Sep 25, 2004 01:02
Well K, after reading your journal you've inspired me to start one. I've wanted to for quite a while, so I'm looking forward to it. Of course, I'm sure most of it will be drivel, but it'll feel good!
The most exciting thing that's happened to me lately is that we bought a house today. Scott and I remove subjects on Monday and we take possession on Oct. 29 - exactly five weeks today, or yesterday, I guess it would be now.
It's very exciting, yet terrifying at the same time! It's a fixer upper and needs a fair amount of work. We're definitely putting a new kitchen and bathroom in, then we have to do things like refinish the hardwood floors, take out the drywall valances over the windows (I hate those things!), patch and re-texture the ceilings, new floors in kitchen, bathroom and laundry room. That's just the inside! We're also doing a bunch of tree work (thank goodness that's what Scott does for a living!) painting the entire house and putting in a new deck. All that for a house we're only going to live in for a few months and then sell! We hope to have it ready to go and back up on the market for January/February. The market is so expensive here, doing this should allow us enough of a down-payment to be able to afford a house in the area we want to live in. I'm looking forward to that, for sure. I just want to be settled and in my own home and start popping out babies. LOL, well at least A baby. We'll have been married for 8 years by that point so it seems like a good time.
I'm tired and want to go to bed right now, but I'm having a "married moment". Scott and I had a bit of an argument before he stomped off to bed and now I'm feeling to proud to go crawl in next to him. Stupid, I know, especially because I know we'll be all lovey and fine and it'll be completely over my morning. Still, sometimes I feel like I need to make a point. Well, I'm going to suck it up and try and incorporate some humility into my feelings and go to bed!