It's...NOT a real update!

Aug 17, 2008 22:40


It's late today, I was watching the badminton... Of which I shall not elaborate any further, since I'm sure by now everyone knows!  And if they don't they can just look up the results.

So, I'm kinda bummed by the lack of gaming, so I downloaded this doujin game called DiadraEmpty.  Yes, I know strange name, but we've come to expect that from the Japanese.  And yes, the game is packed with Engrish. XD  It's not all that much of text, and it would be somewhat painfully touching if it made more sense.
So anyways, it's a shoot-'em-up and the last boss is so painful it's not funny. o__O  Maybe I should look into getting a video of it someday if when I defeat that *insert favourite swear word here*!!!

So anyway, I'll write proper tomorrow!

Damn that boss...
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