Polls are fun! right?
Poll I'm bored. Enlighten me, everyone! Also:
She is a Leaky Boat.
Here is a picture of the view from my house. I miss the way the Fall feels there. I took this picture when I was home for Thanksgiving.
My nephew, Burke, is nearly half a year old now. Yes, in this picture he has drool leaking from his face, but I do not care! He is still adorable. Albeit, nearing dehydration. He's just growing little faint, blonde eyebrows. I'm relieved, because for the last 22 weeks he's looked like a creepy, tiny, white, male Whoopi Goldberg.
p.s. Actually, my Deady Sin might be pride. Today 5 or 6 Professional year education students tried to tell me that "ameliorate" isn't a word. When I proved them wrong, I was very kind about it, but inside I was Oh-So-Smug. Karma will come back and disembowel me for that one. Guaranteed.
Does Karma hold you accountable for secret evil thoughts? Anyone? Anyone?
I should stop procrastinating and do some real work.