May 11, 2004 12:26
It's Jana's birthday, Happy birhtday dear! Alisa and I are in the library because we didn't do our essay's "Man in the Moon", for English on monday. So we were going to do it now, but were both being lazy and messing with our journals. So I am just sitting here messing with my journal and listening to Rob Zombie/Nirvana/Metalica. I have a immeasurable headache at the moment and it's driving me mad, and I am sure the pepperment gum I have been chewing for like the past 6 hours has helped. I didn't get much sleep last night either, which is super. I think I have insomnia now. But yea, I would like it if everyone who read's my joural/and or entries would read and or comment over my previous entry (yesterday May 10th) on my complaining and whining. Everyone's entitled to bitch at complain. La-di-da. Were looking at photo's of Marilyn Manson, he look's -so- incedibly hot without makeup on. I feel like going over my day so far. :)
This morning I got out of bed around... 5:30. I got up, checked my messages online, and then I did my hair and makeup (as usual). Then I through clothes on, I look so bland today. Anyways, I am going to do some photos later perhaps. Maybe, maybe not. Anyways then I grabbed my crap and through it in a different purse because I used my pink Bejou one yesterday, and I have used my Louis Vuitton's so much. So now I am using my lovely little New-York Kennith Cole bag thing. Anyways, Amber and I sat on the bus and chatted about the usual. Sex, Drugs, Drama, and Cartoons. Because, were just so lovely like that. The main topic today had to be cartoon's though lmao. Oh my goodness, it was hallarious. We chatted about Mr.Stabby and all those things. We were singing and talking about the "Lo Bob, you have pie?" videos. Ahaha. When we got to school I saw millions of people, people, people... Got a gatorade, A ORANGE ONE! :) Uhm. Went to class, late as usual. Watched Apollo 13, cracked up the hole movie with Amber and Kayla pissed people off. Went to second talked to Cody, he wouldnt stop poking my tits, and me. So I poked him, anyways. Then I went to third on the way to third Daniel came up behind me and was all -clingiloveyou-, and then I walked to third with Brandon, and Mark. I walked in with Mark and Christina was like,"I should have known you two would walk in together". She think's I like him or somthing, and I know he likes me. Then Brandon gave me a flier thing for his band's thing on the 21's I am going. So I sat there with them and was half asleep as Mrs. French bitched at us. Then I went to 4th and I talked with Taylor and Daniel, Daniel was pissing me off :\. Then Alisa did our makeup sitting in 4th because she ditched, and I was in a bad mood, and I did my makeup... then we walked to the library... Mathew came and I chatted with him off and on :). That cheered me up a bit. Then I went to English and watched "The Unstrong Heroes". It's an okay movie, pretty sad. I sat there and talked with Kenzie, Alisa, Deaun, Toad, who the hell knows who elce then I went to 6th ... Me and Shyam were hungry so we went to go get food and a drink. I talked to Mr.Croise before-hand and showed him my pretty colors. I also talked about Brandon and Mark to him because they had mentioned somthing to me about him and I was confused. But anyways, Shyam and I went to go get a drink and food, and we ran into Casey and helped her with stuff to her car, and then we got food, or I did, and I gave him my change because I hate change. Then we walked back to class and some guy asked Shyam to open his locker and he did. Mkay then. I sat there in 6th and talked with Kayla, Rachel, Sara, and Shyam off and on. Kayla was cracking me up,"CLOE AND @()@ ARE SO CUTE TOGETHER" ahahaha. :) She made me happierrr. Then after school I had to go take a gay test, which was pretty easy I hope I did well. My mom picked me up and bitched at me basically telling me I was a failure, blahblahblah. Brought me down :\. Now I am sitting here after I had a banana in a t-shirt wondering wtf is wrong with me. I have tutoring in a hour and a half. So I am gonna go have a nap and maybe watch Spongebob Squarepants. Also I have to check my emails.