31 Days Entry: May 12. The sun of life’s morning

May 14, 2009 13:39

Thank you PROMPT! THANK YOU!! I always wanted to do Jack piece (even though it's 3 days late, but ah, well)

This is kind of awkward since I'm a het fangurl and kind of lost about male friendship (Sure I read WSJ, but it's mainly sport/pirate nakama-ing and not really a drama kind. Closest I know is Neuro partnership why you must end SO SOON??? which is male-female partnership platonic kind and heavily abused too XD)

Neverminded that Jack and Glen's personalities are still eludes me, and I have no canon on their interaction aside from Jack's (rather) cheerful personality and Glen's *amused!loner*. Fine, enough ranting, on with it (at least I could have a good laugh when the canon revealed later........)

"Washed Away by the Sunlight" - Glen, Jack ~ Pandora Hearts

His house is a coffin.

A big, enormous coffin with long halls of silence, whispering the rustling of red robes and hushed orders.
A grave, stone-black grave standing mutely, a witness between life and death.

Or, that was the things were supposed to be. At least, that's what he remembered it was before he met Jack.

Nowadays, one could spotted several maids sporting a rose (or any other flowers that his friend chose to bring in particular). A tint blush replacing the stoic expression, shuffling feets and embarrassment instead the regal posture and firm replies of "Yes, Sir"

He had considered to restored things back to their order. Oh right, so many times. Especially after he seen how his immaculately clean corridors now being adorned with forlorn petals here and there. Especially after being witness of too many stumbling incidents of fine ceramics (and after hesitant notice from his butler about *great* diminishing stacks, Jack is not allowed to help 'relish the maid(en)s from their tea-tray burden'. *Ever*)

Especially so after he realized how the chef had habitually making sweet side dishes to accompany his otherwise solitary tea now.

He had so many times say it to himself: 'Cut the ties. Severe them /now/ while the rays are just around the corner.

This house is a grave. Supposed to be.

And yet, he found himself more and more spending his time leaning against the trees (~away from the cold, dark halls), basking in the sun (~away from the cold, dark shadows) and humming a tune (~away from the cold, regal silence)

and wait, for his sunny friend.

ehheh, does Glen come across as whiny? gaaaaaah >___< sorry Glen, but I will sacrifice you for my love of 'drama' and Jack (come on, please cooperate for your friend's sake?). Song is alternating between this and Lacey (but I'll goes for Carpenters for the sake of lyric teeeheee~♥)

I want to put Lacey as my alarm clock as the current one is too hype-y and made me cannot sleep back as it kept ringing (that's the purpose of alarm, Self). Yes, but I like the one who can soothe me while at it and not making me want to chuck a pillow. Sadly, being not very expert with this new phone, I had to gritted my teeth for a while.

pandora hearts, 31 days, jack's merry cult, drabble

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