Next Stage: Donghae Side Story 2 - Marriage Obsessions

Mar 27, 2010 10:14

Next Stage: Donghae Side Story 2 - Marriage Obsessions

This fic is based on Star Golden Bell aired at 04/04/2009.

Donghae glad today finally comes. He, Hyuk, Kyu and Shindong-hyung are shooting for Star Golden Bell.

As always, they got the Su line. He is just happy to sit in the front row. Because that spot give him full view to the screen. And He always love to look at the screen, not just to make sure he look as handsome as always but also to steals glare to certain somebody that sit behind him. What wonderful about screen when you have evil thought in your mind is that the person you have your dirty mind on, wouldn’t know when you glared at him, meaning that you can throw your glare anytime. Donghae adored him, that certain person behind him, especially when he smiles his sly smile, showing his gum along his white tidy teeth. Respond every event in very cute ways.

Because one of the MC will be getting married soon, so for the opening discussion, they talk about marriage. That the marriage is not just all sweet, there’s also sacrifices and such. Then the MC called out his name.

“Super Junior Donghae-Shii…”

“Yeah,” He smiles handsomely. He also can hear fans screams.

“You must want to get married to…” the MC continues.

“Ahahaha,” You caught me off guard, He thought.

“What are your thoughts on marriage?”

What are my thoughts on marriage you say? “I have a lot of thought about marriage,” He steals a quick glare to the person behind him, “like before I get up in the morning,” He glares again, “wife kisses me to wake me up.”

Like a miracle, somehow, that certain person sitting behind him got a full close up shoot. Yes, he thought, I’m talking about our habit, except, I’m the one how kissing you up!

He keeps his glare at him, or at the screen that showing him to be exact, then continues, “When I finish taking a shower, I get a sandwich, a scene of preparing breakfast,” You hear that? That’s my wish on you! He thought as he saw his gummy smile.

“Help me tie my tie,” not throwing it at my face, “then lastly, a kiss before I leave the house,” A kiss, not a curse!

Then Yin Jang Jyung says, “There’s no way Donghae-Shii will get married…”

AHAHAHAHa… Everyone laugh at that harsh comment.

Yeah, I doubt it too. Donghae thought, throwing another glare to his behind.


pairing: haehyuk, genre: sides story of next stage, genre: fluff, length: one-shot, title: marriage obsessions, genre: stand alone serries

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