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Oct 26, 2004 08:34

oh man...i havnt updated since like friday morning. thats like a record for me. well....lots has happened since then. friday night was a blast. we lost the football game. it didnt really matter though, it was pouring down and we all left during half time. allen, marci, stephanie, alexa and i all drove over to marcis house and drank hot chocolate and watched ocean's eleven. then we all had to go home cause some people had curfews or accidentally tell their parents that they changed their plans and got grounded the rest of the weekend...

saturday morning i took the bcc admittance test and scored a 98%!!! go me...then i came home and talked to marci online, and then went shopping with my mom in seattle. then i had to work...i had to close...ive never closed before, and it was a saturday...oh man...work was insane. i got home at about 12:30ish and collapsed in bed.

sunday morning i woke up to my mom screaming at me that i had to go to church early cause my brother had a meeting. when i got out of the shower i found out they left already, so i didnt have to go to the church like 2 hours early and wait...so i got ready and cause i had hours to do it i didnt have to rush. i even made myself breakfast. i drove myself to church and didnt have to listen to my mom screaming in my ear the whole way. church was alright. i liked the primary program. in preist's quarum they handed out new missionary training hand book dealy-bobbers which i thought was pretty cool, until brother richey gave me a 2nd one and told me to gave it to peyton. then i thought it was the ugliest thing i ever saw. brother richey makes me feel very negative with his pushing for me to be a missionary to peyton. i hate peyton, but cause m the one who puts up with him, i have to deal with him. he wont even talk to anyone else. he really needs to get friends at school. then i drove james home from church and ate a late lunch, then my mom came home and we had to leave. we had to drive to seattle to drop the truck off at reeses house and then she would ride with me in my car. first of all, we got lost in seattle, second-it wiped out half my gas tank and i definately wont be able to drive on 1/4 a tank until next tuesday(if anyone wants to let me borrow some money until tuesday, you would be my best friend ever), and third, i had to listen to her whine the whole way back about how bad of a driver i am (shes such a hypocreit...i mean, she doesnt even signal when changing lanes), and how loud my music is. i dropped her off at home, and i went straight to marcis young women's recognition ceremony cause i couldnt handle hearing her any more. i got there 40 minutes early, and it was a lot of fun. go marci! then i came home and found out that when i was at church, my mom talked to brother bennet, and he was like "we are truley greatful for all that neil does for peyton" and then my mom (always brutally honest) said "you know neil doesnt actually like peyton? he just brings him to seminary cause he feels its the right ting to do" and then brother bennet said "really...wow...neil is just going above and beyond expectations...." thanks mom...i know she tried to help, but i actually think it got worse.

yesterday while i was in the shower, peyton called and said he wasnt going to school, so i didnt have to pick him up for seminary! i picked up my mom and had to drive her to work cause her cars still in the shop. not only was i on time for seminary, but i was early! i didnt have to deal with peyton all day! president hiltons not too bad of a substitute. i just hope sister hilton never comes back. then i went home and found out about the ashlee simpson thing and played it on the computer over and over and over again (www.jackieandbender.com). and realized it was monday and i had to go to juanita. i actually made it yesterday! i was so proud of myself. that place is so hard to find. then i went home and did my homeschool stuff, and passed out of sheer exhaustion. i woke up at 3, and went to go pick my mom up. the rest of the day was really un-eventful.

today while i was in the shower, peyton called and said his mom was gonna take him (i think hes finally getting the hint) so i picked up sarah and drove my mom to work, and was early again! president hlton subbed again. his lessons are way better than his wife's. for those of you eastlake students (*COUGH*AUBREY*COUGH*) sister hilton is just like sister wood, if not worse. i stayed afterwards and talked to the freshmen. jessica blames e for making sarahi late everyday, when in reality, she makes me late. sarahi wakes up when i knock on the door. I also found out that yesterday my brother hit sarahi and was calling my mom a whore behind her back. im not suprised. that kid is a cry for help. the new simple plan cd came out today..i am so happy. i am downloading the rest of the pirated....i mean legally downloading songs right now. Jeff moves tomorrow!!!! i cant stand that kid. i still have conection with the other archstoners and warned them. MUAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!!whoah there...anyways...today i work 11:30-5:30, then afterwards i have to drive home as fast as i can, change into my costume and then be at the church with james and peyton by 6. once again, they stuck peyton with me running the fishing booth. i gotta get off now so i can cram in some homeschool stuff before i go to work.
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