Hello, welcome to my lj! I'm Imi and I'm Italian, and now I'm studying Japanese at university.
I'm mainly an Arashi fangirl fan, but I also love Kanjani8, NEWS, AKB48, Kokia, Kalafina and random jgroups/songs.
I also listen to a lot of indie and metal music. I've grown up with rock and classical music.
Basically, I feel music everywhere: from the tapping of my fingers on the keyboard to the sound of the streets everyday, and in my veins.
I'm also a gamer, but I'm neither a n00b, nor a pr0. I really like fighting games. I wish I had all the gaming consoles existent.
My dreams are: have a lot of true friends and being loved, become rich and give to my parents all the things they couldn't gave me, sing in Japanese and become an idol, have singing lessons, know all the languages of the world and travel a lot, open a shelter for dogs, find a way to escape from death.
In my heart there's one thing I wish soo bad it's true: OHMIYA.
You can add me freely, I don't bite! I'm always happy if I make friends, since I'm always alone :)