Ahahahaha, oh god. As a testament to actually how far behind I am in following such things, I hadn't actually watched the
proper music video for "Na Na Na" until today. Just the lyric version which is (unedited and therefore the version I prefer to listen to and also) hilarious enough on its own. But the actual proper version is quite possibly even MORE hilarious, and holy shit you those boys need to quit hitting my undeniable bulletproof kink in the form of dystopian futures. (with laser guns and explosions. Ffffffffffffffff. THOSE ARE TOTALLY OLD NINTENDO ZAPPERS REPAINTED, AREN'T THEY YOU LOSERFACES! ♥ XD okay, no they're not. But they remind me of them also, hacking vending machines? QUIT PLAYING BIOSHOCK! REALLY!)
Seriously, they need to stop making me want to shell out 70 bucks for the box set as opposed to just buying it on iTunes like I was going to do. Because I don't have room for a $70 box set, no matter how cool it is with its mask and plastic laser gun and photobook. I am also kind of sad I missed out on the Killjoy Halloween costume contest. I threw together a costume within half an hour of hearing about it last night just for shits and giggles although it was way cooler when I was sleep deprived and involved
these mismatched earrings from my tween years in the 90s (the swords I got when I was twelve and wanted to be a punk rocker for Halloween, trufax XD ...I can't remember when I got the spiders, they were also for Halloween, possibly a few years later given the day glo orange that was popular back then) and a bucket hat. XD thank god Manitoba is lacking in deserts to LARP in. There is the sand hills, but they're a good ways away from where I live... and it's getting cold out. I'll just write things....... Actually I'll probably just write crossover things because you KNOW who I'm imagining in this setting and it's making me grin a lot. This universe is kind of ridiculous and amazing. XD
I'll stop being stupid now. 8I
[ETA: oh, yea. Anybody
want to buy a scarf? XD I knitted it while I was watching season 6 of NCIS and really do not need it. It occurs to me that maybe I should try to sell these things instead of throwing them in a box. ^^]