Character Relationships

Apr 22, 2010 11:24


Anathema Device. Seems like a nice girl. Not afraid to march down the street in slippers. On the lookout for her book.

The Lady. Sure she's got a name, haven't caught it yet. Not just a wolf. Got quite a head on her shoulders, excellent organizer, and a beautiful creature to boot. Works some genuine magic when she's got a mind to.

Wonder Woman. No kiddin', actually Wonder Woman. Head of the Defense Force. Tryin' to play it cool around her.

Vash the Stampede. Excellent tree climber, shares his donuts, not so good at makin' it on board the Caravan before it takes off for parts unkown.


This is information on people Murdock considers hostile or potentially threatening. Considering his easygoing nature, you almost have to physically harm someone to get on this list.


Dr. Greg House. Not exactly your ray-of-sunshine type, but honest about it. Says he ain't a supervillain, taking his word for it thus far. Finds crazy interesting. Strictly radio contact.

This Fella. Nice guy, good sense of humor, doesn't let much ruffle his feathers. Keeps his name to himself, might have to nickname him just to make things easier. Strictly radio contact.

This is information on people Murdock considers neutral or about whom he's undecided.


Badou Nails. Original roommate. Seemed decent. Smoked a lot. Really made the eyepatch thing work. Never got much of a read on him.

Donatello. Smart guy, open-minded. Actually flew a chopper on his first try and didn't make friends with the ground. Engineering type, obvious problem solver, fellow charter member of the Willaknapp Aviation Society.

Courage. Not just a dog. Good with a yo-yo, handy with the Junogizmo. Decent conversationalist for a guy who didn't talk.

This is information on people Murdock interacted with who have since left the Caravan.


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