paradisa; bad taste in my mouth

Jul 19, 2008 12:44






Twisted and wrong.

So full of hate.

Hate for Jack.

It's cold again.



And dark.

He chokes; from the lack of air and the dirt filling his mouth.

He dies.



"I've forgiven you, I give you absolution. Now do the same for me."

"--The only strength I have, is my hatred for you."

"I begrudge you everything. I want to rip it all from you. To you leave screaming in the dark. I will never resolve you. All of it, it's your fault."


Jack wakes up with start, drenched in cold sweat and frantic. He has to stop, everything, just laying in silence listening to the humming of the TARDIS, the silence, before sitting up groaning as his head throbs the beginnings of a headache from hell sneaking up behind him. He reaches for a plain white t-shirt, pulling it onto the bed before sitting there in silence.

And then he cries.

Silent sobs to make sure he didn't wake up the other possible sleeping occupant.

When the tears stopped he got up, got dressed, washed his face and wandered into the console room, pretending it's fine, pretending everything is fine and he didn't just have another dream about his brother. Another dream where he died over and over again, in the deep dark depths of the ground.

verse: paradisa

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