Next Stage: Stage 1

Mar 27, 2010 10:10

Title: Next Stage: Stage 1
Status: Chapter 1
Rating: G (All Age)
Word count: 2,035
Pairing: HyukJae X DongHae
Sub-Pairing: I will leave it to your imaginations
Summary: Sorry, Sorry Part 1 | Part 2
Ime's note: I don’t know what’s wrong with me. Unconsciously I write sorry, sorry again. But it’s prologue for next stage, you know? Because I don’t know. Just don’t read it. I won’t post this to community until I manage to post next chapter. And I will post another side story. Hope you like it. Lately, there’re a lot of things that stressed me out. Please give me some love, because I need it.

Next Stage: Donghae Side Story 1 - I Hate Angela
Next Stage: Siwon Side Story 1 - Broken Heart
Next Stage: Donghae Side Story 2 - Marriage Obsessions

He tired, tired from crying, tired from lack of sleep. Because no matters how much he tries, his eyes always snap open after a few minutes his brain hibernating. That’s must be some kind of software error. Yeah, his mind is overload, so his brain malfunctioned.

He is laying there, in his hyung bed, listening to the voices that came from out of his door. Not long after Hankyung enter the room.

“Oh, are you awake?” He asks, sound a little bit surprise.

“Hyung…” He greeted him.

“You can’t sleep?” Hankyung asks again in concern. And he just nods slightly. “You want me to leave?” He shakes his head. “Okay,” then Hankyung takes a sit in the edge of the bed in front of him.

“How do you feel, Eunhyukie?”

“Tired,” that’s the only word that can describe his conditions right now.

“Don’t worry, you will feel better soon,”


Hankyung reach Eunhyuk head and brushes it with affections. “Here” Hankyung says softly.

He sometimes didn’t understand Hankyung words, because his Korean is broken and has not too much vocabulary. But, he can understand Hankyung now. He explain his thought trough his affections that clearer than his words. He can hear Hankyung thought trough every brushes his fingers made.

“I’m scared, hyung…” He says, barely aware at his word.

“Of what?”

“Of my self,”

“That’s why you can’t shutdown your brain?”

“Yeah, I can’t understand a lot of things, and it keeps haunting me,”

Hankyung keep his silent as he continues to brushes Eunhyuk head, telling him to continue if he wished to continue.

“Do this kind of feeling exist? I mean hyung, I don’t understand, he is my friend, he is…, I’m…, I don’t know…”

“Maybe you don’t want to know? Maybe you pretend to don’t want to know? Because you afraid of the answer you might find in your self,”

He stares at his hyung as he listens carefully to what he says, amazingly understandable.

“You keep avoiding asking your self, didn’t you?” Hankyung smiles gently, “Because there is no answer, questions keep pooping up in your mind then inclining another question, then inclining another one until your head ready to explodes,” Hankyung smiles gently, “so, just try to answer one of them, then the answer will answer the other question as well, but now you need sleep more than anything else.”

He closes his eyes. Hankyung sing a weird Chinese song that he never heard before, but his brushes of affection is enough to send him sleep. “Just remember that the biggest fraud in your life is, when you lie to yourself…”

Donghae wake up at midday. Even if he spend whole night at the bar, he not really drink that much, but the hangover is sure annoying. He sit a few minutes in his king sized bed before take a can of cold coffee from refrigerator in the kitchen. Then he decided to start packing, because Eunhyuk is already packs his stuff. He has a few more hours before flight and maybe it will be better to spend it with sit in the windows couch to clear his mind. Weather is just nice. Donghae stare blankly at the blue sky when light floating cloud passed one by one. It’s the weather to go on picnic, or pool according to Leeteuk who recommended (read: forced) other member to go swimming.

Sungmin find the hard time to sneak around him to go to his and Kangin room, because Leeteuk especially watch over Sungmin. Sungmin thought he knew why. So when finally he can get out of Leeteuk view, he hurriedly asks for the master key from manager-hyung and didn’t bother to change. He wrapped his waist with a towel and ignoring all the glances threw at him when he walk pass the corridor, leaving a wet print behind him.

Eunhyuk awake at the knock at the door. There’re voices of door being unlocked, then some one called, “Eunhyukie?”

It’s Sungmin.

Eunhyuk roll over so he now faced the wall on the purpose so the man who just entered the room can’t see his face, so he can’t tell if he’s already awake. Why? Because he don’t feels like talking to him yet. Not now. He knew Sungmin cared for him, that this sudden ‘event’ make the older worried over him. But not now, when Eunhyuk not sure about everything yet.

Eunhyuk can feel the movement behind him as Sungmin approaching him then sit in the edge of Leeteuk bed. Somehow, his back start to burn as if Sungmin gives a laser stare that burn his back especially on his neck. Oh, holly shit he forgot to covered his neck. But now it’s too late. He feels so uncomfortable when Sungmin fingers softly touch one of the slightly red marks. He thought he can tell what the older thought when the fingers slowly tracing to the other mark. The fingers warm as if it warmed by the emotions that filled the older head. But suddenly Sungmin withdraw his fingers then leaves the room, leaving Eunhyuk who feels worse as he rolled over and look up to the ceiling.

Donghae sighed to the windows in front of him as if the windows had said something irritating.

“Is that mean you already decided?” suddenly someone speak behind him. Donghae jump in surprise, literally jump. He looks up to see who was talking as he gets up from the floor.

“Hyung~… when did you come?”

“What do you mean when? We’re here all the time you pabo!” Heechul pouted at him. He sits at the sofa, playing PSP. Leeteuk, beside him, is rubbing his wet hair with a towel. Heechul throw Kyuhyun’s PSP aside. “So? Are you ready to face Hyukjae? I’m tired of waiting you know, I haven’t done anything else since morning so stop being asshole and just face that monkey, will you? Then I can back to my room and pack my things,”

Donghae stood there stare at his hyungs with incredulous look.

“Yah! Move! Will you?” Heechul already half way to the door.

“But, hyung! Wait! I don’t know what I have to say to him yet, just wait…”

“Just says the truth and anything will be okay, Okay?” Leeteuk convince him with a warm smile but Heechul never considered to put patient in his dictionary so when Donghae gives a hesitate nod he immediately says, “Okay, then let’s go!”

There are voices of door being unlocked. Again. Eunhyuk didn’t wake up because of that, actually since Sungmin leaves the room he didn’t back to sleep. He closes his eyes but didn’t back to sleep. Just laying there and thinking. Eunhyuk can feel someone approaching him and that person then kneeling in front of him. Just like Sungmin, Eunhyuk can feel this person gaze at him, but this gaze is warm, warming his entire body. Their face so close that he can feel the other breathed out his feeling. There’s a pause, then soft fingers trailing his face. Eunhyuk snap open his eyes.

“I’m s, sorry,” Eunhyuk can see shock in the Donghae’s eyes, but he saw for the mere second, those something in his eyes when the younger touch him. Eunhyuk want to see it again, so he search it in the younger eyes, but as he does so, Donghae can’t help but blushing. Eunhyuk keep searching until Donghae gives up and look back at him. At first Eunhyuk just see hesitation on those eyes, whose start to gazing deep through Eunhyuk eyes, as the expression in Donghae face softened little by little. Donghae gaze shake a little bit by sadness, but then he begin to speak up.

“Hyukie…” Donghae suddenly came to a halt as if his brain malfunctioned, “I love you” he whispers unexpectedly. Eunhyuk keeps staring, finally that something in Donghae eyes showed back. When Eunhyuk stare at his eyes, it sparkling beautifully with honest and love as if it smile to him and he can’t help but smiles back. Those beady eyes warming up his inside, bringing back all the happiness that leaves him. Donghae reach Eunhyuk arms in relives, bring it to his lips and kissed Eunhyuk forehand. “Thank you…” Donghae whispers softly. He kissed it again and again.

“Hyukie…” Donghae hesitantly stare back at Eunhyuk, “Can I… If I stay like this… to continue to loving you?” Eunhyuk didn’t say anything, just stare back at Donghae. But Donghae then once again, bring Eunhyuk forehand and caressing it in his cheek, “I love you”

It’s been weeks since that days. Everyone had already forgot about the ‘event’, because no one (dare to) bringing the topic back. But no one complaint, just their managers of course, take their time to scolded Donghae because there’re some stubborn paparazzi who eager to get the story about him being drunk, and certain somebody who keep frowning when ever he see Eunhyuk our Donghae. But that certain somebody didn’t say anything. Yet.

Donghae has been sitting in the end of Eunhyuk bed for hours as Eunhyuk him self folding his knee in the other end. Too busy read his manga, or it was what it seem to Donghae. But Eunhyuk didn’t really read that thing. He just hold it high, too high, to hide his face that refuse to back to it’s normal color since it turn red when Donghae enter his room. No one has initiative to talk firsts; or rather they don’t know what to do. Donghae breaks the awkward silent with humming a random song as he looks around Eunhyuk room as if it’s his first time.

It’s tiring, because it’s been hours and they didn’t even move. Eunhyuk keep peeking through the comic book to steal a look to Donghae, when he realize what he is doing, he curses him self. It reminds him of the girl in the junior high school that always did this thing to him. What is he? Love-sick school girl? Oh yeah right, he thought, that’s perfect. When Eunhyuk busy grumbling to him self, suddenly Donghae ask, “Do you have schedule later?” in hope of them holding a casual conversations.

“Huh? What? Oh yeah, Sukira tonight,” Eunhyuk react too slow.

“What are you reading?”

“Dragon ball,” Eunhyuk tried to sound casual as he stare blankly at the scene when Goku shoot his kamehameha.

Knock at the door, then without wait for the answer the knocker peek his head through the gap he made, “Donghae-ah our schedule now,” Sungmin said coldly then he waits until Donghae get up, mumbling a “see you later” and leaves Eunhyuk room. Sungmin gives Eunhyuk a glare before closed the door. Eunhyuk frowned at the closed door. Sungmin hadn’t says anything to him since they back to Korea.

“You’re amazing,” suddenly Sungmin stated. He and Donghae are in the way to their schedule. Donghae has been sit beside him and stare blankly at the windows because Sungmin refuse to talk to him. So Donghae startled, quickly turns to face his hyung. “Huh? Yeah?”

“You know, it’s not like other members didn’t know,” Sungmin says without face Donghae.

“Didn’t know what?” clearly Donghae is confused.

“Something happen and hyungs try to hide it,” Sungmin continue coldly.

“Oh,” slowly Donghae gasp the situations, but he didn’t say anything.

“Even Heechul-hyung,” Sungmin turn and look at Donghae with forced smile, “He rarely care about others problem, you know?”

“Yeah,” Donghae can’t think of other answer.

“But as I said, it’s not like we didn’t know, Hae,” Sungmin look serious, “and I’m upset because even Hyuk refuse to talk to me,”

“What are you talking about?” from the front seat, their manager asked curiously.

“Nothing important,” Sungmin acted casual as he answers, but then he didn’t continue the conversations.

Donghae stares at now silent Sungmin. Donghae does know that his members know but didn’t try to find out the detail. But he didn’t expect someone to get upset. He feels sorry, but there’s nothing he can do about it. He is not really sure how the others will react if he speaking truthfully. At least not now, he is not ready yet. It seems his day with Sungmin will be long, and exhausting.


pairing: haehyuk, length: chaptered, genre: angst, title: next stage

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