wow long time no update

Aug 25, 2004 19:40

Wow I haven't updated in like forever. So the end of the summer has come and all around its been an ok summer. We didn't really get to do all the much we just kind of floated back and forth from the cape. It's still cool almost like a mini vacation since dad can't go on vacation. I haven't really seen many of my friends all summer but I did meet some new ones which is always fun. The past couple of days have been pretty weird all together though because the strangest people have been im-img me. I'm not saying their strange well one kind of is but it's just people I never thought would im me have and i'm wondering what's up with that. Especially one that i would have liked to get like 3 months ago which came from Tom, yes I said Tom. Strange huh? I mean I called him like 3 times at the end of the school year and not once did he ever call me back. He gave me this excuse that he loved talking to me towards the end of the school year and then he became lazy as soon as school got out and then it was like a month later and he realized he had lost touch with me...I don't know why but none of that seems to make sense to me but whatever I'm way over it. He appologized for ending our relationship like that which is all I really wanted him to do so I guess we can still be friends cuz all of my friends are friends with his group from x(xavarian) so yah.

The one vacation that we did go on this summer was to Virginia to visit my mom's brother, wife, and six children. My uncle invited us up because he rented a house on the lake at Smith Mountain Lake, VA. It's kind of like a really nice Maine with friendlier people. My uncle rented a boat and we pretty much tubed all day which was a lot of fun. Uncle A finally got me to go on. I was a little reluctant and told him not to go fast but he def. heard that at go as fast as you can. So I got bruised up and showed them off to just about everyone I could. Then my uncle, aunt, and mom were invited to Mr. B's birthday party and Uncle A told me to come along so I jumped at the chance cuz there are like 8 kids in the house and yah just have to get out every once and a while. So we went to the restaurant and my other uncle and his 4 kids and my aunt and her 2 kids showed up for dinner too. So that was unexpected but it was nice to see my aunt cuz we're like sisters or twins but she def. kicked Matt(Mr. B's) out of his seat so she could sit next to me. She made me laugh like the entire time. Then my uncle talked to me about college and about driving and was like "any tickets, any accidents?" and i was like "nope" lol it was pretty funny. Then there was this waitress that like felt everyone up while taking their order which was just so hilarious to watch. Matt at one point was like "I think she touched my thigh...and I kind of liked it" that was really funny to hear she even like put her hands on my shoulders when she was passing me but I was no where near her. I also got to spend some time with Matt's sister Elyse and her friend Caroline and they were so nice I like automatically clicked with them. Then I went home on the boat with Mr. B and Matt and Matt sang on the boat ride home which was a treat lol. Then we got back to their house and we ended up breaking off the light accidently and then went up to their porch. There was my mom smoking a cigar. It was a pretty funny site cuz she's so conservative. We were supposed to play poker but we ended up going home because the kids were still at home. From that point on everyone was trying to set me up with Matt by saying stuff like "Oh that Matt is just sooo cute, isn't he Gretchen?" Then all the kids got in on it too. At one point I was telling my uncle what my mom had said about how Matt was so cute and he was like "you should be like yah mom i hear he's hung like a horse too" and at this i just like died. Then we had a poker night the last night we were there with Mr. and Mrs. B, Matt, and Elyse. It was cool cuz my uncle let Matt and I have Bacardi Silvers. I ended up having two of those and a Mike's Hard lemonade. So I had a little bit too much to drink. Good thing was I only lost 8 dollars in the whole game. Then Matt gave me his number and told me to call when we got back to Richmond. Which I never did because I thought I made that up when I was drunk. Then we left and went back to Richmond and the next day Matt called me and asked to take me out so we ended up going out to dinner and a movie and it was so much fun cuz I hadn't gone out with friends in such a long time. So we ended up leaving a few days later and Matt went back to college but we're keeping in touch and he might come visit me in the winter so that'll be cool. Anyway i've done enough talking for one night to make up for all of the times I didn't update lol alright i'll ttyl.
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