I've got some work to do.....

Jan 05, 2016 10:22

Well, looks like I must don my apron and break out my blades!!
It is time yet again for me to turn myself into Dexter and start cutting body parts off.

And by the pile of mini's I have pictured below I have my work "Cut" out for me!! I have orders I have to get out within the next 30 days so I will be a busy little bee over the next couple of weeks!!

There are a couple in the pileup there that are for my surprise comic for the upcoming mid-season premier..... but you all must wait with baited breath!!!! LOL!

Can you tell by my pileup who I am planning to make?????
Whomever guesses the most will get a little something something from me!!!! and if you can guess what my mini comic is going to be you will get a little something more!!!

oooooh a contest, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE contests!!!

Ok everybody, here is my current pileup, I have yet to receive 2 more packages with pops in them!!

Have fun trying to guess!!!

Oh, the Super duper little mini mini's of Dean, Cas, (still waiting on Sam to arrive) and John Cena (whom I am turning into Bobby) are super, super cute!! (Those are mine!!! )

mini's, pop vinyl, custom pops

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