everyone needs a sugar momma like mine

May 16, 2005 22:53

Went to rawee1's house for our usual Monday night dinner + walking + The Bachelor. Dinner was awesome, as usual. Walking was long, but not near as tiring as I would expect it to have been. I'll probably be feeling it tomorrow. The Bachelor was good. I'm glad he picked Sarah B. I actually cried at the end. Men crying makes me cry. WHY IS TV MAKING ME CRY ALL THE TIME NOW??? Rawee and John gave me my kick-butt birthday present during a commercial break. They got me a radar detector. You have no idea how bad I needed one. Robin did, obviously. I get a ticket at least every 6 months. I get those letters in the mail all the time about how many "points" I have on my record. It's terrible. So, when I left, I put it in my car and about 3 minutes from Robin and John's house it starts beeping. I look around and.....there's a cop! Yay! It works! I immediately started petting it and nicknamed it Spook. I love my new baby.
I have a really big day tomorrow. I have my first interview with Shelby County Schools for a permanent position for the Fall. It is exactly what I'm doing now, Elementary Expanded Resource, just at a different school. A really good school. I almost didn't post about it b/c I didn't want to jinx it, but that's stupid. The more people I have praying for me, the better. If it's meant to be, it's meant to be. If not, I know something will work out. I'll let you know how it goes!
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