Tutorial #4

Apr 25, 2009 22:33

Well, I once again won at severalplums and this is my tutorial for the winning icon. It was actually due last weekend and was posted there at the time... I just didn't have enough time to post it elsewhere until today.

The icon was made in Photoshop CS3 and uses Levels, Curves and Brightness/Contrast layers.

We're going from

If not otherwise mentioned, layers are set at Normal - 100%. I'm sure some of the layers could be combined, but I didn't feel like changing the original layers around (which I think was because I kept trying it out and deleting adjustment layers again)

1) In the first step I adjusted the levels to bring more white to the picture by setting the right-hand lever to 227.


2) Now I wanted to add some colour to the icon. For that I used a Curves layer. I tend to add some Red and Yellow as this gives the images an old feeling (at least in my eye)

(channel: out/in)
RGB: 139/118
Red: 133/121
Green: 125/131
Blue: 121/135


3) Since the icon wasn't red enough and looked a little bland, I added this texture
by art-e-mis using Soft Light at 40%


4) I still wasn't satisfied so I added another texture
by cheyenne-maria


5) To make the colours stand out more I added a Brightness/Contrast layer in which I set the Contrast to +29


6) Once again, I wasn't satisfied with the colouring and added a second Curves layer to add even more red and yellow.

(channel: out/in)
RGB: 123/130
Red: 127/130
Blue: 125/131


7) In a last step I used another Levels layer to add more white. This time I moved the middle lever to 0,96 and the right one to 247.


Now the icon was done.

Layers palette:

If you have any questions, feel free to ask. I also don't have a problem getting a screencap of any of the adjustment layers I used.


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