh, so, you are so quick to judge me. You think we will not last long? You think no one would take your son seriously? Well then Mr. Whatever, I will prove how wrong you are. That your son is worth loving for, worth fighting for-‘’

‘’Adam, what are you doing? Why are you making this harder than it already is-please, just-‘’ Kris pleads but Adam just tightens his grip on him, it almost feels like he’s holding him possessively. Like he was his…

‘’You’re coming home with me. And it’s Non-negotiable.’’ Adam says sternly.

‘’Kristopher, go inside the house now!’’ his father’s voice send shivers to his body. He can’t do anything other than to nod his head which makes Adam gasp in shock.


‘’No, Adam I don’t want you to get involved in this. I got this, I’ll be good-t-thanks though.’’ Kris slowly moves away from him until his hand on his hips falls down. ‘’Thank you, really. I appreciate it. But please just…. go.’’

‘’Kris!’’ his father yells again and Kris runs to the door where he’s waiting for him then slams the door once he steps inside.

Adam is rooted to the ground dumbfounded at what just happened. He knows the kid was being bullied at school but he never realized he suffered from it also from his own home. Adam feels as he stands in the middle of Kris’ lawn that he should do something for Kris. He needs to get him out of this miserable situation.

“But how” he wonders…
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