Jan 12, 2006 23:44
Well since my last post I have talked to Julie and Shaun has talked to Marc and we shall be seeing them soon, yay! I miss having them around.
VA was great I was soooooooo happy. And I saw Sarah!! Luve her! I read Eric's journal and he flat out admitted him and Dana planned to get us out, when I posted asking about it he deleted it. Pussy. Then again a real man wouldnt have said he would kill an unborn child.
The other night me and Shaun were out and we saw one of those spot lights and it reminded me of a night when us and Marc and Julie saw one and decided to track it we drove around like for an hour before we found it at Gothem then we drove around downtown for a long time then a top of a mountain or huge hill or something and we could see the whole city it was breathe taking. Like I said I miss them