Maybe It's the Weather

Nov 02, 2006 01:51

IC Date: Day 12, Month 9, Turn 2, 7th Pass
Players: Essdara, Vanya, R'zel
Location: Living Cavern
Synopsis: Vanya ventures out of her room for the first time in a few days, deciding it's time to stop hiding from the world. She runs into Dara and R'zel, who both help her get through the ordeal of being back out and about.

Living Cavern,
Early Evening

Large enough to hold the majority of the Weyr's human population, this cavern can become loud enough to deafen thanks to the acoustics caused by its size. The ceiling is so far overhead that it's cast into shadow, a darkness that is broken only by the spark and glitter of a lucky beam of light striking the minerals found in the rock walls. Below, most of the floor is covered with an assortment of long tables and benches. There are some smaller tables, surrounded by chairs, but privacy appears to be a rare thing in this bustling cavern. Large hearths line the west wall, with fires burning day and night to warm the food and drink that keep the Weyr's inhabitants fueled. The serving tables are near the hearth, opposite the dais that holds the single table reserved for the Weyr leadership and honored guests.

It's been a quiet few days in the weyr. As if people were more or less subdued by the coming of winter, or perhaps just not in the mood for much socializing. Folks from the lower caverns went about their work, riders drilled and though people gathered in the living cavern, conversation seemed more quiet than usual. Vanya hasn't been seen much in those few days since the trial ended, but has ventured out for dinner tonight. She's sitting alone at a table near the hearth as people begin filing in. She doesn't seem to be looking too bad, no dark circles under her eyes, no nervous gestures. She doesn't call out to friends, though a few people do stop by the table to speak to her. She offers smiles and nods when necessary, and otherwise just remains quiet, concentrating on her meal.

One of the people who stops by is Essdara, though she isn't simply passing through. Having her own dinner in hand, she unceremoniously drops into a seat at the healer's table. She doesn't say anything, almost seeming to be oblivious to Vanya's presence as she settles in to eat her meal.

Vanya glances up as someone joins her, and smiles. "Evening, Dara," she says, voice quiet like the room. "How're you tonight?" The question is almost rhetorical, just one of those idle questions one person asks of another, possibly to start a conversation. She pauses in eating, picking up her glass of juice to take a drink. "Seems rather quiet in here, doesn't it. Everyone seems ... I don't know, less energetic than usual. Maybe it's the weather."

Essdara shrugs a bit, glancing over. "Probably just weary from all the goings-on this turn. I'm doing well enough, Vanya, how about you? Feeling any better?" A forkful of greens disappears into the cook's mouth. "Long day, though. We had a small grease fire break out while making lunch, made for some unneeded excitement in the day."
"I'm doing well enough," Vanya replies. "I've started working with Sinopa, helping her get a lot of hidework out of the way, things like that. Going over inventories, making sure everything's up to date. It's interesting work, and it's something to do with my time. It helps." She spears a bit of tuber with her fork, but doesn't eat it immediately. "A grease fire? Hopefully no one was injured."

"You mentioned that the other night, sounds like it will be good for both of you." Dara says, with a smile. "And no, noone was. They happen now and then, enough that we know how to deal with them. Someone knocks a pan at the wrong time, spills some oil, whatever. But it takes time, and the food involved was ruined of course. Nothing of mine, thankfully."

"Good," Vanya replies. "I mean, good that no one was hurt, not that the food was ruined." She takes a bite of the tuber, chewing thoughtfully. "Yes, I feel like I've accomplished something constructive, at least. We got through several piles of work today, and it was nice to learn a bit more about how things work here. We're tackling quite a bit of work that kind of went ignored while ... well, while everyone concentrated on other things. I'm also making some headway with the final version of my research. I should have it ready to send to the hall soon."

"That is something to be happy for, then." Dara says cheerfully. "I know it's taken a lot of work for you to do, and I am sure it will be well received." A meatroll is lifted, and bitten. "And it's good that you are learning more. We should all strive to know as much as we can."

"I've always felt that the day we stop learning things is the day we might as well curl up and die," Vanya remarks. "I don't know how well it'll be received, to be honest. My specialty is still considered unorthodox by some, but they can't fault the research, especially now that I can send first-hand proof the exercises /do/ work. I've spoken to L'ret, and he said he doesn't feel as achey after drills or 'falls. So, with a few pages of testimonial, maybe it'll get more attention." She pauses. "Providing, of course, the Hall doesn't discount it because of the leave."

"Nothing you can do about that." Dara comments, with a shrug. "You know the rearch si good, and you know it will make a difference. What they think about it is secnodary to that." Remains of meatroll are tossed on her plate. "Good, though, that it's helping L'ret. That will help your case a lot."

"I'm hoping so," Vanya agrees. "I'd still like to work with R'vain and the weyrlings, but that's impossible right now. At least /officially/," she says, expression thoughtful. "I'm thinking if this exercise program is started when they're young, it will prevent a lot of pain later." She shrugs. "I don't want to change the way things are done, but sometimes new ideas have merit. At least now that L'ret and his wing are utilizing it, I can point to them and say, 'look, it's working for them, why not give it a try.'" Another shrug. "But, anything official has to wait."

"Not that long." Dara says reassuringly. "This leave isn't the end of the world, Vanya. It's a chance, a chance to collect your thoughts, to center your mind and be ready for what comes." She sets her fork down. "I know it's hard for you, though. I know I would have a lot of trouble if, say, I was told not to cook for that long. Well, kind of like when I hurt my foot, that was terribly frustrating."

"It's like a part of me is missing," Vanya admits. "But, yes, it's a chance to take a bit of a break. I haven't had one really since I went to Healer Hall, other than once going home for two days. So, well, maybe this is a good thing. Everyone needs a break now and then." She's obviously trying to think positively about things. "As for everything else, well, it'll all work out in the end, hopefully for the best."

Essdara nods. "We have to believe that, else what is the point? We can't go through life figuring on everything ending badly allt he time. It leads to bitterness, pain, and a whole lot of lonliness. I ought to know, gave that path a try for a long time." A shrug and she leans back in her seat. "Still, it's nice to see you doing better. i was really worried about you the other night."

"Well, I admit it's been a rough seven or two," Vanya says, stirring her food with her fork, but not eating. "I'm over the worst, and you can only stay in a room for so long before the walls start closing in. So, it was time." She gives a little shrug, then smiles. "Thanks for the other night, by the way. It was nice to have you there. The dreams weren't as bad."

"You know where to find me, Vanya, if you need me. I never mind staying the night, your bed is plenty comfortable and I do enjoy a break from the noise of the dorms." Dara smirks a bit. "I admit I'd love the chance you have, to have my own space for a few turns. There's something disheartening latly about nowing that that cot is where I'll spend the rest of my life, surrounded by other people."

Vanya looks over to Dara and nods. "Well, have you thought about maybe asking to share a weyr or a room with someone? It doesn't have to be a relationship kind of sharing, but maybe just a friend. Mine's really too small for two, but maybe some of your rider friends wouldn't mind. Or ... maybe someone with a larger room in the living cavern." She regards Dara for a long time. "Maybe if things work out for you and R'vain, you can move up with him?"

A tangle of leather riding straps dangling from one hand, R'zel saunters through the living caverns at the side of another 1C wingrider, both angled for the food. Though he keeps his head tilted attentively toward his garrulous companion, who does more than enough talking for the pair, his gaze drifts, green eyes distant with thought. More out of reflex than conscious thought, a few polite nods go to familiar faces, one of them Vanya's, as the young rider passes by.

Essdara shakes her head, "Our relationship isn't like that, and they are pretty careful about who they give rooms to. Crafters, people of influence, the occaisonal married couple, that's about it. Nah, not something I'll have any time soon." She shrugs. "It's the way things are, and it doesn't bother me usually, just a little bit today. In a bit of a mood to be alone, and that's always hard here. Maybe I'll go spend a few hours in the hatching sands, always abandoned when there's no eggs."

Noting a hand waving in her direction, Vanya returns the greeting from R'zel, smiling, then turning back to Dara. "You're free to hang out in my room when I'm not there," she offers. "Most of my days will be spent over with Sinopa, so the room'll be empty. Might as well make use of it," she adds. "Have you met R'zel? He's really a very nice young man. Rider of bronze Pangioth." She nods in R'zel's direction. "If not, I'll introduce you if he comes this way."

It takes R'zel several paces past Vanya and all the others he nods at to really register his reflexive greetings, glancing back over his shoulder again to grin over at Vanya. But his companion of sorts goes on talking, and it isn't until they've both heaped their plates high with the kitchens' bounty that R'zel manages to escape the chatter, making a speedy bee's line for Vanya. "I told him I owe you books," he murmurs at
Vanya as he helps himself to a seat nearby. "Which I do, actually." Speaking no futher on that for now, he offers Essdara an apologetic smile. "Sorry for interrupting your conversation."

Essdara shakes her head, "No, Vanya, I've not." She might say more, but there is the man himself, settling down at their table. Dara gives him a curious look as he does, shhrugging in reply to his apology, "Nah, ntohign to be sorry for. I'm mostly just whining to Vanya here anyway, and debating a nice long walk to get rid of a foul mood. I'm Essdara, one of the cooks here."

"No worries," Vanya replies, grinning as Essdara takes care of the introduction herself. "You look like you were getting your ear bent off," she teases. "What was your friend going on and on about, anyway?" At the books comment, she laughs. "Well, you can drop those books by my room anytime," she says, giving the young rider a wide grin. "I'm afraid the massage lessons will have to wait a while, since I'm not really supposed to be doing anything official. But, since I know Sinopa's really looking forward to getting a massage from you." And she winks, knowing that statement is going to make him blush. "Essdara, by the way, isn't /just/ a cook, she's a /fabulous/ cook."

Now that he has shaken off the talkative fellow rider, R'zel edges off to resettle at another table nearby, intending to leave the two to their conversation. Brows arch at the introductions, and he grins again. "Pleasure to meet you, Essdara--I'm R'zel. Pangioth's. So I've you to thank for the delicious meals everyday?" And then he blushes right on cue. "Will do," he says of the books. As for the massage... "Oh, it's fine, Vanya. Honest. No rush. I'm sure there are plenty of other willing, uh, masseurs in training for Sinopa."

Essdara chuckles softly, and stands. "Well, nice as you seem to be, R'zel, and much as I wuold like to chat... I think I will move along. But stop by tommorow and I'll make sure you've soemthing tasty for breakfast." She looks over to Vanya, "Van, I'll stop by later, bring you some tea and make sure you're ok."

"Aren't you joining us, R'zel?" Vanya asks, a little curious when he moves to another table. "There's plenty of room. Dara and I are just chatting, nothing serious, really. The company's welcome." She actually takes a bite of food this time, too. "Yep, she's one of those responsible for keeping us well fed. You should taste her wherry roast. It literally melts in your mouth."

"Thank you for the generous offer," R'zel tells Essdara, still smiling. "Excellent incentive to stop skipping breakfast." Vanya's question gives him pause, and his gaze flicks from his current table to Vanya's. "Thank you, but it's fine." He nods toward the riding straps, now hanging over one arm. "I need the space to spread these out without worrying I'm going to land them in your food. These most definitely do not melt in your mouth." A faint teasing smirk accompanies his words.

"Ah, I see," Vanya says, nodding, then looking up at Dara. "Take care, Dara. And, remember, I'm not in my room during the day, so you're welcome to just go in there for some alone time." She watches the girl move away, and then sighs. Looking down at her plate, she sets her fork down and picks up her glass to drink. "I wonder what's wrong." It's mused more to herself than to anyone. Then, back to R'zel. "So, what're you doing with the straps?"

R'zel shifts at Vanya's musing words and gazes after Essdara, then at Vanya. "Sorry I interrupted," he says again, this time over an incoming mouthful of food. Chew chew swallow. "Untangling them first, of course." Prodding at the tangle, he wrinkles his nose, but shrugs off the discontent. "Checking them over, mostly. Pan said he felt something weird." Another pause for more food. To his credit, he does swallow before continuing, "I didn't know you knew Sinopa that well."

"You didn't really interrupt anything, though," Vanya says, still looking after Dara. Then she turns back to him. "Well, of course," she says regarding untangling the straps. "Would be difficult to work on them otherwise. And, well, Sinopa and I have gotten to know one another over the past seven or so. She was very kind after I was put on administrative leave, and, of course, we talked quite a bit about E'sere. I've been helping her out as kind of an assistant the past couple of days. Like most normal people, she hates hidework. Me? I'm good at it, so ..." She shrugs. "It works out nicely. I feel useful, and her work gets done in half the time."

"Oh." Which subject that's supposed to answer, R'zel doesn't elaborate, carefully slicing up a large chunk of roast meat. "Like most normal people? That stings--I rather like hidework," he notes with a chuckle. "But I'm glad you two've found a good working arrangement." Hesitating over his food, he pokes at a newly cut slice of roast. Protein-rich diet, like the healer 'prescribed' before. "Hmm, would running or exercising after a meal be bad?"

"A bit, yes," Vanya replies. "You need to give your body time to absorb the food, and heavy exercise after eating can bring about nausea. An hour or so after should be fine, but not immediately." She gives up on what's left of her dinner, concentrating on drinking her juice. "Why do you ask?

"I was going to take my run after this," R'zel explains, giving the slice of roast one last hesitant poke with his fork. "But I've already started eating. So I might as well keep on." A food-muffled mumble follows, sounding suspiciously like, "Nausea's all right, anyway." Washing down the food with a drink of unsweetened tea, he wonders, "Do you read much, for leisure? And are you still interested in the basics of dragonhealing?"

Vanya nods. "Well, I've not read a lot for pleasure, no, but I bought one of those historical novels by an author Miniyal recommended. It's fairly good so far. Easy to see actual historical figures in it, though the names have been altered, of course. And, there are books of poetry in the records room. I thought I'd look them over and see if anything appealed." She tilts her head to one side, now, resting it on her hand. "And, yes, I'd like to learn more of dragon healing. I'm interested in all aspects of healing, to be honest."

"I'll send you a list of the reading that helped me with the basics." Of dragonhealing, presumably. "Just wanted to be sure I wasn't, oh, pushing my own obsession on you." R'zel's happy beaming takes a turn for the thoughtful. "Poetry, huh? I should try reading some sometime." He stares down at his plate for a beat, frowns. "It's not /really/ all about, well, spring and flowers and how pretty some girl's eyes are, right? Anyone you'd recommend?"

"Well, some of it's like that, but not all. Poleron is good. He tends to be very lyrical, but his subjects vary. I like what I've read of his work. But I'm not an expert. You might check with Miniyal down in the records room. She's very knowledgeable." Vanya finishes the last of her drink, setting the glass down. "And, no, you're not pushing anything on me. I like learning, and right now, well, I could use a diversion, something to occupy my evenings. The nights are long and rather lonely, and reading will help fill the time."

Poleron and Miniyal. "I'll look him up," R'zel replies with a nod, sipping at his tea. "And her, too." He studies the rising steam from his cup, then looks over at Vanya again, a faint quirk to his lips. "Well, I'm not really the one to go to for diversions. But if you ever need transport to visit the spires--or even the holds or something--just let me know. I'd like to see more of Pern than I have so far."

"That's very nice of you, R'zel," Vanya says. "I've wanted to visit the star stones since I arrived here, but never have. Perhaps ... well, the weather's getting so cold, I don't know if it would be a good idea now. But, maybe a visit down to Southern Boll. My brother's at the Weaver Hall there, and I haven't seen him in awhile. Maybe we can do that someday." She picks up her plate and glass, putting her dirtied napkin and utensils on the plate. "I think I'm going to turn in. It was along day, though it was a good day. I'm tired but for a good reason," she says, smiling. "Good luck with your straps, and it's been nice talking to you. Clear skies, and my duty to Pangioth." With that, she heads over to dump the dishes, and waves as she passes, heading back to her room.

vanya, r'zel, essdara, rp

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