(no subject)

Sep 29, 2006 21:46

Today started off with me forgetting all about running. Nice job. Luckily, mhovley couldn't and called to tell me so, saving me the embarrasment of making her wait until I (hopefully) remembered.

Instead, for some exercise, DD and I went for a walk. I made the announcements for October's activity days and we walked around to deliver them. It was quite nice.

When we got back DD was very ready for a nap. I got a few things done, which is always nice. She played and played until I tried to get her back down for a second one. Ha! She layed in there and played. I finally went in because she kept yelling, "Baby!" at me. Sure enough, she'd thrown all her animals, blanket and pillow out of her crib. :^) We rocked for awhile and she FINALLY fell asleep. After staying for a few minutes I put her down and she was still out until the door creaked. Nice. The good part was that, even though she didn't fall asleep again, I got to cuddle for quite awhile. THAT doesn't happen often at all. :^)

After dinner we all headed over to WX for the football game. Justin (our home teacher) was starting quarterback and since it was such a nice evening we went to support him. It was a nice little ward party there in the stands. :^) We were there, Hoffman's, of course, Corey's, Edwards.' Very neat. The game itself was frustrating. It appeared to be quite unfairly called, but who knows what the refs saw that we didn't.


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