Mar 31, 2008 18:12
The other day when I was in Holland I bought a spliff (as you do, when you're in Holland), pre-rolled, as I can't do it myself. But then never had a chance to actually smoke it. So I sent it to myself in the mail and it arrived today. This amuses me.
Although I have a slight problem. We don't smoke in our flat and I don't really see myself smoking a spliff outside among the regular pub going smokers... Besides, it should be a social engagement anyway, smoking weed by yourself really defies the purpose in my opinion. So now I'll probably have to send it back to Holland the next time I go there so I can actually enjoy it.... Yeah, some people have real problems.
My flatmate ordered one of those recycle bags. You basically put anything in it that is recyclable (tins, jars, bottles, paper, cardboard) and Camden council collects it (probably with a big smelly truck). This means I no longer have to go to the bottle bank! This pleases me.