Random icons ^_^b

Jun 25, 2012 18:56

Some random icons before I return to study! Friday I will do my last exam and then I WILL BE FREE FROM HIGH SCHOOL! Yayyyy!!  *hyper* That day I'll get so drunk that I won't even remember my name! And then I think that maybe I'll start to work soon, if my health improves...awww, I'm so excited! I can't wait for Friday to come! I really want to burn all that fucking books and leave behind all the crap I've been into for five years. I want to move forward and live my life! I don't care anymore about graduation and my grades, I just want to finish school and start a brand new life with university and, above all, SLEEPING FOR TWO DAYS IN A ROW WITHOUT INTERRUPTION.
Well, before I start to study, here there are some random icons I made like...weeks ago? And some other brand new...they aren't so pretty, really, because I love experimenting with colorings, so they may seem like...ugh. XD
Hope you like them anyway! That's mostly Arashi and some Kanjani and AKB48 here and there XD


Kanjani8 (actually, some Ryo, Maru, Ohkura and Yasu's icons)


Credits: central-akbgirls48, saobang2211, tokei-umbrella, undone sky, johnny's sekai, okura-tadayoshi, boys-paper.
If I forgot to credit someone, please let me know and I will add credits here!


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