Oct 04, 2004 16:00
This halloween i have decided to be Amy Lee... I'm going to try and pull off the my immortal look.. if that doesnt work then i will just wear my corset like shirt and my lacey skirt with fishnets and all that other good stuff.. Im going to buy blue contacts and hair extentions.. for 18 inches its $21.91 almost $22. and the contacs i want are only like $17 or $18. So it's not all that much.. i have almost everything but those two things..lol. i don't know if anyone is going to trick or treat around here but if they do i will pass out the candy..lol and when that over i will find somewhere else i can show off my cool look..hahaha... j/k but seriously i am going to try and find some where i could go..lol. well that's it for this entry i just thought i'd let you all know what im going to be for halloween. Love you guys.