
Sep 09, 2008 14:18

I'm not even sure where to begin. This last week has been SO crazy with 8 people living in my house right now. It's strange having someone else living in your home for an extended period of time. It's been easier than I thought in some ways and in others it's been harder. Still, it's a blessing to both families no matter what. :^) It's looking like it's going to be awhile yet too. Probably another 4-6 weeks at least.

Nathan started preschool with Naomi last week. I am so torn on the whole thing with respect to Karissa. She would absolutely LOVE going over there. All 4 boys from her Sunbeam class go so she knows most of the kids there. In fact, Jared was quite upset when he found out Karissa wouldn't be going. He was going to come talk to Karissa's Mama about getting that changed. hehe Naomi has already said she'd love to have her there. *steps on soapbox* Still, as much as I love Naomi and know how incredible she is with those kids...I don't believe in preschool. I don't think it's necessary or even good for a child that young to be away from their mother that much. All of the things they learn there can be taught best at home. Of course...I think anything can be taught best at home.

Besides, I can't even imagine sending her away that much, even around the corner to someone I adore. It blows my mind how most people dread summer and can't wait for the school year to come. Why do you even have children if all you want to do is send them away once they're not babies anymore?? I just don't get it. Not that I couldn't find plenty of things I'd like to do just for me. That is by far not the case. I have a HUGE list of things I'd like to learn and do that would be SO much easier if I either didn't have Karissa or if she were in school all the time.

Now, I know there are a lot of you...most of you probably...that see this 180 out from me. I'm okay with that and no, I don't think less of you. This is still how I feel about it, however. *steps off soapbox*

Then after I was already second guessing my decision to not have her in preschool I got a call from another lady in my ward. Her little granddaughter is in a Joy School?? Something like that anyway. It's a preschool that's free because the moms all take a turn I guess. There were only 2 little girls in it and she wanted to know if maybe Karissa would like to join them as well. The girls are all about the same age (and after a couple of things that have happened here within the last couple of days I'm about ready for her to be done playing with boys and just play with girls....) and I'm sure she'd love it. *sigh*

Another interesting thing happened on Sunday. Our former bishop works for the school district here in Davis County. He told Brandon that ANY TIME I'd like a job, he's got one for me. Part time, full time. Full time means full benefits which are awesome. Full time is between 30-35 hours/week too. It doesn't even mean anything that I'm not certified anymore. They'll get me there. They'll pay me a smaller amount at first and get me classes (that I'm under the impression they'll pay for but also means more time away from home) to get me certified. Even the national certification, which would be awesome! Then once I'm certified I'd get an $18/hour starting pay, working up to $25/hour with so many years with them. That's A TON better money than I was making 4 years ago. Even at $18/hr.

Talk about temptation. I don't know if this is a blessing from the Lord as a way to earn some money or Satan's way of trying to get me to back out of what's really important. I suspect the latter. Even if it's the former though it would be so hard to do it. Even if Brandon could find a night job (if it were to come to this, that is) so that he could watch her during the day I would still have a hard time with it. Karissa would be fine, I'm sure, but I wouldn't. Ah well. It is comforting to know it's there if we need it.

Well, anyway. I suppose that's enough damage on here for one day. :^) TTFN.

homeschool, dd, ashley, preschool, interpreting, work

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