Jan 02, 2011 16:43
Okay, so, my starting weight is 356.8.
Heavy, but not entirely unexpected. Less than I thought, so that's a good thing.
Today's food has so far consisted of:
3/4 C of Life cereal
1 C of 1% milk split between cereal and a glass
2 poptarts
an xmas chocolate
2 large glasses of water
1 large glass of peach ice tea by Crystal Light
I have, so far today, done dishes for 45 minutes, dismantled the tree and vacuumed the living room.
Not really exercise, but more than I've done on a Sunday in a long long time.
While the pop tarts were going I a couple series of kicks/punches. I'm a fail.
However, part of this whole weight-loss thing is attempting to conquer myself. If I was going the way I had been, I'd have had a large Coke. And I really really really WANT chips and dips right now. So there ya go.
Tonight's dinner is chopped steak and veggies. Yum.
I have a Luu staring at me.
A bit about Luu - she's doing MUCH better.
My little fuzz was very sick about 2 weeks before Xmas - we had to make the decision to either treat her OR put her to sleep. The treatment wasn't a sure thing, so option 2 was, well, an option. However, she is doing very well now and I'm so very happy about that.
So, tonight, too, I'm planning on hauling the bike back out and biking. And tonight before I go to bed? Crunches and leg-lifts. Ow.
Thanks, guys. :)
exercise journal,
weight loss