random post of rando

Jun 23, 2010 18:24

Finally, part 3/3: answers from a meme goobalicious posted at least a couple weeks ago. She chose seven of my interests, and I am supposed to expound upon them ... which I will do below:

30 rock, boys, partying, xmen, post-apocalyptic horror, HAHA, laughter

30 Rock | A show that became one of my favorites this past season. Despite the fact that I pretty much hated the finale, I think this might be the most hilarious program on TV right now (with Parks and Recreation in a close second). The humor is smart and bizarre and falls perfectly in step with the things that really amuse me, and there isn't one character that I don't like (with the exception of Carroll). Basically, Tina Fey is my lady crush, and the brilliant trifecta that is Liz Lemon, Tracy Jordan and Jack Donaghy make me come very close to peeing my pants every Thursday, fall-spring. It's infinitely quotable and the kind of show you can stumble upon at any given moment and find delight in. ♥

Boys | This is kind of simple. I have a tendency toward boy craziness that started sometime around fifteen and has yet to let up at all. I'm sure it comes from some deeply rooted issues (no, for real) but in a pleasant way I really just get a kick out of being around them. They are fun opposites, and I like having them as friends (the majority of mine are), companions, or whatever. I like flirting and I like the fun that can come from sexual tension, and I don't think there's much more to it than that. I like to pretend I don't have a type, but increasingly I see that it's not true.

Partying | I think ... outwardly, over the past five or six years of my life, those who know me socially have either one of two portraits in their mind of who I am. When I come into acquaintance with another person (especially when it used to happen in a school setting), I was either intensely serious, with a mind for discussion and debate and little apparent interest in anything beyond academic discourse ... or I was the really wild person who came to the party and turned up the heat. I don't mean either of these in a self-congratulatory way, because each has its drawbacks. But ... as hard as I like to ~think~ I like to have fun. And when I commit to having fun, I tend to go without stopping. There's not a whole lot of moderation any facet of my life.

X-Men | I got really into X-Men sometime back in middles school ... though I can't remember if it was the cartoon or the movie that did it first. But I got really jazzed on the notion of a super hero who was a black woman, and was portrayed as nothing less than gorgeous and really powerful. I confess, to my shame, that I really resented the series (and other characters), when things turned out to be not-so-much-about-her, but Storm remains one half of my very favorite ships.

Post-apocalyptic horror | I think I like this genre in film so much because it's rooted in my all my deep-seeded childhood paranoia, lmao. When I was just a bb!Mig, I pretty much terrified the crap out of my by reading in depth about everything that scared me. That included natural disasters, man made disasters (I had a long and awful Titanic phase) ... and that constant villain, the weather. I tried to absorb information on everything that could possibly spell the doom of me and my family and the world at large, and then held it all in so that I could find signs that something bad was coming. Eventually I let got of a lot of these fears, but I still take a certain kind of pleasure in being scared ... scared by things that seem not entirely unreasonable, not entirely unreal. I got into watching horror with my BFF/roommate, but the things that really pique my interest and stir something within me are the kind of movies that deal with the potential end of things as we know them. Slasher flicks and crazy vampire movies and your run-of-the-mill scary story ... I get lulz. But, as a person who really cares deeply and is deeply affected by movies, post-apocalyptic horror always strikes me in my core.

HAHA | (even though this was not really an option, ahem, GOOB.) ... I will attempt to relate this to my sense of humor, which I think often doesn't translate outside my head. I don't know how much I can add to/expound upon this. But there's a lot of hilarious stuff in the world, and - in my eyes - a lot of hilarious things that I say in a round about, semi-opaque, not so straightforward way, so I end up laughing at myself twice as much as anyone seems to be laughing with me. Oh well, it be that way sometimes.

Laughter | Ultimately, whether I or someone else is the cause, who doesn't take pleasure in laughter. I'm an extrovert and take most of my pleasure (and energy) from being around other people. But it doesn't take very much to derail me, and once I start on that downward spiral it's a little hard for me to extricate myself. I like being happy. More than that I really like making people happy. I like being there for others and having the right thing to say or being the right person at the right time, and understanding. All my career goals center around this notion of empathy - I don't think I could be an effective filmmaker if I didn't feel for and what the characters I write are feeling. So even in dark times, laughter seems like the ultimate bonus on both ends of the spectrum. Would that I had the talent and the insight to have people laughing constantly. That would make me happy. ♥

Finally, just to brag, she did an Alternameme where she cast an actor to play ~you~ (or in this case, me) in a biopic. Needless to say I was delighted and flattered by my result. ;D

I won't be passing either of these memes on today as I have another in mind to post later. ♥

Last random of random: desperately seeking some Girl Talk to DL. Anybody have any they're willing to share? Happy Humpday, beautifuls!

rambling, real life, meme

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