Jan 27, 2006 13:01
Yah, Tinker spends his time with binges. Whether it be games or internet or something else. And I do it sometimes too, I've been on a huge mush client binge lately. But I do that while he plays games. And I feel sorta shoved aside. And so I spend my time with my friends (Who I don't get to see very often) or by myself trying to fill in the empty gap. And Tink says I desert him, I'm not trying to. I'm just trying to fill in the gap that was left when the pair of arms around me reached for the controller, and the eyes that say they love me, left me for the screen. Dating a gamer can be stressfull, because you love them, they love you, but they love the games more. And when it comes to the games, you'll always be second. Not that it matters, as long as I'm loved. But it hurts sometimes, to be ignored for a game. Especially when the game will always be there and IT can wait. The game doesn't care if you're gone for a few days, a week, or a month. But the heart of your lover, it does care, she/he cares. And it hurts. And another thing that hurts a lot, is not the fact that every once in awhile we have a thrid party in the bed, it's that I'm not enough for him... Not enough for him at all. Emotionally, sexually.... and that it the greatest hurt of all. That she, seems to be better than me, because she knows certain movies, because she's great in bed, because she likes certain music and I don't. I know he loves me. I love him. But knowing that I'll never be enough is enough to rip me in two.....I'm sorry, I have to go.....