I think the major thing stopping me from redoing the icons for my incredibly ridiculous Bolger RP journal (which I need to throw around more often because I love that douchebag forever and my headcanon is more expansive now than it was when I initially made the damn thing.......... well, except for the "no, seriously, how the fuck did you accomplish all that in only three years" part because that's insane and nonsensical and really, Show, what the fuck? But my Satellite related headcanon is expansive and glee inducing :D) is that every time I settle in to attempt to redo them I get all distracted and just find myself grinning foolishly at my screencaps. Because, oh god, all their precious little faces! And, dear universe, may I please have fic where
Crow is a rentboy and Bolger hires him without realizing that it's him. And there is pr0nz. Because that would be awesome! ♥
The other thing that's stopping me is that the lighting is so damn wonky in all the scenes that aren't duel *momentary grumble about riding duel scenes and all the stupid helmets ruining great facial expressions* not to mention I'd rather look at Bolger in his awesome business suit than his hilarious riding suit. XD. I think I've finally figured a way around it, but it's going to be such a pain in the ass. And I seriously cannot open a screencap without giggling my fool head off.
(do you realize how insane I'm going to be when dub finally gets up to these episodes? I mean, take how excited I was for the dub of GX 131... or 141 and multiply it by like, a thousand or two. Because, you know, those episodes I was pumped for due to the Ryo and Edo content. But they didn't take up the whole episode. and also 4Kids disappointed me in not naming 141 "How Axel Got His Groove Back." I mean REALLY! XD I think the dub of the Edo/Amon "Bitchiest Duel EVER" comes close but I think these just might top it. Despite all the giant continuity problems of WTF-ery I still love it more than anything in the WORLD! And still demand insane amounts of fic that no one other than me is going to write because, seriously. Random one-off minor characters. XD
"This is going to end in yaoi, isn't it?" Yes, yes it is. :D :D :D XD ♥)
Tangently related! I made a lot in Sims 3 containing Pearson and Bolger and Emeralda! It is the sexiest sims lot ever! My OT3 is nonsensical and irrational and I seriously need to get past gleeing over ridiculous minor characters. XD
And now, bed! Because I think I need it. XD