Wow I just realized there are some people who care about not only my hard times like George and Terry and Ibid but today a miracle happened! My friend Rick from the UK who I have been friends with since 01 donated! And donated way more than a buck! Thank you Rick so much you really are a dear friend, and you made me realize I have friends that are my friends even if I didn't buy them expensive presents or have them to some of my big parties, cause how could he leaving all the way in the UK...But I swear as soon as I get some money I will buy him a big present! Cause he cared he cared more than my friends I hung out with..Well except George heehee hes in Texas too! But only one US friend how messed up as that? Cause Terry is from down under and Ibid is from the UK too, so I m starting to figure out my European friends and Australia are my real friends and George but shit he acts like a European so he might as well be like hey I m George from the UK than George from the US...Maybe I just need to move to Europe or Australia so I can have real friends who don’t turn that back on you when you are down and out and dying and even if they dont have money to donate can at least sympathize you know? But to be utterly forgotten by those that said they loved me and that I was there best friend and all that other lip service that’s free and means nothing, except I believed it and thought they cared till this happened no hey I m sorry or hears a buck...I get a big donation from a friend I have only talked to on the phone or text-ed as hes in England but you guys I hung out with you and it was more than just talking on the phone! I m still sad that my US friends except George dear forgot me and its my European and Australia friends that remembered me! And I will never forget it! Thank you Rick thank you George thank you Terry thank you Ibid you guys are true friends! Now of course if you guys want to prove me wrong you can say hey I m sorry things are hard or donate even a dollar or a big donation like Rick its all up to you.