(no subject)

Oct 04, 2006 10:34

This weekend was awesome. I always enjoy conference. I just hope that my kids end up loving it like I do. I always hated it growing up. :^)

Saturday we just watched the sessions together. DH had an Eagle project to help out with in between and then he went down to watch priesthood with his dad after the second session. I stayed home to clean and do our shopping.

Sunday we watched the morning session with my family. That's always nice. We came home so we could eat lunch and put DD down for a nap while we watched the second session. Then DH had to help out with an Eagle board of review (different boy) at 5 and we headed down to his parents house after for dinner. Since we were so late we told them to go ahead and eat without us but we ended up getting there just after they said "amen." :^) It was nice to visit with Laura a little. We haven't done that for awhile.

We got home in time for me to run over to singing lessons for a little bit. That's always nice. Even though I was late it was still nice to see everyone. Especially those down at the Y that we don't get to see as often anymore. And...garcalian that hasn't been around for awhile either. :^)

Monday night we had the sister missionaries over for dinner. That was neat too. Neither had been out all that long. The one, about 6 or 7 months and the other about 2 months. Very nice girls. It was great to have them over.

Yesterday was an awesome day. I got a phone call from a friend that had wanted me to do their family pictures a couple of months ago. She called to make an appointment! We've got one for Friday morning. I just REALLY hope the weather holds out for us. It's supposed to be raining.

The other cool thing was that I went to take pictures of Ashley's new baby. That was fun. I also got some of the other boys too and now Ashley is thinking of ordering some. That will be cool! The only thing is that what I hadn't planned on getting on the internet for her I now need to. That means lots more time doing basic stuff in photoshop that I hadn't planned on doing. That's okay though. I really enjoy that part of things too. Fun stuff!

photography, missionaries, conference

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