OH HOLY SHIT THIS WAS ACTUALLY HARDER THAN I THOUGHT IT WOULD BE! (mostly because I had issues figuring out how many whelps following me around was enough. There was a gleeful shout of "FUCK YEA!" when I finally pulled it off. Especially since I was actually worried I was going to die (I did die once when trying it in Unholy spec. Then I said "fuck it" and switched to Blood). I had a bit over 1100 hit points left when the last one dropped. XD)
Also, I am pretty much convinced that the boys in My Chemical Romance couldn't wait for Fallout: New Vegas to come out* and instead wrote a ridiculous dystopian concept album and started LARPing in that universe and want all their fans to play along. Finding this out so late in the game actually makes me kind of sad that I didn't know about it sooner. And now I have to look into this and come up with a Killjoys identity of my own possibly cross it over with the other dystopian love of my life.
*Okay, the Fallout thing is purely speculation on my part. But given what giant dorkfaces those guys are, and what has come of the leadup to this album I would not be surprised if this was the case. Good lord but they are ridiculous forever. XD