I'm sorry

Apr 10, 2009 09:28

So it's been a month since I last updated! I'm sorry. Things kept coming up and stuff. But there are photos! It's not like I haven't been taking them! Well, I've been taking less, but they still are there!

Okay, I'm not sure why I have these pictures, but I'll post them anyway. It's just some random pictures of the sky I took a while back. I don't think they're really great, but I'm guessing someone does. It can be kinda pretty if you stare at it from the right directions.

Now for something completely random. People dancing with umbrellas! Unfortunately, I only managed to get one good shot since my other hand was holding something at the time. The other shots are kinda bleah. It seems to have something to do with the Japanese flower viewing festival, though I had no idea that flower viewing had dances as well.

Taken on the same day as the previous picture, here we have a group of people getting their hair cut! It seemed to be some kind of charity drive. There's actually twice the number of people there getting their hair cut. Yeah, and ignore the radioactive looking light coming from the left side, it's just something to do with the camera. XD

Ah, now this one! I think this one is self explanatory. :D

Wow, these shots were from ages ago! The picture on top is what the back side of Mid Valley City (a shopping complex) looks like. It's always annoyed me that there was no direct route to it from an LRT station. Well, that's until I found this path. The next three photos show me getting out of the LRT station. Oh, it's the "Abdullah Hukum" station. That name has always puzzled me. I mean, sure it's named after the village nearby, which in turn was named after a person. But who in their right mind goes around with the name "Hukum"!? The most literal meaning of the word is "punish". So it seems really, really odd.

Okay! So after that last signboard, I turned left. Walked all the way down the road. And turned around to see the Menara Telekom (Telecom Tower) gleaming in the light of the midday sun. Oddly, there's a miniature rainbow in that picture due to some leaky pipe spurting out water. And the next three pictures are just that, walking, walking and more walking. XD

So the first two pictures are some random things I saw along the way. The first being a big lollipop mirror. That's actually useful for traffic since they can't see what's coming up the hill from where their car would be. And the second one seems like someone chose a number plate for his motorcycle and then couldn't figure out why he picked that number.

After that it's just more walking to get to Mid Valley. Across a bridge, across a pedestrian bridge, and then I'm there!

Only to be greeted by this freakin' monstrosity when I walk through the front doors! Man, that actually gave me some kind of minor shock. Look at it!! Who in their right mind would make something that had a crazy evil grin, and then put it as a welcome statue! Only two more random photos then I'm done!

Gosh man that burger is just GROSS!!

Why yes, strange looking lady. I would love to have the Chicken Gas. Do I get some Soup Gas with it?

Ok folks that's all for now! Pray that I can update again next week. Please pray for me! XD
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